Monday, October 30, 2017


Dear Ones,

As you witness all the amazing, challenging changes taking place on your Planet -Congratulate yourselves. YOU are the ENERGETIC connections responsible for all that is unfolding.

Through your awareness, as you wake up from the Illusion, you are no longer giving your consent/energy to what has been your programming of old.

Through your awareness and sharing of information, the WORLD is awakening so rapidly now. TRUTHS are pouring out and all that has been “hidden” or “stolen” from you is being returned.

There are so many hidden technologies which will soon become part of your everyday living that will make your lives so much easier. They are being freed up to allow healing, energy and power solutions and your world is about to be flooded with these amazing technologies once again, this will change the Earth in miraculous ways.

Now that you are awakening and no longer blindly handing over your power to anyone - change is happening RAPIDLY.

There was a time you could be controlled and manipulated therefore giving “consent.” You are now withdrawing your “consent/energy” and the POWER is being returned to YOU.

Well done Beings of Light.

The quotient of LIGHT has tipped the scales and shines so brightly now that the darkness has no where to hide.

So many more TRUTHS are about to flow out and we ask you to assist those newly awakening as it is a time for massive change and for those who are still coming out of the Illusion it will be challenging to adjust. Adjust they will, with your loving support and understanding.

Care for each other and hold hands as this is a time like no other.

Dear Ones, time to acknowledge the Oneness of ALL - treat each other with dignity and LOVE as times like these have NEVER been experienced before.

New territory for each of you.

Be the LOVE you came to be.

This is the chosen times, you are the chosen ones - wait no longer.

Dear Hearts,

Choose to move forward into this New Reality. Allow all that is unfolding to flow - do not engage in the old energies of anger/rage/frustration/ resentment etc - these feelings will flow from the newly awakened to be released NEVER to return to the causal body again. Time for freedom, cleansing, clearing, rejuvenating.

This is why some had to lead the way, to have the understanding that you have, so you were available at this time, having done the “work” to assist those just awakening.

There is no turning back now Dear Ones, all TRUTHS will flood out and will be shocking for many.

Much of what is being disclosed now is being “gently” rolled out to soften the impact for those just awakening but much will be quite harsh and you are needed to hold the space of LOVE.

You my Dear Hearts are the key.

Your energy and enthusiasm is helping to change the Earth and All Humanity.

Because of the LOVE YOU ARE - the changes are happening rapidly and progress is being made in so many areas of concern.

Because your energy is behind these changes all good shall be awakened.

Dear Ones, 

Your THOUGHTS, your ACTIONS are now giving CONSENT to


And so it is.

You, Dear Creator Gods are the change you want for your New Earth and that is what you are giving your energy/consent to.

Miraculous times Dear Ones.


Monday, October 23, 2017

23rd October, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Integration of the very new, never experienced before energies are super intense. Your bodies are re-acting in ways not experienced before. All that has been hidden, trapped, filed away, is coming up to be transmuted.

Be kind to yourselves and each other.


It is about completely surrendering and allowing all to surface from within and be released. Then opening and allowing all to flow to you that is of the higher faster vibration that is now permeating the Earth.

These Divine energies are “Light-Coded” and are assisting in the upgrading of the New Human Template - let go, allow, rest, breathe.

Dear Ones, experiences you have never known are flowing through you. This is what the New Human on the New Earth is becoming. Those of you as the 1st Wavers, chose to experience and integrate these Highly charged energies are having a very intense time right now. Your body may be experiencing bouts of vertigo, nausea, lack of sleep, wanting to sleep more, no energy, headaches, heart palpitations etc. etc. All very much required to make this evolutionary transition into the new Light Bodies.

Dear Ones, so much is happening for you and to you. Alignment with these new frequencies is exhausting for your physical bodies BUT totally necessary. You understood ‘GOD NEEDED A BODY’ for this evolutionary transition and you eagerly volunteered.

Now the reality of what is unfolding is truely in your awareness and you are rightly feeling the intensity. It was unknown how this transition would play out and here you are the 1st Wavers experiencing all that is unfolding and flowing with these new frequencies. You are all slowly adjusting, making the necessary changes, knowing resistance is futile.

Dear Ones, lean into where this is taking you. You and your body vehicles are moving to unknown destinies but the results will be astounding and then those following in your wake will have a much easier transition, for you have laid the gridwork for what is to transpire.

Congratulations Dear Hearts, this ‘EXPERIMENT’ has yielded gifts not fully appreciated by you, just yet!

Take extra care of yourselves, sleep when guided - even if that is at inconvenient times. You body Intelligence knows what is required and will sometimes “demand” what is needs to adjust.

Listen intently to what your body is asking of you.

More clean, pure water is required to allow the electrical system to function more easily. Less dense foods, plenty of rest, exercise, whatever your body is whispering to you LISTEN - take notice as it will make the transition flow more easily.

Dear Hearts your TEAMS are with you every step of this incredible process and wish for you to acknowledge them and their assistance so that they can be of even greater service at this moment in time.

