Monday, September 29, 2014

29th Ssptember, 2014


Dear Ones,

It is always a delight to communicate with you this way. You the Lightkeepers and Wayshowers are working diligently to shine your Light against such a back-drop of darkness and despair. However, that is how you knew it would be and yet you pushed yourselves forward to take up your positions to anchor the Light at a time when humanity requires that Light to oversome all that, is not of it.

Such incredible, resilient Souls you are and your work does not go unnoticed. Even though at times you feel only a small group of you are attempting to make a difference. We tell you Dear Ones the Light is Victorious, the balance has tipped.

Dear Ones, have you ever stopped to think about your location? Your Anchor on the Planet. You connect with Like/Light minded Be-ings all over Planet Earth.  Picture your Planet, think of your connections and you will indeed see each of you are “placed” strategically. Have you noticed how many of you have recently “moved.” What about friends and family “shifting” locations? All in Divine and perfect order. All required to make up the matrix of the Light. All is by agreement, all is by free-will. You have chosen this time to awaken to your original Divinity and your Light is shining brighter than ever and the intensity of that Light is ever increasing.

We see your colour, your codes, that reflected Light shining back and each of you is recognized and exalted for the colour you bring to your world. With the advent of your technology that allows you to connect face to face in seconds from your “anchor point” to another Be-ing on the other side of the globe, just as this channel did today connecting with a beautiful soul for healing and attunements. We delight in these interactions, allowing us to also be present with you. Such magic and miracles occur Dear Ones when you reach out to each other this way. We in the realms of Illuminated Truth delight in your re-connections for we tell you Dear Ones you have been together before - it is a reunification of family - a JOY to behold. You have an agreement in this lifetime to come together in Love, in the I AM THAT I AM Presence to combine your energy, your love, your support, your upliftment of each other’s Souls to allow you to hold the “Intention” you brought forth into this lifetime.

‘PEACE ON EARTH’ a return to the Golden Age a promise of no more separation only ONENESS. And here you are, each going about your days as if nothing too special is happening. Dear Ones we cannot tell you enough just how special this time is, how incredible your Soul’s journey has been, but more importantly the work you have undertaken is miniscule compared to what is before you.

Keep your focus, keep your Intention uppermost in your Divine Hearts, be that Light, that Love, that all on Earth are searching for at this time.

There is nothing more noble than to be your True Self, the Love that you are and shining so bright that no soul can miss your outreach.

Blessings, Love and Light my fellow Light Be-ings.


Monday, September 22, 2014

22nd September, 2014

MONDAY MEDITATION                                                             22nd September, 2014
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                                             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Can you not feel the “new energies” sweeping Planet Earth this day of 22nd September, 2014. Magic is in the Air. New beginnings surrounding you all. From this day forward you will notice many changes - personally and - globally. Within and around you. Times are certainly changing - so much will become clearer for you.

From now Relationships in all areas of your life will take on new meaning. Those of you who have struggled with certain relationships will find now is the time to close the book on what no longer works for you or serves your Higher Purpose. Many will also find new beginnings in old relationships. All relationships will be revalued. Those not for your highest intent will leave your field. Remember Dear Ones to thank all that has occurred in your life, for it has made you who you are. Give thanks, no right or wrong, it just is. Lessons are coming to completion, so much will end but so much more will now have the opportunity and freedom to come into your field. You will be amazed at how quickly these changes will take place and because of the vibratory changes the old paradigm of “loss” will not be felt as it once was. You now accept that change is inevitable and it is time to leave behind that part - it is over and it is done. Release with love and thanks and watch how quickly all parties move through this.

Today marks a new era for humanity. You will witness great endings and miraculous new beginnings just appear to slide into place as if in perfect alignment. Indeed, Dear Ones all is in perfect alignment. Old traumas will disappear and in its place will be a willingness to embrace the ALL THAT IS and move forward in ease and grace. The transitions will be smoother than ever before. It is as if you “KNOW” all will be well. You will feel it in your Be-ing and at first you may be mystified at how quickly you made the adjustments but as times goes forward it will become the norm.

