Archangel Michael Sunday June 10th, 2012
Dear Ones,
Are you ready? The Game is about to intensify - the rules are about to change. All you have ever wanted lies before you. However, there are still bridges to cross, some with raging waters. I ask you again. Are you ready?
The Storms will be raging all around you and YES you are ready! You the Lightworker’s of this planet have prepared for this time. You have become frustrated in recent weeks that things were not progressing “fast enough.” That is all about to change - that was the Calm before the Storm.
You each have a job to do - and your participation will become evident with each step that unfolds. You ARE ready. Ready to hold the door open for those who are just putting their feet into the water.
Fear will be evident all over your Planet as the changes step-up to an all time high vibration. You need to and will stand tall as the waters rage around you.
You will be “awed” by your resilience. You will witness things around you that once would have sent you into fear, panic, denial and you will stand tall with the faith that all is unfolding in perfect order.
Even though you won’t know yourselves how all this will transpire you will have the utmost faith and belief in yourself and each other that this is your chosen time to shine your Light even brighter than ever before.
A new strength and a new resolution of being awaits you as you step up to the plate to assist your fellow beings on this journey.
Miracles will abound on your Planet and you will be the warriors who stood tall and welcomed all the changes with such a steadfast faith as if you have always known “All will be well.”
Remain calm and centered, breathe in the breath of New Life onto the Planet and remember Dear Ones each new step you take you are creating your new reality.
I ask you to hold in your minds “eye” the vision of a very New Planet, with wonderous miracles abounding. Peace on Earth, Abundance and Freedom for all her beings.
Can you picture that in your minds eye? Only when you can hold that vision on the inside can it be out-pictured into the reality for all.
Lightworker’s this is the time you came for. Remember many stood aside for you to be here - honour the trust and faith they held for you to step forward.
These are indeed miraculous times unfolding on your planet. Help transmute the fear of those still held in the 3rd Dimensional vibration - with your breath and intention it can be transmuted.
Call on The Violet Flame of Transmutation, the I AM Presence and all who have stepped forward to assist you during this time of massive change on your Planet.
All Beings of Light, The Ascended Masters are present with you to bring forth this transformation.
We hold you with the greatest of Love in this the most momentous time on Planet Earth.
Work well together dear Lightworker’s, this is your time to shine. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you.
You are loved beyond measure.
I AM Archangel Michael
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