Monday, November 27, 2017

27th November, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Are you noticing the lighter energies?
Are you feeling the possibilities?
Do you sense magic in the air?

As this year of 2017 draws to conclusion, your “work” has been apparent. So much has be accomplished on Planet Earth - so many revolutions, revelations and evolutions having taken place.

All Light Beings in the Galaxy are cheering you on as never before. What is happening on your Planet is impacting all of the Galaxy and you are watched with great anticipation. Oneness is returning to your consciousness and you are experiencing what it is to be “connected” once again to the ALL THAT IS.

Your hearts have been enlarged, and you no longer feel the presence of separation from your fellow beings. This is being reflected all over your Blue/Green Globe.

Take a breath - hand on heart - feel at the core of your Be-ing all that I AM stating.

Breathe it in. Bring your conscious awareness to this moment in time, this NOW moment.

All is well in my world, in this NOW moment.

Take another breath - breathe that statement out into the Electro Magnetic Field and feel the resonance of the vibration reflect back to you.

Do this over and over until you “feel” the vibratory field ignite with the TRUTH of this.

Dear Co-Creators remember WHO YOU ARE.

You are Beings of Light and Love on a journey of discovery back to the TRUTH OF WHO YOU ARE - ONE WITH ALL LIFE.

Breathe deeply once more.

Feel this resonance in every cell of your newly igniting Christalline Structure.

Be who you CAME TO BE Dear Hearts. You now feel the TRUTH of YOU and you are able to move forward at last as the current energies are assisting to propel you.

MASTERS you are, each and every one of YOU. I AM YOU, AND YOU ARE ME - ONENESS is truly all there is.

You are no longer caught in the old force fields - you now experience FREEDOM to return to the SOVEREIGNTY you have craved for eons.

Your world now MUST reflect who you are becoming. You are FREE and therefore ALL LIFE MUST BE FREE.

You are Abundant Beings and all life now reflects that Abundance.

You are at Peace - Peace must now reign on your Planet.

The Galactic Beings of Light and Love are assisting you in all ways to return yourselves to your sovereign state.

Much is being given to you on the waves of eternal Love and Healing that allows for ALL to accomplish well-being if you so choose.

You are no longer under the influence of the darkness that has ruled you for eons.

Take up the well earned mantle of Sovereignty, Freedom, Peace, Prosperity and Abundant Health, which are the order of the new day.

You are days from stepping into a new timeline in 2018 - take all that you treasure with you - leave the rest behind.

Breathe into the anticipation and delight of this New Year fast approaching, let go of what no longer serves you.

You may recall at the beginning of 2017 I stated that this year, the weeks would feel like days and the months would feel like weeks - has that been your experience Dear Ones? This shall continue for some time to come.

Allow yourself to be the freedom you wish to be, feel abundant, radiate perfect health and well being.

Dear Ones, it is time and you are the Ones.

So be it.


Monday, November 20, 2017

20th November, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Hearts,

Congratulations on bringing your earthly bodies of attention and awareness to the incredible day we shared yesterday. The activations and invocations ignited through osmosis an effect throughout all Humanity.

You are all now standing up and taking responsibility for your individual role, as well as your collective role in procuring Heaven on your New Earth.

Well done Dear Souls.

So much is now transpiring daily. Momentum is gathering at rapid speed and there is no denying CHANGE IS UPON US.

And this is the CHANGE you are orchestrating on behalf of your fellow Be-ings. Through sharing your cup of Consciousness -

Much was achieved in instigating the MANTRA:



YOU are the LIGHT - and the LIGHT is YOU

Now completely inseparable

What an occasion to be on Earth it now is!!!!!

What is unfolding is unprecedented and all in the Realms of Illumination  watch in AWE and complete JOY at that which is unfolding.


Darkness is now surrendering - they have nothing left in their arsenal 

Dear Ones,

Celebrate with JOY all that Humanity is achieving on a daily basis. No more time to deny CHANGE.

Those still half asleep are stirring majorly. It will be extremely uncomfortable and a challenge for them not to awaken and to begin to KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE KNOWN.

Hold their hands tight, lead them from their slumber. Gently inform them of the GLORY that awaits ALL HUMANITY.

Time to Celebrate

Time to have gratitude for all that is unfolding.


Send FORGIVENESS to those who require it




And so it is

Blessed be Dear Angels of the New Earth.

And so be it


Monday, November 13, 2017


Dear Ones,

You are now on “the other side” of the 11/11 Stargate Energies.

You can feel the momentum of excitement that is building.

You can taste Freedom.

The oppressive energy is leaving the Planet. Much is transpiring - not all being seen or witnessed. So much is happening behind the scenes.

All that is unfolding is moving Humanity towards the ultimate goal of Freedom.

Dear Ones you have dreamed of these times. NOW is the time for ALL Humanity to rise up. YOU are Creator Beings who gave away your power to the dark forces, believing it was for your betterment.

Now it is time to take back the POWER that you ARE - each in your own way.

You can feel the atmosphere around you moving in a completely new direction. Hope is being returned to your vocabulary. You are witnessing the greatest of times and you are the Beings returning the Divine Light to Planet Earth once again.

We applaud you Dear Ones for what it has taken for you to rise up, take back your power and awaken from the nightmare, that you have lived for eons of time.

Never again Dear Hearts - now you begin the journey back to WHOLENESS. The healing has begun and it is massive.

Over these next few years you will witness Healing on a scale unimaginable.

The “gifts” you have always possessed but had “forgotten” are now being reignited in your awareness.

The young souls birthing onto the Planet at this moment in time have returned specifically to assist you. They do not come with the “baggage” you have carried for lifetimes.