You as the magnificent Beings of Light that you are - are getting a glimpse of the magical possibilities that lay before each of you.

You ability to instantly manifest using positive words, thoughts and actions which create positive outcomes is becoming so readily available and you are beginning to notice this.

So much more lies before you as you gradually peel back the Veil of Amnesia and once again recognize who you truly are. You are remembering your magnificent selves, the true Light Beings who chose this time and this space to be on Planet Earth at this exact moment in time. You truly are the ones you have been waiting for, and the waiting is over Dear Ones.

Stand tall on this Earth, grounded within Gaia holding the Light that you are. Offer your PEACE  to those who cannot yet find their own light. Stand like the Beacon you are, allow others to be drawn to you so you can then offer the Light/Love that you are. Then shall we see the PEACE  that has been promised, flourish on this Earth. It just takes one Light at a time to shine and spread that Light to another and another and soon the whole Planet will be raised up into the Higher Consciousness that shall prevail.

It is up to each of you to be that Light, that Peace.

Begin today Dear Ones, this day of new beginnings, make a commitment to yourselves, your fellow Be-ings and watch how quickly you can change this Planet into a Planet of Peace.

It is with great honour we hold your hands as you shine your Light.

And so it is.


                                                                                   Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                            Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                         Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                                                                         Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                                                         Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                                                         Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185

Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday 1st September, 2014

MONDAY MEDITATION                                                    1st SEPTEMBER 2014 
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                                     Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

For you in the Southern Hemisphere it is the 1st day of Spring. No matter where on this spinning Planet you reside it is a time of new beginnings.  A time of leaving behind the old. The new begins today. Therefore, release what no longer serves you. Start a fresh. A new pallet. What seeds do you wish to plant in this New Earth? What do you wish to be, to do, to bring to fruition during this time of Abundance?

The New Earth awaits your input. What do you see in your imagination that you wish to bring into reality? It is really that simple. Focus your ATTENTION and INTENTION and watch as the buds blossom.

Many times we have spoken of your Co-Creative ability and this time is perfect for you to manifest into physicality that which you have been dreaming. The time is NOW. Let go of any thoughts, fears, ideas that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams. Get out of your head and into the Wisdom of your Heart. Focus on your Heart Chakra - the Higher Heart and allow the seeds of your dreams to be planted and nurtured there. Look into your Heart, hold your hand on your Heart and feel the growth of your dreams sprouting beneath your hand. Send love to your dreams and aspirations. Repeat this process many times until you nurture your dream into fruition.

Dear Ones, these are indeed magical times on your Planet and as you regain your Power and belief in YOU as a Creator Being - all possibilities become realities. Dream big, Dear Ones.

Remember all those fears that you have held within your bodies for Eons are being released, that is why you are witnessing chaos as all this old energy comes up to the light for transmutation. Let it all go. NEVER to return again. Your world is becoming what you wish to see out-pictured. The collective on Earth wish to see PEACE . . . and PEACE shall come to Planet Earth. This is the dream we in the Angelic Realms see reflected in your Hearts.

Your Hearts are the key to all you wish to bring forth. The amount of LOVE/LIGHT that is now beaming forth onto Planet Earth is being brought in through your Sacred Hearts and then grounded into the Planet through the Earth Star Chakra (below your feet). What a beautiful sight to behold Dear Ones. Practise this each day will allow for even more Creator Light to come into the Earth.

The Light that is emanating from Planet Earth is gaining greater strength each day because of your actions.

You are doing what you came to do. Dear Ones, the Light is reflecting back to you. What an incredible journey this is.

I remind you of the assistance you have from the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Kingdom, the Elementals, your guides - all realms are supporting you at this time. What a Joy it is to assist the Greatest Beings who have chosen to incarnate at this most auspicious time. Your support team walks with you each step of the way . . .but YOU are the ones doing what is necessary and we are in awe and appreciation of what we witness.

Blessings Dear Earth Angels as you continue to hold the Light.


                                                                Angel Therapy Practitioner
                                                                        Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                        Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                        Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                       Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                       Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185