Monday, February 24, 2014

Archangel Michael 24th Feb. 2014

Monday Meditation 24th February, 2014     Archangel Michael - Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

The Earth beneath your feet is changing, you feel it more and more each day. Mother Earth (Gaia) is shifting and changing daily - you feel it in your bodies, as that which you call Ascension Symptoms. Mostly you feel it in your hearts - your beautiful hearts are changing, do you not feel it? You have a new sense of “knowing” it is heart-felt. The newness you are feeling within your Sacred Hearts will release unto you information and awareness that has been hidden from you for eons. It has been hidden in the most sacred of spaces until you were once again ready to know the TRUTH of who you truly are.

You are maturing Dear Angels and the time has come for you to know yourselves more fully. The fullness of your souls is being brought into your awareness each day. You feel the Spiritual Confidence of what is before you. Much clearing and changing has taken place in the many layers that make up your energetic fields. Yes, many diffculties have had to surface for you to clear, before you could experience this unique time.

It has not been an easy time for most of you, depending how much awareness you have been willing to look at and then release, you are brave Souls.

Releasing has been a huge part of this journey Dear Ones. Most of you have felt the releasing on an almost daily basis. Is there more to do? Yes. This releasing will go on for some time. Each of you does what you can in the amount that is sustainable to your particularly energy field. Your bodies have felt the stress and tension which has appeared as anger, resentment, unforgiveness etc. All these feeling have been stored in your bodies for many lifetimes and now it is time to let go to allow more of the Light Body to come forward.

You are your Light Body perfecting itself. You have felt the changes, many of you have tried  to hold on desperately to what you were, and what you had, but we tell you Dear ones - TRUST.

TRUST that all you need, and all you are, will be revealled in the fulness of time and we tell you - you will be amazed and astonished at your transformation. We have made reference in the past to the Caterpiller becoming the Butterfly but this analogy is the closest we can give you for what is happening to you.

It is always our delight and intention to assist you at each phase of this transformation. We see you struggle as you try to evolve from your old skin, the writhing and squirming is quite beautiful to watch. And just like the butterfly emerging we cannot do it for you. But we wish for you  to understand when you fully emerge from the Chrysalis we will be the ones cheering you on as we watch you fly, testing those beautiful wings and experiencing all the colours that you are.

Your unique signature is about to be released on Planet Earth - it is a signature like no other and you will soar to heights never yet seen.

Wondorous times ahead Dear Souls - it is our greatest pleasure and delight as we assist you on this journey of Transformation and Emergence. It has taken eons of time but here you are Dear Ones ready to soar on this New Earth as the Greatest of Angels that have ever been.

Welcome home Dear Ones, Welcome HOME.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Monday 17th Feb 2014

MONDAY 17TH FEB. 2014                

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                                        Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are feeling the exhaustion of the recent energies which are taking a toll on your beautiful bodies. However, as I have suggested REST is the key. Whenever you have the opportunity to stop and allow yourselves to replenish your energies do so.  If it is not possible to sleep, take the time and take in a number of deep cleansing breaths to restore your energy fields. Your bodies are working “overtime” to adjust to the “Light” that is permeating Earth at this time. Depending on the amount of “Light” you are bringing in, your bodies are feeling the relative effects. Please hear me when I tell you, take care of yourselves, these are times like no other. Your bodies are “stressing” when you push through as if nothing significant is happening. May I remind you these are extrordinary times and you need to realise it is time to truly honour your physical vessels.

May I also remind you that these energies are laying a foundation for you all to accept and acknowledge your own unique responsibilities. You are feeling these changes and in the past you felt it appropriate to “blame” someone/something for how you were reacting. Dear Ones I tell you it is now time to take complete Responsibility for your piece in what is unfolding on Planet Earth. It is a time to honour your own personal Responsibility for all that transpires within your own life. Take full responsibility for your own Energy Field and how you are creating what is occuring within that field. As you accept and appreciate your part in what is happening you let go of the blame you once held. It is time for all humanity to “Mature” that is the ultimate responsibility.

