Monday, September 25, 2017

25th September, 2017            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Once again it is time to take a lesson from Mother Nature, and in particular the TREES.
See yourself as a magnificent Tree, sending your roots down firmly into Mother Earth, feel the stability. Now bring that stability up through your whole body, then out through the
Crown Chakra, aligning with the stability at the centre of the Galactic Core. Stability from above and below. Truly anchored. Again as that Tree, allow yourself the flexibility to bend
and move, with whatever is flowing in and around you. You need to maintain equilibrium right now and grounding is ESSENTIAL. Your whole Be-ing will thank you with this one little exercise.

Nature can teach so much. It is time to fully re-member your connection to ALL of nature
and the sensory clues provided. Talk to the trees, flowers, birds, insects - ALL have a message for you. It is truly time to “take the time” to listen with the senses you have for eons shut down, when you chose to become separate from the ALL.

Now you are re-membering your connection once again to the ‘ALL THAT IS.’


You and the tiniest of insects are ONE. Re-membering this will have a mighty impact on how you proceed from this moment forward.

When you fully embrace your ONENESS - One with ALL - magical shifts of perception will happen within and around you, affecting not only YOU, but the ALL.

Dear Ones, you are beginning to re-member so much of what was, and are now calling it back into your awareness and your moving around space.

Miraculous shifts and changes are happening all over Planet Earth, as you and the Mother make this magnificent transition into the New Mode of Be-ing.

Humanity is waking up and taking personal responsibility for what is happening and no longer relying on main-stream anything to tell them how their life need be.

With this personal responsibility comes great gifts - freedom, wisdom, choice, amongst others. Taking back your sovereignty - re-membering who you are and why you came allows greater opportunity to embrace the life of your dreams.

As Co-Creators you are once again trusting your ability to “Ask” or set your Intention and it shall be received.

So many innate abilities re-surfacing that you had in fact “hidden from yourselves.” Now as your consciousness is re-awakening and you are re-membering, great changes will flow forth onto the Planet.

Re-membering you are ALL ONE is the catalyst for no more wars/fighting. Also the Abundance will flow and be shared by ALL. New or re-membered techniques will allow for magnificent healing to be achieved by all Be-ing’s.


Because of YOU

++PEACE will reign on Earth for ALL

++ABUNDANCE will pour forth for ALL

++PERFECT HEALTH and WELL BEING will be manifested for ALL

Intention is everything Dear Ones - YOU are the Creators of this New Earth.

Hold these intentions, envision the Earth, where these are the greatest possibilities and more.


Dear Ones, you have all strived for this reunification and realignment of the ALL. It is now time to reap the rewards of your efforts.

Hold each other hands and hearts - anchor these affirmation of PEACE, ABUNDANCE, PERFECT HEALTH into the Earth as you do your daily “Tree exercise” and watch as all
Be-ing’s flourish in the abundant, glorious LIGHT that now permeates the Earth.



Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
18th September, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are well aware that Mother Earth and ALL Humanity are currently in a pattern of transition and transformation. You are witnessing extreme weather patterns, hurricanes, earthquakes etc etc. All perfectly aligned to bring the Earth back into balance and to redistribute the “Waters” of the Earth.

Balance is KEY!

You are also witnessing Humanity (Self and Others) as this rebalancing takes place within your own Be-ing. So much anger, rage, fear, resentment all being “released” from your bodies in order to assist in Humanities move into Well-Being. All the old energies are leaving your bodies after lifetimes, this is what is required for you to “lighten-up.” You are moving from the very dense carbon to the new crystalline version of YOU. You cannot take the old with you, and that is a challenge for the human Be-ing.

So Dear Ones, Balance in all things is priority right now.

Become aware of what YOU need on a daily basis, to find this balance within, and then that will reflect out to all who come within your radius.

This is a time of massive change and transformation. Within these next 3 to 4 years, all that is NOW, will be unrecognisable (including YOU.) You are learning to accept the changes more readily and are going more easily with the flow that is required to accommodate such change. 

NOTHING will be the same in the near future and you are being prepared on a day to day basis to adapt and accept all that is unfolding.

A Reminder Dear Ones - you CHOSE eagerly to be here at this time to be the CHANGEMAKERS!!!!

These changes are necessary for the positive outcomes for Mother Earth and ALL her inhabitants. So we remind you once again to focus your Intention and Attention on the LOVE you are, and the LOVE you hold in your hearts for each other. It is only through and because of this LOVE, these changes will come into perfect alignment.

We have spoken of the changes which are leading toward the ABUNDANCE that you are and always have been. The PEACE that you find within your own heart space and then share with others. The WELL-BEING that is being created by you through your willingness to change your thoughts to those of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE for who you truly are.

It all starts with YOU.  YOU loving and accepting yourself alters your DNA and allows for Well-Being within and without as a consequence.

IMAGINE when you have a Planet of Beings who truly LOVE AND HONOUR themselves, and each other, living in PEACE AND HARMONY.

This is why you came Dear Ones.

This is what you came to achieve for YOU, and ALL HUMANITY.


It all starts with YOU, the work you do to allow yourself to be the LOVE you are, and then radiate that out to your fellow Beings.

What can you Create Dear Hearts?

A pristine Canvas awaits you.

The choice is yours.

How do you wish to proceed?

As always you are never alone, accompanying you on this journey are so many Beings of Light, Star Brothers and Sisters, your Loved Ones in Spirit, the list is endless. Other Galaxies are watching in awe all that is unfolding.

