Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday 13th October, 2014              ARCHANGEL MICHAEL              Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

As always it is a delight to connect with you this day. It is always a pleasure to offer the reassurance so many are searching for during this Evolutionary Shift of Consciousness.

You have moved forward on the Evolutionary Spiral, although still many of you feel as if you are on a “treadmill.” What I ask you to do is STOP completely, look around, acknowledge how far you have come. Acknowledge how different you feel. All indications of the shift you are making but if you do not come to a complete standstill - the treadmill will continue to carry you.

Your lives have been hurried and hectic of late with everything “speeding up.” It is not until you take the time to slow down, relax, and review your lives can you see how much has changed.  Let go of all that is no longer required by you. Only you know what is needed for you to move forward. The time has come to say goodbye to your old way of being, relating. Relationships in this new energy are being up-graded and renewed. Many will say goodbye to those who have been on the treadmill beside them. More fulfilling, aligned relationships are presenting themselves which will be more cohesive with the new You.

During these next months there will be many farewells but remember Dear Ones the Love that has been shared between you doesn’t cease to exist - it transmutes. So many new opportunities will be offered to each of you. Know that you will always find yourself aligned with what is of your Highest Good.

LOVE is the Key to your future. As you become more aligned with your true Self, the ‘I AM’ of you - you will grow in stature, in belief of who you have come to be at this time. As you grow into more of your I AM Presence, you will begin to see the Love that you are. Open your heart to yourself first and the rest will unfold in perfect timing. Know Love from your Highest Being and then radiate that out.

PEACE comes to all, through this one act of loving YOU - it is contagious and grows. It is time Dear One for you to grow that Love, your Divine I AM PRESENCE and as you do so others will feel the freedom to follow.

I have said the time of Magic and Miracles will abound on your Planet - it is time to STOP, take notice of what is unfolding and as you acknowledge these miraculous times more miracles shall be given unto you.

We await your decision to STOP, breathe deeply, recognise Who you Are, Remember why you chose to be here at this exact moment. To say the Planets and Stars are aligning is an understatement. This is the Time you chose, you knew as a Collective you could achieve Peace and Abundance for all.

Congratulations Dear Ones, you are the Light, you are the Love, you are the ones who chose to bring the New Earth into being. Victory is yours.

As always we walk with you every step of the way in awe of what you are creating.
I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                          
                                                                                                       Angel Therapy Practioner                                                  
                                                                                                         Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                              Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book), Angel Intuitive, Reiki,                                                                                                                Theata Healing, Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                              Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185  E:                                                                                                                                        

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