Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Message 16th January, 2017
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Hearts,

Welcome to the New Year/New Beginning 2017. Time is flying already and you will continue to move through this year rapidly - even faster than last year.

So much needs to be accomplished in this time frame, so we caution you, hold on to your hats, seats upright, prepare yourselves for the journey that will be 2017.

For many this year has already commenced on the fast track - the leisurely days of past holiday times are no longer defined as they once were. Days roll into each other and because your short-term memory is affected by the solar flares emitted by the Sun, you are unsure what day it is? What time it is? Did you do that thing, see that person, go to that place - 2 days ago, a week ago or was it just yesterday????

Sound all too familiar?

Accept for the time Dear Ones, this is how it shall be as you continue to ride these super energies. 



You are all learning to “stay in this NOW vibration.” It is the only way to proceed and the only way to process what is happening to you, and around you.

And by the way - if you can laugh at yourself for how you are processing all this - that would be excellent.

Laughter is such a great way to change your energy - but you knew that!

Dear Ones, Divine Timing is what everything is about - RELAX, call on us, give up the earthly need to CONTROL. You try to control everything and everyone - much to our amusement!!

Have you noticed when you run out of ways of taking control of a situation/person and you just “surrender”, “let-go”, “let God” it all falls into place naturally. The outcome being greater than you could have ever devised!!!

Dear Ones, we hold you, we have got you in all your trials and tribulations - you are NEVER alone - how many ways can we remind you of that?

This year is the year you surrender totally, let go naturally and let God positively.

All is well Dear Ones.

Relax, In-Joy. Allow and watch how this year manifest into all you dream it to be.

Magic and Miracles are unfolding rapidly - watch, acknowledge, believe and trust.

I assure you - we/you have got this.

Breathe that awareness in, allow it to soak into every cell of your beautiful body vehicles as you float in this awe inspired time.

Dear Ones, during this year of 2017 continue to open your heart/higher hear chakra even further as you learn to relax, allow and trust all is in Divine Perfection (even if it doesn’t reflect that image in all humanity). 

Notice all the Magic and the Miracles in the events unfolding before your eyes. UPLIFT each other - it is a magical time of re-connection and re-unification on Planet Earth. So much will appear on your pathway this year. Through the Magic that you are, you will be attracting back into your lives many with whom you have lost connection. Through various ways it will not matter one iota of what happened in the past - this will be about creating the new future.

The Light of Creation that permeates your bodies on a daily basis is cleansing and clearing out from you all that is not longer needed on the New Earth. Your past as you knew it no longer exists - it is gone.

Time to become the You, you came to be in this lifetime with new purpose and be-ingness.

Time for you to SHINE YOUR TRUE COLOURS of LIGHT not only for yourself and your own well being but for everyone who comes in to your radius. They will feel the LOVE THAT YOU ARE flowing towards them. Hearts will melt in your presence Dear Ones.

All will be forgiven and forgotten. NEVER to be remembered again.

Love, Light and Angels on your path Dear Hearts.

And it is so.


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