Standing beside you, we await your Call.


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Monday, September 11, 2017


Dear Ones,

Hold your faith. Now is a critical time for you to focus on the Triad of Affirmations I gave you. Remembering of course Positive thoughts, emotions and actions CREATE.

Hold the CONSCIOUSNESS of Stability - where there is none.

Let your LIGHT shine brighter than it ever has before, you are so needed to shine right now.

YOU are Powerful - through your thoughts, words and actions you are changing your Earth.

Chaos is reigning around you, BUT you can stay in neutrality, holding the stability for ALL HUMANITY. YOU, are having an impact on all that is transitioning in and around you.

As Beings of Light, you are connected to the Higher Aspect of Self - your I AM PRESENCE, Higher Self, Over Soul, all “parts” of the larger YOU are working with your physical Being, to bring about all that you desire for yourself and your loved ones and all on Planet Earth.

The Earth and YOU ARE ONE. Creators YOU ARE!

Your words are vibration - they travel out and they create - anything stated within the I AM creates - positive or negative. Therefore use your words CONSCIOUSLY - listen to what flows out when you speak - are you adding to, or diminishing your Universe?

I AM present on Planet Earth to bring about - 


Regardless of “what it looks like - out there” KNOW all is happening in perfect alignment with that which ALL HUMANITY has agreed upon.

Your Divine Blueprints are unfolding rapidly now and you are so much more than you ever allowed yourselves to believe.

Everything you need is within you, always has been - ALL the tools, information, peace, wisdom, abundance, perfect well-being - YOU HAVE IT NOW!!!!

Time to once again claim your Sovereignty.

Stand up Dear Ones, look within for all you require - follow no one - BE WHO YOU CAME TO BE. Your uniqueness is unravelling more each day and you are witnessing the growth of Humanity because of all the challenges you are experiencing.

You are so much stronger and more resilient than you have ever been. You are beginning to KNOW YOURSELVES and what is unfolding is a JOY to witness.

As your Earth and YOU transition, so much more awareness of the “AWE” of YOU will be revealed.

We are not as surprised by this unfoldment as you are, because we have always KNOWN - Who you are - the greatest of Angels to EVER walk Planet Earth.

You are on a mission Dear Ones and your time has come.


Hold your heads high - look into your Higher Hearts and see what we see. Everything you have EVER required is available to you when you look within.

Dear Ones, we continue to walk this New Earth with you loving and supporting you every step of the way and we are in awe of what we see unfolding before you - and because of YOU.

Planet Earth is in good hands.

You are the Stewards of the New Earth.

All is well.

And so it is.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Monday Message         Archangel Michael
4th September, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Greetings Dear Ones,

Truly a time of New Beginnings:

The journey to wholeness awaits all. So much more is now back in your control and you can feel that! You are powerful beyond measure, and you are beginning to grasp that concept immensely each day. You are “feeling” more Powerful and Purposeful and you are now ready to step up into yet another level of your Evolution.

Decidedly more support is felt by you as we are radiating greater quotients of Light and Love to you. You then magnetise that into your Being, absorbing it into your cells and then radiating it out to others. A Joy to witness.

The quotient of Love and Light that now permeates your Planet expands exponentially. It is palpable. This radiation will continue until it vibrates within every particle of matter.

Dear Ones, your vibration continues to absorb this Love/Light from Creation and you are indeed “Lightening up” in every sense of the word.

Your old ways, old fears are being absorbed by the Light and transmuted back into LOVE.

You truly are LOVE BEINGS  - shining your Light for all to see and radiate outward.

Dear Ones your radiation of the Vibration of the TRIAD we have spoken of, has been witnessed:


Dear Ones, we have informed you, that what goes out as a “Sound Vibration” is heard and responded to as it creates.

YOU are the Creators of your life, and because of YOU this is being anchored in your life and therefore bringing the changes necessary for your New Earth. The understanding of the LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE are very much apart of your reality.

You are anchoring your Power and Will and will no longer give it away to anyone from this day forward. You are regaining your Sovereignty as a true Being of Light and Love.

Dear Ones, you have always been powerful - you experienced amnesia for a time, but now your memories are returning and the knowledge of who you truly are is once again available to you.

We witness you “glowing” with the Light that you radiate inward and outward. You are learning to use the Light required for your own Being and then sending out the residue to those just awakening.

Remarkable things are happening in and around you as you see the mighty changes that are unfolding on your Planet. Staying out of fear is Key - Stay in the Light - keep shining that Light anywhere darkness still has a hold and watch as it dissipates.

Time to focus your Light and attention on the healing of your own Divine bodies and the New Earth that is unfolding before you. Your Star Sisters and Brothers are working with the Healing Chambers to assist your return to perfect Health and Well-Being. Call on them in your nightly sojourns.

Even though these tumultuous changes are affecting your Planet - the Love that brings together ALL SOULS who are called to shine, has an incredible force that cannot be denied.

Through such times as these what truly matters is the LOVE YOU ARE and the LOVE YOU SHOW - everything else is replaceable - you are witnessing that!

Great Love is being expressed as never before on your Planet. Stand strong in the knowledge that LOVE HAS WON and you as the Masters of the New Earth are about to witness the greatest evolution of all time.

Such are these times:

Celebrating the LOVE YOU ARE.

And so it is.