Monday, July 3, 2017


Dear Ones,

Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty - JOY awaits your every thought.

Souls are awakening from the dream and beginning to recognise the past and all its lessons, were just that .... some even allow a smile to come to their face .... there is a KNOWING - new and exciting times are upon us.

Hold the INTENTION of JOY in each moment and watch what unfolds before you.

As Beings of Light and Co-Creators of ALL THAT IS transpiring, you each hold the ability to bring forth into your lives that which you hold in your hearts and awareness.

As the many intense energetic shifts continue throughout this month of July 2017 massive changes will be witnessed by all. Not only global change, but personal change as everything you desire begins to line up in your reality.

Dear Ones this has been and will continue to be an arduous journey but one you are well equipped for. Looking back over these past years and months you would indeed see the strength and growth YOU AS A SOUL have endured. This growth will continue.

Recognise the resilience and strength of character it took Dear One, as you have, and are, still negotiating a time never before experienced on Planet Earth. 

The New Earth each of you are co-creating, with your thoughts and actions is unfolding Divinely and we in the Realms of Illuminated Truth stand with you every step you take. Many are now realising just how much Divine Support is available and are calling on us more readily. The Veil of Illusion continues to thin and because of this, you are noticing the synchronicities and support that “appears” when required.

It has always been this way, however now you are so much more aligned with the Cosmic Energies your ability to reach out and “accept” this Eternal Love has increased ten fold.

Dear Ones, we love this co-creative alignment and your willingness to step up into your true Being-ness. You feel our commitment and support and the feeling of no longer being alone lessens each day, as you witness the Love and Light which now permeates your Planet.

Daily your awareness is drawn to “Random Acts of Kindness” being performed all over the Planet and people reaching out to each other like never before. LOVE is now the highest vibration on the Planet and it expands exponentially everyday.

Hearts are opening WIDE!!!

In your own lives you are assisting and supporting each other in ways not thought possible in earlier days. Strangers reach out to HUG each other. Dear Ones, have you noticed in your own reality how much more you HUG, and are you aware that in that action of Hugging you are “touching” each other’s HEARTS?

Your hand around another’s back, chest to chest - brings you into the Heart Chakra and each HUG is a connection from your Heart Chakra to theirs. HEARTS TOUCHING HEARTS - it is a beautiful energy that ignites and transforms so much.

A HUG is a hello from one heart to the other.

HUG more often Dear Ones, good for you, good for the “other YOU” and good for the Planet.

This is how JOY is spread one heart at a time.

Dear Ones, you continue everyday to bring greater PEACE to your Earth and through a simple action of a HUG this is reverberating out and the LOVE THAT YOU ARE is spreading heart to heart.

So much LOVE AND JOY in your lives Dear Ones - this after all is what you came to achieve -


Let that expand, radiating out and watch how fast everything else is transmuted into LOVE, AND PEACE and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.

And so it is Dear Hearts.

You are loved beyond measure.



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