Monday, September 29, 2014

29th Ssptember, 2014


Dear Ones,

It is always a delight to communicate with you this way. You the Lightkeepers and Wayshowers are working diligently to shine your Light against such a back-drop of darkness and despair. However, that is how you knew it would be and yet you pushed yourselves forward to take up your positions to anchor the Light at a time when humanity requires that Light to oversome all that, is not of it.

Such incredible, resilient Souls you are and your work does not go unnoticed. Even though at times you feel only a small group of you are attempting to make a difference. We tell you Dear Ones the Light is Victorious, the balance has tipped.

Dear Ones, have you ever stopped to think about your location? Your Anchor on the Planet. You connect with Like/Light minded Be-ings all over Planet Earth.  Picture your Planet, think of your connections and you will indeed see each of you are “placed” strategically. Have you noticed how many of you have recently “moved.” What about friends and family “shifting” locations? All in Divine and perfect order. All required to make up the matrix of the Light. All is by agreement, all is by free-will. You have chosen this time to awaken to your original Divinity and your Light is shining brighter than ever and the intensity of that Light is ever increasing.

We see your colour, your codes, that reflected Light shining back and each of you is recognized and exalted for the colour you bring to your world. With the advent of your technology that allows you to connect face to face in seconds from your “anchor point” to another Be-ing on the other side of the globe, just as this channel did today connecting with a beautiful soul for healing and attunements. We delight in these interactions, allowing us to also be present with you. Such magic and miracles occur Dear Ones when you reach out to each other this way. We in the realms of Illuminated Truth delight in your re-connections for we tell you Dear Ones you have been together before - it is a reunification of family - a JOY to behold. You have an agreement in this lifetime to come together in Love, in the I AM THAT I AM Presence to combine your energy, your love, your support, your upliftment of each other’s Souls to allow you to hold the “Intention” you brought forth into this lifetime.

‘PEACE ON EARTH’ a return to the Golden Age a promise of no more separation only ONENESS. And here you are, each going about your days as if nothing too special is happening. Dear Ones we cannot tell you enough just how special this time is, how incredible your Soul’s journey has been, but more importantly the work you have undertaken is miniscule compared to what is before you.

Keep your focus, keep your Intention uppermost in your Divine Hearts, be that Light, that Love, that all on Earth are searching for at this time.

There is nothing more noble than to be your True Self, the Love that you are and shining so bright that no soul can miss your outreach.

Blessings, Love and Light my fellow Light Be-ings.


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