Monday Message Archangel Michael
30th January, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones
There has been a massive shift in the energies in the last 24 hours. Keep holding your Light High, it is so needed at this time. As the old systems continue to crumble, as they must, it is incumbent on you to extend your Love/Light out to ALL HUMANITY.
Times like no other we remind you Dear Ones. These are the times you CHOSE to experience. For many, learning that you chose this time/this experience has at best been challenging but you are now learning to accept that commitment and learning to advance with the knowledge of that reality.
The shifts and changes seem relentless and that is because of the need of the hour to push forward and allow all that needs to transform and regenerate to come into being.
Dear Ones, you can feel the changes within your also. So much is happening to your Divine Body Vehicles as you take on more of the Divine Crystalline energy that is the New You. What is unfolding within you is miraculous - never been done before moving from the denseness of the carbon body to the new Crystalline structure. Miracles are unfolding within your everyday awareness and yet for many, it is as if nothing is happening!
More Souls who chose, will awaken now and for some it will be instantaneous. These Souls will require your love and support as they process what has happened in a very short space of your Earth time.
Be the Love you came to be - Be the Light you know you are.
The unfolding of the New Earth is on a rapid trajectory and as mentioned, this year will unfold in ways you cannot yet envision.
2017 was always going to be “unique.” All that was set in motion in 2012 was aimed at this year to allow many more Souls to awaken, and a little extra time to step on board.
The train is moving faster now and it is expected this year of massive transformation will delight and challenge you all in one breath.
Breathe deeply Dear Ones, remembering you “chose” these experiences for your Soul Growth. You are the Masters Planet Earth called out for. No one but YOU could have done what you are doing. You walk hand in hand with us each and every day. We honour you for what you are providing to your own growth and that of the Collective.
A time like no other for sure.
And the best is truly yet to come.
Your integration of these energetic shifts is what is allowing Mother Earth and you to make this marvellous transformation.
New You, New Earth in this new year of new beginnings - all is in perfect alignment Dear Ones.
So much to be excited about. As you unravel this year of Abundance in all areas of your life. Joy and yes Peace - you will know Peace Dear Ones - remembering of course it all starts with YOU.
Divine Beings it is our delight as always to take this ride alongside of you - loving and supporting you all ways.
Hand on Hearts, the ride is just beginning to speed up.
And so it is.
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