Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11 11 11

Today Wednesday 11th November 2009 is 11 11 11

A day of such amazing energies - this is the opening of a cosmic portal of LOVE

I had a message from AA Michael for the Meditation Group on Monday 9/11/09
which I would like to share:

It is time to truly RE-MEMBER who you are

The time is upon you to live the TRUTH you came to be

There is a new dawn coming - this 11 11 11 gateway will take all souls on a new part of the journey they call life on this planet.

Be prepared for major changes on this day and the days that follow. Not since the 11 11 in 1987 has there been such a huge explosion in the world of matter.

There will be many more great explosions - explosions of LOVE, for dear ones you are creating the Cosmic Grid of LOVE that will surround and support this Earth for Eons to come. You have ALL chosen to be here at this time to awaken and to RE-MEMBER

You have all been together before. Your endeavours at that time were not always successful, not always completed, but I tell you now - this day - dear ones - this time you will complete your chosen call - because there has never been a time like this - this is the New Earth that you have chosen to create and we your Guardians and your Angels are in awe as we watch you play this game you call life.

You will know so very deeply in your hearts what it is you have chosen to do and in these next few days, months, years, life will appear to you as it never has before and you will KNOW you are recreating HOME on Earth.

It is with this in mind we know that you will LOVE and respect each other, know you are together for a reason. LOVE and support each other as you take these steps of RE-MEMBERING why you chose this time and this space to shine your magnificent light on this Planet you call Earth.

And so it is Dear Ones, know you are always LOVED and supported in all the choices you make.


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