They come with their “LIGHT” shining brightly and they cannot and will not - be ignored.

You each have abilities that are to be reinstated and reignited within you. Ageless information and technologies are about to once again “flood” your awareness as the amnesia lifts.

You will be astounded with what floods back into your memories.

Many of you have LOST much of your old memories and we tell you Dear Ones - do not despair - nothing is lost - what has gone is no longer required. Completely new neural pathways are being created and your ability to move forward in a miraculous new direction is just out in front of you.

Much of what no longer serves you, has been eliminated. So many more awarenesses and abilities are being seeded within your new memory banks.

Dear Ones, we remind you that as the darkness is fading rapidly now, everyday there will be new awarenesses and new information unfolding regarding how your Earth had been
captured by the dark forces long ago.

Hold the LIGHT high - stand in your power and reach out to those who will be “shocked and saddened” by what is unfolding. This purge of the darkness is totally necessary so the old can make way for the Divine New Earth that is being birthed.

Remember you came for this “moment in time” and Dear Ones that is, all it is.

These times will unfold rapidly and in NO time you will forget about what has played out because you will ALL be celebrating the Birth of the New Earth and the New YOU.

So much excitement is shared in the Higher Realms as we watch in awe what is unfolding.

We remind you, You are the Greatest of Angels to EVER walk Planet Earth and in the very near future you will remember this TRUTH.

All TRUTHS must now step forward - there will be no more hiding in the shadows - All Secrets must be revealed and the slate wiped clean, for the birth of all you have ever dreamed, to become your new reality.


Hold this Mantra in your Intention.

You are manifesting it with every thought you have and every breathe you take.

You are Creators Dear Ones, and your creations are unfolding in rapid succession.

YOUR I AM PRESENCE is enfolding you and supporting you in ways you will soon begin to understand and appreciate.

All TRUTHS shall be revealed unto you.

Just imagine Dear Hearts, when the TRUTH of who YOU ARE is returned to you! Oh, Dear Ones, we long for this time when you once again, after eons of time in the wilderness YOU see the TRUTH of your DIVINITY and embrace the true LIGHT YOU ARE.

Such significant times await YOU and your fellow Beings - those you term “bad” and those you term “good” were all just playing a part.




Now is the time to acknowledge this and with humility know there was a time when it was YOU who played the role of the “bad ones” in your sojourns. How would you wish to be acknowledged?

Offer your hand in forgiveness and bring ALL Beings back to the Glory of the LIGHT.

The return to ONENESS is upon you. It was always your goal and it will be ACHIEVED because of YOU.

We rejoice with you Dear Hearts

And it is so.


REMINDER***** a day with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - this Sunday 19th November,

Port Noarlunga     10.30 am to 4.30pm with a shared lunch

Monday, November 6, 2017

6th November, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Buckle-up those seat belts - tight. The ride is getting very bumpy. Nothing you are not already prepared for. Not so, many others. Every day more and more darkness will be revealed. 

These are the times you came for. You always KNEW what you signed up for - but you had forgotten when the veil was placed upon you. The time has now arrived. You have ALL the skills required to ride the waves like a professional.

Breathe deeply Dear Ones. No fear required here - you have trained for this adventure. You are fully prepared, fully capable of holding your “LIGHT” as the darkness is purged once and for all.

There is true excitement in the air. Your Sacred Soul knows it is time for you to shine, and shine you will.

Those who are still “asleep in the amnesia” will be rocked to their core. This is what it will take to awaken the last of the sleeping ones. You, My Beloveds are being asked to shine your Light ever so brightly now so you can become the Beacons in the darkness for those who will require it.

You have waited lifetimes for this New Earth to birth - the labour pains are well and truly progressing, contractions are quickening - birth is imminent.

Nothing can stop what is about to unfold.

YOU have requested all that is taking place. YOU are readying as the mid-wives to prepare for this New Life on your New Earth.

As the darkness unravels, many will be shocked and saddened as to what has been perpetrated on humanity and your planet.

May we remind you Dear Ones - all by agreement - this is what it takes for humanity to leave the “experiment” and return once again to ONENESS and WHOLENESS.

Hold each other tight, allow the anger to rise, and then let it go, knowing all is being released NEVER to return. EVER!!!!

You time on the old Earth is over. Only LIGHT will survive all the purging.

LIGHT will once again permeate the New Earth.

What is about to unfold for many will be just too much to believe and there will be chaos in the minds of the unawakened. This is where YOU step up into all you came to BE.

Love and true acceptance of your fellow beings is what is required now. Leave all judgement behind. Now is the time for Compassion and understanding as the old game is completed and your new life begins.

YOU will consciously create your future - something which has been unavailable until this time. Conscious Communities will be the norm. No more dishonest, greedy governments - all will be dissolved and return to the true ethos of :


When your consciousness if fully returned there will be no more greed, or better than. YOU will work together in Love and Light making decisions with an open mind and open heart. 

Because money will no longer hold power, decisions will be made with greater awareness for the benefit of ALL.

Dear Ones, we remind you of the continuing mantra and new archetypes for the New Earth:


This is how your New Earth is created. Focus your intention on this mantra as YOU are creating with every thought, your New Earth.

Envision this New Earth - see all humanity living in Abundance, Peace and Well Being. That is what YOU are creating out of the chaos you are now witnessing, as it completes its cycle.

Keep the vision Dear Ones, hold hands with us as we all move into this new way of Creating this New Earth.

Smile, Dear Ones, let your radiance shine forth, you are indeed Consciously creating your New Life.

And so it is.


Pt. NOARLUNGA  SA - details and bookings: