Wednesday, April 7, 2010

REMEMBER SESSIONS - Adelaide/Sydney June 2010

Private Remember Sessions (Remembering your Sacred Contract) why you incarnated at this time. What you came to earth to learn/teach. Hear what "the Group" has to tell you.
Steve Rother will be conducting these in both Adelaide and Sydney during his Seminar visit in June 2010.
If you wish to make a booking please contact me.
$326.00 for 45 minutes

Monday, April 5, 2010


Steve and Barbara Rother of will be visiting Australia in June 2010
They will be conducting Seminars in Adelaide and Sydney.
Full details contact
Love and Hugs to all


Dear Fellow Lightworkers
A reminder that the discount price for the Lightworker Seminar with Steve and Barbara Rother
ends on 15th April, 2010 ($220.00)
After that date the price is $250.00 for the two day seminar
Adelaide June 5th and 6th
Sydney June12th and 13th
Steve will also being conducting Private Remember Sessions for $326.00 for 45 minutes
Are you ready for the next step in your Spiritual Evolution???
See you there
Big Hugs xx