Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday Meditation 29th October, 2012        AAMichael            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

You are riding the waves of change more magnificently that you give yourselves cedit for. If you could only see it from our vantage point you would all be celebrating and rejoicing in your many accomplishments.

You have changed so many of the timelines and instigated changes not even we were aware could happen and here you are - surprising those who believe in you completely.

There is a crest in the waves approaching, one you have been preparing for, for eons and you are about to take a huge leap forward in your consciousness - the reason you are here is to raise the consciousness/vibration of Planet Earth.

It is so close, what you are feeling is the “build up” the preparation it takes for you as a collective to be at the right time and place and joined in your human evolution groups ready and willing to ride the “big-one.”

You are ALL facilitating the changes and you are ALL responsible for what you bring forward into this new awareness YOU are creating.

We love and assist you at all times. Remember Dear Ones - you are the Creators, you are the Ones making the changes with your collective thoughts and dreams for the World you wish to inhabit in these times of Evolutionary Magic. We remind you again, keep your thoughts, clean, clear and focused on what it is you wish to vision for this New Earth.

What a time it is you have agreed to be here to meet these challenges - you were excited and elated when you first dreamed this dream and we ask you to remember what part you chose to play.

Take time and ask in your dreams, your daydreams, meditations to pose just that question.
Remind me of my role? Glimpses of it will form and you will have ahah moments allowing you to move forward in complete knowing of what you wish to accomplish.

TRUST your guidance and intuition, it is leading you to a place of magic and wonderment.

All is as it is meant to be, remind yourself of that TRUTH the next time something happens and you revert to your old fears and doubts. Remember who you are - you are the greatest of Beings who agreed to bring this plan to fruition.

Look in the mirror Dear Ones, see through the illusion, see through the Dimensions to your God Core and then you will see what we see - Magnificent Beings creating a Miraculous New Earth.

When you truly know YOU, how this Earth will thrive just as you planned.

Join hands and hearts Dear Ones, the time for you to KNOW yourselves in your true Divinity is upon you.

Accept this TRUTH, move forward on your journey with your bellow beings and see what wonderment lies before you.

As always we walk each step with you and you are so loved.

I AM Archangel Michael 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday 22nd October, 2012

Monday Meditation 22nd October, 2012         AA Michael          Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are noticing how important it is to take extra care of your physical bodies during the changes that are taking place. All of your bodies, emotional, physical, spiritual and etheric are assimilating.

You do well to rest more whenever you feel the need. Grounding is so very important, as the Mother shifts and changes, so do you. Ground often and you will feel the benefits.

Many of you are feeling particularly unstable in so many areas of your life and I remind you Dear Ones this is how it will be for sometime yet. So much is changing. The Angelic Realms are working with you and through the Company of Heaven much dispensation is coming into your awareness. Many Angelics, including the Angels of Transformation are working in your energy fields/auras to help you assimilate what is taking place.

Call on these beings when you feel overwhelmed, which so many of you are experiencing at these times of massive movement forward.

So much is leaving you and your bodies but so much more is being given to you. You are beginning to RE-MEMBER the great beings you came to be.

When others present “their stuff” (arguments, disagreements, anger, hurts etc) . . . please just bless them and let them go. It is not yours to own - allow it to pass over you and do not grab a hold of it hence adding it to your field.

We ask you to show great compassion during these most challenging times. Stand tall in who you are and do not allow anything but wonderful thoughts to penetrate your field. With practice you will begin to acknowledge it is not about you and let the reactions of others  pass you by. The feelings of greater alignment of your energy will re-stablize much faster. These new skills will become so very important to you and as you become masterful teach others.

Become the Observer next time you experience another persons anger surface - stand in your field do not “go to theirs” and see what a difference it makes to you. Turn the other cheek will become a wonderful lesson in these coming days. Not only will you feel better in yourself but you will become an example to others  of how to play this new game of non-reaction.

We watch in great awe as you finalise this “old game” and how excited you are becoming about the new energies that are now sweeping your Planet.

It is becoming more frequent you get to see glimpses of the Perfection you will be living in these very near times.

