Monday Meditation 16th June 2014
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne
Dear Ones,
Release your
burdens to us. We hold you all in the Love and the Light that you truly are.
Now is the time for you to embrace the TRUTH of your Divinity.
No more time for
playing small, for the old belief systems have gone. You are the Creator of
each new day with how you wish that day to unfold. Do not go back into your old
points of reference. We have told you many times, this is the New Earth, the
new times and therefore it is time to wipe the slate clean.
Any situation
that arises for you - see it as a new palate with “infinite” new ways to make
life work for you. This is how it was always intended. Take out a new sheet of blank
paper and write down new ways that you can approach the situation - allow your
intuition to play - be creative in your thinking and watch what unfolds on the
sheet before you.
You are Creator
Beings therefore create how you wish this scenario to unfold. Make it a game of
“what if.” The possibilities are endless now for the old ways, old restrictions
have been released. You are FREE, although you have not fully embraced that
I tell you Dear
Ones the shackles are off. Shake your hands and feel that freedom. Open your
mind to the new freedom and then look inside your heart to the TRUTH of these
freedoms. Within the Heart - all TRUTHS are known and are now being fully
awakened within you.
Answers to so
called “problems” are there for you to bring forth into these new creative
energies that are now surrounding you and Planet Earth.
So many of the
Freedoms you have dreamed of are coming into your reality. However, you have
lived in the dark for so long you have forgotten where the Light switch is. I
tell you once again it is in your heart.
Take a moment, or
several moments, to sit . . . hand on your heart . . . and ask that inner
guidance that has awaited this very time. “How can I change this situation,
this belief?” As new Light is shone on to the all - all will change. Your
creative endeavors grow each new day as your belief in yourself it grows and
You are the
Creators of your Life - take up that mantle now and see what it is you can
change first. Work diligently towards creating the life of your dreams knowing
that the guidance you seek is seeking you.
You are
remembering more every day Dear Earth Angels. The veil has been lifted. Rejoice
in this fact and be FREE,
You are the
Masters of the Universe who have gathered together at this exact moment in time
to bring these TRUTHS back to humanity. Here you stand in all your Glory, your
Light shining the brightest it has ever been and we look into your eyes and
your hearts . . . and we see that Light and the Beauty within, radiating out
for all to see.
You are
attracting many towards you as the darkness leaves the Planet. Be that Beacon
of Light for those who are still stumbling and finding their way.
Dear Masters, it
is with great Love we walk this path with you. It is the Path that leads HOME
and you are the guiding lights for all to follow. Shine Brightly Dear Ones.
Therapy Practitioner

ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Counsellor, Group Meditation
08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
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