Monday 23rd February, 2015
Dear Ones,
We wish to speak to you today of FREEDOM. You came to Planet Earth at this moment in time for just this experience. FREEDOM is yours now - the shackles have been released. Yet for many of you this is not yet your reality - you have lived with restriction for eons of time and now many are finding it difficult to believe the opposite is true.
Believe Dear Ones, you are FREE. More evidence will appear each day as you continue to grow in the knowledge and belief of what we say is true.
It has been such a hard fought battle. Many are reluctant to put down their weapons and their vulnerabilities and allow all that is rightfully their’s to come forth in the perfection of time.
Allow, Dear Ones, give up the resistance - allow all that is rightfully yours to flow through to you with Ease.
Breathe deeply, allow and watch how what you truly desire flows into your lives. We have spoken many times of your Co-Creative abilities and it is now time to call forth all your attributes and latent talents. The seeds for your new lives are just germinating, take time to tend to YOU, just as you would a new garden. Water is a vital element in this process also.
FREEDOM will become more evident as you grow through these next weeks and months as you watch the alignments unfold on your Planet.
Can we remind you of all the events that have led to your FREEDOM which are now unravelling before your eyes are not random - you came at this time to be of assistance in ALL that is unfolding on your Planet. None of that which is happening could have happened without your Agreement and Commitment. You Dear Ones have set yourselves FREE. You have wiped the sleep of the Ages from your eyes and have not allowed the degradation and restriction of you and your Ancestors to continue. This is the time you agreed to take back your FREEDOM, POWER and SOVEREIGNTY and never again will you allow it to be any other way.
Your battles are over Dear Ones - the LOVE and the LIGHT that each of you now radiates grows in magnitude each day. It is because of YOU - FEEDOM now exists on the Planet of Free Will.
It has been a mighty task each of you have performed and we the Angelics and Beings of Light have marveled at what you have accomplished. We of course have assisted you greatly BUT we could not do what you have done - it needed to be done in HUMAN form.
We rejoice with you Dear Beings as this is what we have always wanted for you. This is your time to Shine your Light even brighter and watch as another, then another, see YOU, which gives them permission to allow their Light to shine also.
It is with great Love we play with you all in this new found FREEDOM on Planet Earth. It is a new game and a new day.
IN-JOY, Dear Ones,