Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
17th July, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Truly a time to rejoice on this Earth!

You are flowing with ALL that is unravelling on these shifting timelines.

Riding the waves like Masters.

Many still remain unsure as to what is unravelling, but KNOW within your hearts that all is transpiring in Divine Timing. TRUST has taken time to acquire, but steadily through each day, as you awaken more, you just KNOW you have chosen this most auspicious of times to be present on Planet Earth.

Chaos may reign all around, yet you feel “centred” in the storm - just as a LIGHTHOUSE stands in all weather - so do you. The winds of change can blow you of course from time to time, but you always return to firm ground and each time you do, you are rooted more firmly in your knowing.

The winds of change will continue to blow, sometimes even “Gail Force” but YOU have weathered so much in the past few years that your feet remain firmly planted on Mother Earth as you work together to bring this much needed New Earth into fruition.

Notice how much has changed for you personally, and how much the old world, governments and monetary systems no longer resemble any stability. ALL is and WILL change in a very short space of time.

Dear Ones, relax, stand your ground - the old guard are losing more ground everyday and collapsing very fast indeed now.

The future reality for your Earth will not allow anything that is not vibrating toward the LOVE THAT YOU ARE, THE PEACE THAT YOU ARE, AND THE ABUNDANCE THAT YOU ARE. 

All that doesn’t match that vibration will fall away and will not survive in to the future reality.

Momentous times are ahead for all humanity who chose LOVE over fear, PEACE over war, and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL over lack and limitation.

This New Earth Dear Ones awaits your choice and your loving embrace. Leave all that no longer serves you behind. Begin today, picture this New Earth, Abundant in ALL ways, living, loving energy flowing forth - all Beings living in PEACE, HARMONY AND LOVE.

This Divine New Earth Blueprint is the very reason you came to the Planet this lifetime. You KNEW this was what would transpire. You KNEW YOU would be the Architects to build the structures and You KNEW YOU could achieve all that was agreed for this time.
You are the Co-Creators of CREATION.

Here you are Dear Hearts, stepping into your true Mastery. And now the change is being orchestrated by the young ones, supported completely by those who came before them.

The New Earth babies, as they grow will easily walk us to this grand new Earth in JOY, LOVE and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL. They will not tolerate anything less.

What an incredible time to experience all that is unfolding - very rapidly now.

Your eyes will swell with tears of absolute JOY.
Your hearts will beat with LOVE DIVINE.
Your hands will be outstretched to hold each other as you move forward in the Grandest timeline of ALL.

Did we say Golden Times Dear Ones.

For it is so.


Each with an individual message from ARCHANGEL MICHAEL

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