Monday, August 18, 2014
18th August 2014
MONDAY 18th August, 2014 Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne
Dear Ones,
As always it is a Joy to greet you.
With the intense energies now subsiding for a moment, you are
starting to get a glimpse of a future that until now has been blocked by your
fear thoughts. For many are now leaving the fear and trepidation behind and are
at last getting a “feel” for the very New Earth that has always been promised.
Many are feeling within their beautiful beings a new possibility,
new awareness. The Light that is permeating your Earth is grounded into the
Earth through your human vessel - that is why you chose to incarnate at this
time. The work you do to Create Heaven on Earth can only be done in human form.
You have known this all along and now you are fully re-membering. Each time you
run the “Light of Creation” through your Chakra System and then anchor it into
Mother Earth you are Creating more Light, therefore more Love onto the Planet.
As more become aware of this simple but profound Activation the
faster the Earth changes can take place. You each hold more Light/Love with
each Activation and you are now experiencing the results of your efforts. You were the ones who had the ability
to hold the Light at this most auspicious time. A Light that can only be
brought onto Planet Earth through the human element.
It has been stated many time that your brother’s and sister’s in
spirit stood aside for YOU to be here at this time. The TRUTH is you were
holding the Light as you stepped onto the Planet only to “dim it down” when
overridden by the darkness you encountered. That has changed now, the Light is
prevailing and you no longer have to hide in the shadows as you have done for
most of this lifetime.
Dear Ones, you are recognising the Light you hold, you are
supporting each other and bringing forth the Light each of you posess. Continue
to hold out your hands and encourage each other to step into their own Light.
Each of you hold such a unique piece of the unfolding puzzle. You simply would
not be here if that were not true!!!
It is time to allow even more Love/Light Quotient to fill your Planet.
More will be given to you “Ask and You Shall Receive.” It is a wonderful sight
to behold as we witness the Light shining brighter than EVER.
Yes, you are still witnessing much darkness on your Planet but you
now know YOU have the ability to change all that. As each of you invoke your I
AM PRESENCE an alignment takes place filling you with more Light and then,
holding hands with the next Being and the next and so on. NOTHING can stop the
Light from this natural progression into awakening the Consciousness of ALL
humanity and bringing Heaven to Earth.
As always we walk beside you in unision of the Oneness that we truly
Take the hands of the ones who are still stumbling in the dark and
show them the way. They also are searching and you will be amazed how quickly
they will come to you for as you KNOW - WE ARE ALL ONE. They are looking for
the Light/Love and the recognition that they hold deep within their own hearts.
Let the LOVE THAT YOU ARE melt the fear that is holding them back from
recognizing their Divinity. Open your hearts Dear Ones.
Miraculous times ahead Dear Ones. Moving faster than ever to that
time of reunification when the Light will shine for ALL.
Your brother in LIGHT
Angel Therapy Practitioner

Leslie-Anne Menzies
Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
Monday, August 11, 2014
10th August 2014
Dear Ones,
You are transgressing through so many changes at this time. The August full moon has just released more beautiful, magical energies for you to work with. Much of your past is now left behind and you have worked tirelessly to release and let go. Well done Dear Ones.
You are emerging each new day with a clearer perspective of what you wish your future lives to be. A realisation that you are in fact the Creators of your brand new future is now showing up more, every day for you.
The days of begging, pleading, praying to anyone outside of you are numbered. You have awakened your hearts and now turn to your hearts when you wish to create something within your lives. We in the Higher Realms are seeing these changes as the most significant, as you are now claiming your birthright and standing in your own power. You are all turning-in and tuning-in to what has always been available but now through your illumination you know this to be a reality.
We have seen you progress from asking for small items and then moving up to the magic and miracles that are now a part of your daily routine. Your visulization and reflection of that which you wish to create has expanded and you are adding the feelings within your heart, the Love that you are, a mightly combination indeed.
We love your expressions of “Gratitude” which of course enhances your ability to multiply that expression freely and openly when this magic shows up in your life. It is now part of your spiritual growth and maturity that you recognise how important it is to acknowledge your feelings of Gratitude.
You have come of Age Dear Ones, the age of Empowerment and then you have added the Love Element to all that you do and even though we are always here to assist we are now seeing how often you “stand on your own two feet.” As always we are delighted with the results.
So many now gather knowing full well that by blending your energies for a cause you can change the magnetics of a situation. The sheer number of Be-ings gathering all over your world have now made it absolutely impossible for war and violence of any kind to continue. Your numbers grow each day and this is the catalistic time we have waited for. The balance is now well tipped for Peace on Earth. The goodwill that you are extending to each other is a Joy to behold. This is how it was always to be and it is so close now. We see the Love and the Light that you are each calling forth in your interactions and that grows and disseminates over the whole Planet.
Dear Ones, did you ever doubt what magnificent Creators you are? Shine your Love/Light to everyone you meet - as you look into each other’s eyes begin also to feel each other’s hearts - knowing that is what has shifted the dynamic to Peace on Earth.
This is indeed a most extraordinary time to be playing on Planet Earth and yes there are many more changes still to come - but the World now is in capable hands and it is only a matter of time before the evidence of what you seek, finds you.
Play well Dear Ones, Create that which you want your World to be, you can, and will, each and every moment of the day.
Keep your THOUGHTS, WORDS AND DEEDS high for that is what will be reflected back to you.
Golden Days await Dear Earth Angels
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