Monday, December 9, 2013

Archangel Michael 9th December, 2013

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                      Leslie-Anne Menzies
9th December 2013                                                                             

Dear Ones,

It is with great Joy I greet you this day. So much is unravelling in your old world, all perfectly aligned to allow the new to unfold magically and magically unfold it shall.

So much is before humanity at this moment in time - a cosmic moment that has taken millennia to unfold. And YOU, Dear Ones are the ones who were chosen to be here to assist all humanity as we take off the wrapping of yet another time of celebration.

I wish to remind you yet again of the role you have chosen to play at this time. For many of you, you are weary and tired from all the expansion you are allowing into your bodies. So much LIGHT is being excepted within your beautiful human vessels. These Light frequencies are responsible for much of how you are feeling - tired, exhausted, lacking in sleep, nervous, twitchy etc etc but the results are truly wonderful. As you allow your human vessels to accept and adapt to these Light Frequencies you are not only changing your personal world but you are being beacons of LIGHT for the rest of the Planet.

It is your Christmas Season on Earth - celebrated in many different ways all over the Planet and in some places not celebrated at all. All is perfect for each and everyone of you.

This season just allow “what is” to be “BE”.  You will find the “LIGHT” you are holding will allow you to not engage in the old dramas of before. You see what is needed on your Planet - more LOVE, more LIGHT, more PEACE AND UNDERSTANDING.

This season truly be the “Peacemakers” within your own families and with your world. That is what the Light is allowing you to do. Hold your LIGHT, stand up for PEACE, be the ONE you came to be at this time and all will be drawn to your LIGHT.

This is a magical time in many ways and you will see in these next weeks and months how much of an impact YOU personally have on those you are in relationship to and that is everyone. Remember, Dear Ones, we are ALL ONE and it is a perfect time to reflect that.

Peace on Earth was your request to all in Heaven and you now have an opportunity to witness what it is you asked for. Ask and it is given, remember that mantra during these coming times. Remember the Creator Gods you are - you are creating the most miraculous time for all on Planet Earth.

Peace be with you all Dear Ones, Peace.

Blessings Dear Ones, I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL             Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                                                    Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                                                    Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                                                                                                    Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                                                                                    Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                                                                                    Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday 2nd December 2013

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                  Leslie-Anne Menzies 2nd December 2013                                    

Dear Ones,

The end of your year is fast approaching and what a year it has been for all of you. This is year ONE of the New Earth, so many changes, so much has shifted in your energy fields. So many physical changes most of which you are unaware. The changes will continue for some time. You are all clearing out so much of the “old you.” When the cleansing, clearing and releasing is done you will hardly recognize the “new you.” You will all be much “Light-er” in so many ways including the physical vehicle that you require during this time you have been on Planet Earth. So many changes.

We in the Angelic Realms are so excited to witness all that is transforming for you and to be there to pick up the pieces when you shed another layer. Sometimes you fight so hard to hang onto to that which no longer serves you.

You do give us reason for celebration when you finally let go and release, rendering yourselves so much more ease and grace, it is a joy to behold.

As this year draws to a close it will be bitter sweet - so much has taken place and although  many of you feel now you will be happy to see the end of 2013 there has been so much growth that you will want to take a moment to reflect back and congratulate yourselves on what has been achieved.

We have mentioned before what you are doing has NEVER been done before and you will marvel at your resilience in future times. You are NOT and NEVER will be again, the person who set foot into 2013.

Well done Earth Angels you are fast becoming the Angels you have aspired to be. By letting go of all the dross and the denseness your ability to fly free is just around the corner.

As always we are nearby to hold your hands as you discover the new adventure that awaits each and every one of you.

Fly free Dear Ones it is with love and gratitude we fly with you.


                                                                            Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                   Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)                            
                                                                                                   Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing.
                                                                                                   Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185