We have always been by your side and you are feeling our connection more readily now. The solitude many of you have experience during this lifetime is leaving - you are changing from the inside out - so much of your past is leaving your field - so many outmoded ways of living, being and doing - you are on the new road and the view ahead is magnificent.

We enjoy walking this road together with you. These days are just a taste of what is before you and we will continue to walk together on this New Earth.

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings,

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday 15th Oct. 2012 AA Michael

MONDAY MEDITATION      15th Oct 2012     AA Michael             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here I AM once more reminding you of the amazing beings that you are. Your progression through this year of great change and challenge has happened at the speed of knots.

You are remembering to breath and claim your Mastery more often, but not always. You will begin to claim more of the new you as you progress through these next exhilarating few weeks. When you look back on this past year, can you see the many changes you have made? More importantly can you “feel” the changes? Much has been occuring in your Emotional/Mental bodies and we have made reference to this on previous occasions. You are beginning to now have a different association with emotion. Many of you are experiencing the taking on of more responsibility, especially for how you feel or react to what is happening in the noisy, confusion of the 3rd Dimenion. 

Can you now sense when you look at what is happening “out there” that you now make a choice as to whether you wish to “play” in the noise or not. For many of you the choise is “NO.” You are still very much a part of this world but can remain detached from the turmoil that so many are still focusing on.

You are activiting more discernment and observation. You are now chosing how you wish to play the game. Because you are so much more conscious, you make more informed choices and choose outcomes that are more pleasant for your emotional well-being. For many of you the heart/chakra - higher heart is opening more and more with the Love that is being radiated from Creation.This is very exciting for those of us who are overseeing the ending of the old ways.

We say;  “Well Done Dear Ones.”

There are multiple choices you can make and as you learn what feels good or better for your energy, more will be making the choice to leave behind the noise and confusion of the 3rd Dimensional world and step more consciously into the 5th Dimension.

Many souls still playing the “old game” are watching you - they see your life proressing in a positive manner, albeit not necessarily perfect but much calmer, quieter and more peaceful. They sense the calmness in your voice, how you move through your day and it is becoming very attractive.

By placing your attention on the 5th Dimension and using the high Vibrational Words that appear in your vocabulary more is finding its way into your space.

You the Lightworker’s and Wayshower’s are being asked again to take another leap forward. You are needed so much during these closing days of 2012. Much is still shifting and changing in these next few weeks and you have been aligning your energy to lift the vibration of the Planet.

This is the time you have waited for and yes there have been many delays this year, however the time has come to move yourself forward as this spectacular year of 2012 nears completion.

So much has been achieved, so much more will happen in these next few weeks.  2012 has been a major transition year and as we move into 2013 and onwards much more transition will occur.

Your Light is needed more than ever - do you have the staminar and committment to take this transition to it’s grandest heights?

I have said many times you will look back over these times and see the momentous steps that have been taken and you will know you were there when the call went out and you answered.

Here I AM you said.

It is with great love and appreciation I walk beside you at this time.

I AM Archangel Michael 

MONDAY MEDITATION      15th Oct 2012     AA Michael             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here I AM once more reminding you of the amazing beings that you are. Your progression through this year of great change and challenge has happened at the speed of knots.

You are remembering to breath and claim your Mastery more often, but not always. You will begin to claim more of the new you as you progress through these next exhilarating few weeks. When you look back on this past year, can you see the many changes you have made? More importantly can you “feel” the changes? Much has been occuring in your Emotional/Mental bodies and we have made reference to this on previous occasions. You are beginning to now have a different association with emotion. Many of you are experiencing the taking on of more responsibility, especially for how you feel or react to what is happening in the noisy, confusion of the 3rd Dimenion. 

Can you now sense when you look at what is happening “out there” that you now make a choice as to whether you wish to “play” in the noise or not. For many of you the choise is “NO.” You are still very much a part of this world but can remain detached from the turmoil that so many are still focusing on.

You are activiting more discernment and observation. You are now chosing how you wish to play the game. Because you are so much more conscious, you make more informed choices and choose outcomes that are more pleasant for your emotional well-being. For many of you the heart/chakra - higher heart is opening more and more with the Love that is being radiated from Creation.This is very exciting for those of us who are overseeing the ending of the old ways.

