Monday Message Archangel Michael
21st August, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
All can change in the blink of an eye.
How does that statement make you “feel?”
You are ready!!! It is a knowing.
During this unprecedented time of Spiritual Evolution/Eclipse Season - like minds will be drawn together. The Collective Consciousness will PAUSE at the Zero Point, then consciously breathe in your new destiny. This is the line in the sand. The times are a changing indeed.
Take a Breath!!!!
IMAGINE what can be achieved as massive awakening takes form!!!
United as ONE - YOU will change the ALL THAT IS.
Dear Ones, use your imaging faculty/3rd Eye to focus on :
God’s Infinite Abundance, Eternal Peace and Well-Being for ALL HUMANITY.
Perfect timing to shine your LIGHT even brighter Dear Hearts.
You KNOW all is unfolding in perfect resonance.
Your LIGHT is needed now more than EVER. This is a NOW moment like no other.
The mental/emotional strata of the New Earth is being “seeded” with the intentions of Infinite Abundance, Perfect Health, Healing and the Eternal Peace of Mother/Father God.
A truly significant time to be the LIGHT YOU CHOSE TO BE.
It is incumbent upon you to shine your LIGHT into the darkness, that is playing out in the “old reality.”
The New Earth Patterns are being brought through by those of you choosing the Light over darkness. Remember and Believe, you are the ones who chose to bring back the Christ Consciousness Light energy to Planet Earth at this moment in time - that time is NOW.
As you consciously radiate your Light outwards you attract and magnetise to you that which you are - back into your field.
Hearts are opening more than ever on the New Earth - so much faster than before. Unprecedented awaking of Consciousness will be the new norm. YOU are the Ones bringing this Higher Consciousness to the Cellular memory of Humanity and allowing more Souls to awaken.
Separation no more Dear Hearts.
Conscious Creators - creating a Divine New Earth - we are walking this path of Light with each of you Dear Masters of Light.
Days of Magic and Miracles are your creative right.
Eyes wide open.
Hearts ever expanding with the love you are, and arms reaching out, to embrace the beloved soul family sharing this journey.
Breathe Dear Ones.
It is NOW.
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