The next time you feel the need to “blame” an outer situation for what is happening please stop, take a breath, then ask yourself - “how AM I contributing to this situation - listen and the answer will appear - it may surprise you at first but as you become more adept at this exercise you will realise how you as a co-creator (of everything) can make the necessary changes in your personal world and the world at large.

Many break thoughts will come into your awareness, the many changes will inspire you and cause you to take action in all aspects of your life.

Many on Earth are currently experiencing “money issues” and may I remind you money is an energy. You block the “flow” when you believe it is up to “someone else” to provide the money you require in this lifetime. Let Go Dear Ones of the thought it is someone else responsibility to give or provide you with what you require.
You are a co-creator of everything in your life - open up your hearts and minds to believe that YOU ARE what allows the flow. Become the Flow of money, abundance whatever you wish to see more of show up in your life, be it better health, well being, money, love etc become that which you want to see more of.

Dear Ones, I challenge you - be more Love, give more Love and see what happens in your day. With money, give money away, share the wealth, assist others to bring more into their lives and watch as more is attracted to you. You are everything you need in this lifetime and when you recognize that and take full responsibility more is given to you. Universal Laws Dear Ones.

As you give more Love the world around you responds. It takes one person to make a change and watch what happens.

Responsibility is key from this day forward. Please take the time to practice the excercise I suggested earlier. Stop, allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, move out of the old habit of blaming someone else when things don’t go your way. This is true responsibility, this is MASTERY and after all Dear Ones that is what you came to Earth to be in this lifetime. MASTERS

As always I AM by your side during this magnificent shift of consciousness - you are being conscious Creators/Masters and a Master always takes responsibility for his/her actions.

Blessings Dear Masters


                                                                                            Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                                                          Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                                                  Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                                                                                                  Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                                                                                  Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                                                                                  Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185
                                                                                                                                                                  Skype: angelstoinspire1111

Monday, February 10, 2014

10th Feb. 2014

MONDAY 10th February, 2014          Archangel Michael Message    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Your “LIGHT” is shining brighter than it ever has. Your “LIGHT” is showing the way for all that are to follow. So much more “LIGHT” is coming into your physical bodies, which are changing rapidly. Ah, and yes, you feel those changes. You are feeling the impact of that “LIGHT” as it charges and realigns each and every cell in your beautiful bodies. Much has changed, many changes still to come.

I remind you Dear Ones to rest when needed, as these changes require you to take time out and just “BE”, allowing all that is transpiring on the inside to happen in peace and calm.

Also I remind you that with the changes to your electrical systems, the upgrades, the re-wiring, it is required that you take in more water to assist the regeneration process. Pure water is what is needed and you will feel the benefits when you increase your consumption of this life giving force.

Ah, and the expansion in your heart/higher heart are you feeling this? Have you noticed the flutters, the palpations? All confirmation of the expansion within your heart as it brings in more of the rarified LIGHT as you experience “The Love that You Are.” These are just a few of the many changes taking place within your physical vessels - much more to come as this evolution continues.

We in the Realms of Illumination are watching this Evolution with great excitement and admiration for what you are becoming. Each Soul on the Planet of Free Will is excelling in their enedeavours to bring about the necessary changes that are taking place. We stand in awe as we watch this transformation. Any assistance we can provide, we wish for you to call on us to offer our expertise in any matter that is of concern to you on this most ardous of journeys.

It is with Great Love we stand by your side as Co-Creators of this greatest Creative Process ever imagined. You are the Ones who agreed to be here at this time, you understood what was involved, what you didn’t understand was it would be achieved in such densness, not even imaginable in the higher realms. Nothing could have prepared you for this experience. That is why we call you the “Great Ones” because we know what it takes for you to go through this metamorphise and you are doing such a magnificent job, especially when you don’t “Remember who you are.” That memory is slowly returning and you gain glimpses of Self and then you return to your denseness at the first sign of a hurdle! The hurdles are becoming further apart, the size of the hurdles is altering and before you know you will see more Light, more Love, coming onto Planet Earth and Dear Ones you will remember YOU. Well done Dear Souls, Well done.

Much Joy and Celebration is ahead for each of you. Much Love is your rightful companion. We stand with you always, right beside you taking each and every step with you.

And so it is.

Blessings on this most incredible journey Dear Ones.