We say;  “Well Done Dear Ones.”

There are multiple choices you can make and as you learn what feels good or better for your energy, more will be making the choice to leave behind the noise and confusion of the 3rd Dimensional world and step more consciously into the 5th Dimension.

Many souls still playing the “old game” are watching you - they see your life proressing in a positive manner, albeit not necessarily perfect but much calmer, quieter and more peaceful. They sense the calmness in your voice, how you move through your day and it is becoming very attractive.

By placing your attention on the 5th Dimension and using the high Vibrational Words that appear in your vocabulary more is finding its way into your space.

You the Lightworker’s and Wayshower’s are being asked again to take another leap forward. You are needed so much during these closing days of 2012. Much is still shifting and changing in these next few weeks and you have been aligning your energy to lift the vibration of the Planet.

This is the time you have waited for and yes there have been many delays this year, however the time has come to move yourself forward as this spectacular year of 2012 nears completion.

So much has been achieved, so much more will happen in these next few weeks.  2012 has been a major transition year and as we move into 2013 and onwards much more transition will occur.

Your Light is needed more than ever - do you have the staminar and committment to take this transition to it’s grandest heights?

I have said many times you will look back over these times and see the momentous steps that have been taken and you will know you were there when the call went out and you answered.

Here I AM you said.

It is with great love and appreciation I walk beside you at this time.

I AM Archangel Michael 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Archangel Michael 8th October 2012

Monday Meditation 8th October 2012              AA Michael - Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

These times are increasing in activity and bringing you all to a new awareness. For many the stress on your human bodies is intolerable. I tell you Dear Ones, relax, breath into the changes. Do not be so hard on yourselves. This process can be so much easier for you all if you will stay in Present Time and just Allow.

So many of you are living in the future or the past - both places do not exist. I have shared with you many times the NOW is all you have. When you finally embrace this concept you will find your daily routine so much easier to live through.

The Breath is so important, you will become much more in tune with nature and yourselves when you completely understand this simple principle. Just breath - even saying it to yourself reduces your bodies reaction to outside stimuli. “Just Breath” do you not feel the difference - all comes into a clearer NOW focus and all is well in your body and your world. If you remember to say this to yourself and others during times of struggle what an enormous difference you will feel - it will become for you a mantra in these excellerated times.

Relax, Breath, Love, Enjoy this is what is required at this time for your planetary evolution. So much in your reality is shifting and changing. You are unsure of your future - you have no idea what is to happen with your finances, your careers, your way of be-ing so I remind you once again Dear Ones, just Breath knowing all will be well.

You are living in a time when you will breath into your reality that which you choose. That is how important the breath is to you. This is how amazing you are as co-creators with Creation.

What you can hold in your mind as a concept - how you want to manifest into your reality becomes available through creation and through the breath. Hold the vision in your minds eye/pineal gland and then breath that image into the picturing of the perfection of your breath.

You are the most amazing creative beings who have ever walked this Planet and it is NOW you are beginning to see proof of the Power of your Creation.

Start small, ask to experience the incredible gifts you have, picture it, then outpicture it into your reality and you will become witness to what shows up in your life.

TRUST yourselves to be the Creators you are. Have fun with your creations, watch as you change your life on a daily basis. You have in the past relied on, prayed to the Creator of all that is - believing you were seperate - now understand you are ONE WITH Creation and watch as you bring into your reality your hearts desires.

You have Free Will with Creation to manifest all you desire - the tools of creation are available to you to be used for the Highest Good of ALL. 

Play with these tools in INTEGRITY and TRUTH and witness your creations taking shape.

So many more tools are becoming available to you - the Heaven you have prayed for will and is manifesting fully on your Earth and as each of you take greater responsibility for the role you asked to play more will become available to you.

You told the Creator “I AM here, I have come to be all that I can be.” The Creator wishes for you to be the most magnificent expression of your I AM PRESENCE and then reflect that out for all to see.

You are doing this - all in Creation are pleased.

And so it is.

I AM Archangel Michael