Dear Ones, you are now opening to the greatest changes in your personal and planetary history.

All TRUTHS are now surfacing, all that is no longer of a high vibration of LIGHT is coming up to be transformed. You see it in all the “stories” coming out. It is happening for you personally and then the projection of the Collective is being cleansed and cleared. Send your LOVE AND YOUR LIGHT to this darkness so that it can be easily transformed back into the LIGHT AND LOVE of your New Earth.

Dear Ones, everything you have wished for, begged for, prayed for, awaits YOU. The Company of Heaven and all Beings have heard your INTENTIONS for: 


Dear Ones dare to dream once more.

This is why you chose to come into this timeline.

This is WHO YOU ARE - The Christ Consciousness has returned to Planet Earth - there is not one Christed Being it is YOU the COLLECTIVE - THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS INCARNATE- it is YOU.

The Collective CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is ready to flow forth with the LOVE YOU ARE - THE LIGHT YOU ARE.

Everything you have “waited” for is coming forth - BECAUSE OF YOU!!!

Dear Ones, open your hearts to full breath - allow the LOVE YOU ARE to flow and then watch as it all unfolds in Diving Timing just as you agreed.

Dear Christed Beings, it is now Divine Time and you are Divine Beings of LOVE AND LIGHT.

All is in perfection.

And so it is.



SUNDAY 19th November, 2017 10.30am to 4.30pm


We will share a day together - SUNDAY 19th NOVEMBER, 2017 10.30am to 4.30 pm

As we move into the last few weeks of 2017 - changes are moving rapidly -

AAMichael will assist us with tools and strategies to allow our lives to flow more effortlessly  in ease and grace.

+Atlantean Angels will be sharing with us information from the times of Atlantis and how we can transition through our unique changes effectively.

+AAMichael will lead us through Meditations and a live channel

+Information to be shared and experienced together

0408 083 185 $90 for the day 

          (shared lunch)

Monday, October 16, 2017


Dear Ones,

What a bumpy ride you are currently experiencing - the closer you move towards the end of 2017 (the year of endings and new beginnings) the faster closure that needs to happens progresses. Time speeds up exponentially.

GROUNDING is so important - staying on your side of the fence, staying calm and centred whilst all rages around you.

Live as the Beacon of Light on the cliff top, observe as the waves crash beneath you. Keep that Light shining brightly as many more souls are now radiating towards your strength and stability never knowing what it took for you to become that Beacon.

By osmosis all will change.

You have worked diligently to become Conscious Beings once more. The sacrifices and the learning has not been in vein. You can feel within your Being what it has taken for you to stand in this new energy. To hold your ground - to be the LIGHT in an ever evolving New Earth.

Dear Ones, take a breath - breathe - relax. Applaud yourselves for what you have over come to be in this critical moment in time. A time NEVER experienced before. There were no guide lines, nor rules to follow, it has indeed all been just one foot in front of the other. Learning as you go and finding the tools along this untrodden path. This path you have created is indeed lined with GOLD.

Look back at how far you have progressed - much of what you left behind no longer resonates with who you are NOW.

No longing to return to the old YOU - that person no longer exists and is unrecognisable as who you are NOW.

Conscious Beings you are - Conscious Creators you are.

As you grow into your new bodies of Light, and Love, who you were will only be a distant memory.

Your memories are being upgraded daily and you are evolving past anything you could have possible imagined even a few short months ago.

Dear Ones, CHANGE is all you know in this moment - NOTHING is remaining as you knew it to be in the distant past.

In a few short years you will marvel at who you are now, how you got here and more importantly the Miracles that unfolded to take you into your magnificent future.

Dear Ones, call on us, allow us to walk beside you constantly. The future is unravelling rapidly and having our assistance and assurance is pivotal to your well being.

As always we ask for your assistance to focus your Attention and Intention on -


This and so much more awaits you Dear Hearts.


Loved beyond measure


Monday, October 9, 2017


Dear Ones,

Take a deep breath - breathe easy. EVERYTHING is unfolding in PERFECT TIME.

Upheavals like you have never experienced are playing out right in front of your eyes, it is within yourselves, your families, your world. Everywhere you turn there is CHAOS - Chaos Dear Ones equals opportunity for change, and transformation.

At the beginning of this year 2017 we spoke of the New Beginnings and the ending of many old patters - you are certainly witnessing such.

Breathe, Dear Ones you are up for the task.

Through each new experience you are gaining new tools of awareness and the ability to grow with the flow - can you feel the growth Dear Souls?

In this lifetime these experiences have NEVER been felt in such rapid unfoldment.

Many of you feel completely exhausted. Your energies are expended. Breath, Dear Ones, rest when needed. Remember within your heart, your choice to experience this lifetime, knowing all would be dismantled and reconstructed and you were to be the Architects.

KNOWING, having faith and trust that all is in Divine and Perfect time allows you to flow in Ease and Grace - knowing the perfection of CREATION.

Dear Ones, each day is a new beginning for you. Allowing yourself to dust off and move forward to uncharted territory - for that is what each new day now brings. Allow your focus and your strength in preparedness for what unfolds.

