Monday Meditation 3rd August, 2015 Archangel Michael
Dear Ones,
Welcome to the incredible energies of August. Such exhilarating times. Time as you know it, is moving rapidly. Your days role into each other without the memory of what happened when or how, showing you how unimportant time really is. What is important, is how you are “feeling.” What are you noticing in and around you? You are the most important Be-ing in these changes and the evolution of human kind.
You - Your I AM PRESENCE is where your focus lies at this time. Healing you, transforming you, forgiving you. These are the aspects required for your energy focus as you withdraw from the noise and the chaos that is swirling around your Planet. Allow what is happening out there, to just “be,” as you focus your attention on the one and only thing you can change right now, YOU.
REMEMBER Dear Ones, when YOU change EVERYTHING you digest this TRUTH, spend time alone, beginning to know yourself in the fullness that entails. Oh yes, we have heard all the excuses - no time etc. etc. BUT Dear Ones, take time in your mediations, quiet time, those hours you lay awake at night - perfect for seeking answers within. The old lower ego trap will try to pull you in but you are awakening to its seduction and you are learning ever so gently at first to say NO - I need to do this for me. Your body elementals are assisting you - allowing you to “feel” the pull to greater awareness and connection to your inner world. You know the TRUTH lies within you. Be no longer afraid of finding your answers, finding the true beauty of all that you have come to be in this lifetime, knowing it is just a breath away when you sit quietly ask “what is it I need to know?”
Breathe deeply allow what is required to flow into your awareness, allow your beautiful body to reveal the true essence of all that you are.
There is time Dear Ones, and that time is now. A whole new world of information, of beingness awaits each of you as you “take the time” required.
You will be amazed at what information flows into your awareness, the thoughts, ideas, solutions you never imagined possible.
All awaits you Dear Ones as the element of time is taken for your highest good instead of the old way of “no time.” Your lower ego is losing the control it once had on you - albeit it was there to assist you in your old world but you, Dear Ones have entered a new time/space/dimension and you are now the MASTERS OF YOURSELF. Allow the beauty and magic of the Be-ing you came to be to step forward.
It is time to shine like never before.
Breathe deeply, allow the magic of YOU to flow into your New Earth Dear Ones and then watch how change unfolds more effortlessly and rapidly. You will be making a massive difference to the world and all you had to do was focus on YOU.
We watch in awe -
And so it is
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