10TH AUGUST, 2015
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
You are riding the waves of energy magnificently - even for those
who do not recognise this phenomenon, it was felt - in many different ways. The
Light Quotient that came from the Galactic Sun on 8.8.8. was monumental in your
progression. Much changed within you, within your DNA structure and within
every cell of your beautiful bodies. You are in preparation Dear Ones, which is
now moving more rapidly than ever.
The urgency you once felt,
is subsiding and the knowingness prevails.
More than ever before “going with the flow” will become your new way
of Be-ing. You will feel more relaxed, more at “ease” more accepting, that all
is indeed flowing as promised.
You knew “knowingness” allows you this feeling of freedom and
relaxing of the tension you have felt up until this time.
You can breathe deeper, with more conviction, there is a new spring
in your step.
Nothing can stop you now Dear Ones as the Evolution of Consciousness
on Planet Earth gains even greater momentum. Your fellow Be-ings who until
recently did not understand what had “happened” to you, why you had “changed”
are now beginning to see a glimpse of what it is you see. They will be asking
questions of you and looking for guidance as their old world now falls away
daily, just as yours did.
Can you now see why you had to step on the path ahead of many? You can now be the one they look to for
You were the first wavers, and you chose this role - no better than others - just a role you
asked to play eons ago, to be of service and assistance when the New Earth was
destined to move forward.
You have a knowingness now of what is the TRUTH - you are seeing
through the lies that have been perpetuated and you will no longer give any of
your precious energy to what no longer resonates within your heart.
Trust your magnificent Hearts Dear Ones it is your internal guidance
system and will lead you where you need to go. Place your hand on your heart
and the Infinite Intelligence that is YOU will know the answers.
As always Dear Ones it is our delight to watch how fast these
changes are unravelling and to see the JOY as you reclaim who you are and
acknowledge the “I AM THAT I AM” that you are.
All Be-ings are affected by these massive waves of energy flowing to
your Planet, so we ask that you hold each others hands as you walk this path
This is a time that you volunteered to engineer on your New Earth
and from our perspective it is a Miraculous time. Dear Ones, you have gone
beyond anything that could ever have been imagined, that is how powerfully
creative you are.
Keep moving in the direction of your dreams Dear Ones, for that is
what is unfolding one step at a time.
Did I say Delighted Dear Ones, for we truly are?
Well done Dear Ones, Well Done.
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