Dear Ones, YOU are creating in each new moment - allow your INTENTION to be on creating with LOVE and the LIGHT you bring to this New Earth.

You are creating with the LOVE AND LIGHT that you are - these are your building blocks. Creation in this way can only then bring forth all that we hear you calling out for, in your prayers and desires.

You the Creator Beings, using your Love and Light modalities are striving to bring Eternal Peace to your Planet. LOVE commands ALL Beings be equal with Infinite Abundance flowing forth. This is what YOU are creating. You may only be “seeing reflected in the outer world” the opposite at this moment in time BUT in the very new moments ahead ALL will reign in LOVE AND LIGHT.

The Golden Age you are creating is right out in front of you. You are walking the path, talking the talk, and each step you take LIGHTS up the New Path for all to follow.

Keeping focusing on the LOVE AND LIGHT - it is all there is.

You are loved and supported by countless Beings at this juncture.

Reach out your hands - you will feel us.

Open your hearts - you will know us.

Right beside you Dear Hearts, always have been, only now you know it completely.

Shine your LOVE - be the LIGHT in someones life and that will expand exponentially within and around you.

Sacred times, exciting times, never experienced in full body EVER.

You are Mighty Creator Beings and so loved.

And it is so.


Monday, October 2, 2017


***Yesterday October 1st 2017 my husband Tom and I visited ‘THE SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF YANKALILLA’ south of Adelaide, in South Australia. This was the message I received:

Dearest Children of the Light,

It is I, Mother Mary continuing our connection from this day. I AM the Eternal Mother and I AM so very near to my Earth family at this most auspicious time of human evolution.

I wrap my arms around each of you, my children of LIGHT. As a Mother, I see and feel your anguish. I surround you all in my loving embrace and remind you of your Divine Mission. These times, as tumultuous and disturbing as they appear, were chosen by you for your Soul Graduation. I promised I would always by your side, to nurture, support and LOVE you through this incarnation, just as any Mother choses to do.

Those of you who are Mothers in this lifetime, are called to stand in their Light during this massive transformation. Women of the World are being asked to step forward and accept the mantle being offered to them. It is the Women, currently leading the way, not underestimating for one moment the valuable contribution and support of the Divine Masculine, for it is Balance that is required at this momentous time.

Women are being assigned the task of bringing back into balance the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine and to be the WAY SHOWERS toward anchoring PEACE once more on Planet Earth. Mother’s will no longer watch as their children are called to take up arms in any hostilities, which leads to fighting of any description on your beautiful Planet.

It will be the women, and in particular the Mother’s who will convince all to lay down their arms and negotiate for Peace to reign supreme on this New Earth.

Look around Dear Hearts and see the Divine Love energy that is exploding on your Planet. It is changing the status-quo. PEACE is all that will be permitted in the New Energy - there is no other option!

Recognise that as all humanity awakens, PEACE will be all that is desired. LOVE is the foundation stone for the New Earth and can only be maintained where PEACE flows.

Harmony is becoming the new currency for Planet Earth. I, as the Eternal Mother assist in ways that bring all toward Peace and Harmony - there is no other option - this is why you came at this juncture.

As Women of the World, and the Men who support this edit, join together and allow this New Earth to come into balance and alignment, watch as glory unfolds. As the newly awakened Divine Masculine stand with their Divine Feminine counterparts you will see how fast the changes transpire.

As your Eternal Mother, I call upon all inhabitants of this Blue/Green Orb to step forward and acknowledge that the time for Peace on Earth, and Goodwill to all inhabitants is why you chose this magnificent time.

I lovingly support and nourish your desire to achieve what is required to bring this New Earth to fruition.

There is an abundance of Love, Divine Light and resources available to each of you as you awaken to the calling of your Higher Heart.

Acknowledge the triumphs that have taken place to bring you to this moment. Dear Hearts, we know how much it has taken for each of you to negotiate this lifetime of tremendous pain and suffering, and now the ultimate triumph is in your grasp.

You are MASTERS Dear Hearts, you have earned the right to be called such, for you have triumphed over countless lifetimes to come out of the darkness, abolish separation and move once again towards the LIGHT and the ONENESS you truly ARE.

The amount of LIGHT each of you has contributed to this New Earth is radiantly sparkling and sending the message that darkness will no longer be tolerated on the Earth.

Dear Ones, Love each other, nurture each other, as I do each of you.

It is time now for you to align your energies, prepare to make this next shift towards all you have dreamed of and worked for.

PEACE will reign because that is what is in your Heart and your DNA. Abundance in all things you do Dear Hearts. You each have the ability to alchemically change everything that no longer resinates in anything but LOVE.

I say once again, LOVE EACH OTHER AS I LOVE YOU.

I, your Eternal Mother wipe each tear until the time we walk again together in the most glorious time of Infinite Joy on this magnificent New Earth.

Hold your hand on your Heart - I AM THERE.

Blessed Be Dear Hearts,