Monday, March 21, 2016

21st March 2016

Monday Meditation 21st March 2016     Archangel Michael   Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

We commend you for Be-ing the Light in these most auspicious of times. You then ground that Light into your magical Planet - as agreed eons ago.

This unique time in your Evolutionary cycle was always going to be challenging but we are in total admiration of the way you meet each new energetic flow and then ground that into Mother Earth. You and the Earth are ONE, working together on this ascension process.

You truly are amazing Be-ings of Light. There was a time when we in the Realms of Illuminated Light were uncertain that you could achieve what you have but the magnificent Be-ings that you are always rose to each new challenge and blitzed it each and every time. We are in awe of what you continue to achieve on a daily basis. The Love and support you receive from all in the Illuminated Realms is offered with such gratitude for what has been accomplished.

The Light Quotient each of you bring forth grows exponentially and the Illumination of Planet Earth is a joy to behold. You are focusing your Love and Light into the darkest of areas with astonishing results. The Creators that you are, are now recognising your accomplishments and you now realise the impact you are having on situations when you come together as ONE.

 As you set your intentions to change what needs to be changed, you then witness physical evidence of what can be accomplished when you believe in yourselves as Creator Be-ings. You are now witnessing wonderful changes all over your Planet - so many each day it is hard to remember when these changes occurred as they happen so rapidly.

All is moving so fast now - it is as if your foot is on the accelerator and it is full throttle - no stopping.

The excitement of what you are achieving and witnessing is exhilarating. You feel the momentum and it is exciting to you as you recognise this is why you came at this time. Your prophecy is being fulfilled daily and you love the adrenalin rush you feel as you move through each day.

The days certainly are all rolling into each other as the element of the old 3rd dimensional version disappears and you now exist in this new fluidity of time.

What wonderful adventures are before you as you truly “own” your Be-ingness and your rightful place in this game you play on Planet Earth.

The game and the rules change moment to moment as you each take responsibility for your piece of the unfolding puzzle.

The time is now Dear Ones to stand in your freedom and liberty as “Sovereign Be-ings” of Planet Earth.

Take your place in the grand game Dear Ones as the pages of your new history are being written.

You are indeed the Ones you have been waiting for and you are the Ones who will be spoken of as the greatest of Angels to ever walk the Earth even when you didn’t believe it was YOU.

Now you know for sure as you begin to realise we were always with you, holding your hands, side by side, heart to heart - you feel us now - Let’s continue this grand journey at this Golden Time.

And so it is.


Monday, March 7, 2016


Monday Meditation, 7th March 2016       Archangel Michael         Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

These March 2016 energies though so far milder than February are about to amp up once again. So much activity in March with Eclipses, Equinox etc. etc.


March 2016 will be one of those times you speak of in the future. You will oscillate between endings and beginnings, so numerous you will feel the lines blurred. Such an exciting time to be evolving on Planet Earth. You knew this time was coming and you are beginning to remember the excitement you had when you decided to be here at this time, for just this occasion.

As always we ask you to keep the LOVE shining in all situations. Many have now reached an awareness of no matter what happens, or how “good/bad” you label a situation you ‘KNOW” within your heart that ALL is unfolding in Divine timing and Divine ways.

So let go of the old 3rd dimensional labels - good/bad, right/wrong etc and ALLOW it to just Be what it is - no judgement - just ALLOW.

When you step out of the old 3rd dimensional judgement and reflect the Love/Light onto a situation unfolding in your space, you begin to see the “Soul Growth” you are attaining - no longer having to be “right” in any given situation. The release of that energy alone, (righteousness) brings with it a freedom and allows you to breathe deeper into yourself. The healing that takes place is enormous for your Soul Self.

Stand tall Dear Ones and feel how much lighter/brighter your energy feels when you release yourself from judgement. Just breathe into that energy and feel the release. Know that you are truly embodying 5th dimensional reality when you can accomplish this.

Feel the LOVE in your heart, extend that to whomever you are in dis-agreement with and notice the immediate release your body acknowledges. When you take care of your own energy field - you are choosing your own thoughts and emotions just as you choose the clothes you wear each day. You will then be in command of your feelings and not at the whim of uncontrolled fear and emotions - that was the “old” you.

You are now becoming the Stewards of the New Earth and as such this new way of relating is how it will be for all inhabiting the New Earth.

We commend each of you as we witness what it has taken for each of you to “work” through years and lifetimes of old programming and beliefs. Now it is time to move forward into these incredible energies of this month and beyond. Feel as if you are swept on a wave of Love and excitement for the future you have dreamed is becoming reality.

Congratulations Dear Ones, we are delighted to share this time with the phenomenal Be-ings you are. Such wonderful times ahead for each of you as you CHOOSE how this next part of your life on Planet Earth evolves. We have said many times, you are the Creators of your Life and that has never been truer than this NOW MOMENT IN TIME.

What do you choose to create Dear Earth Angels?

Open your beautiful Higher Hearts and allow the Love to flow to you and your fellow Beings and watch the magic pour forth.

And so it is

We are in Awe, Dear Ones,
