Monday, August 7, 2017


Dear Ones, 

The “winds of change” are blowing purposefully. The Geomagnetic Storms are raging upon the earth and internally for all humanity. All by Divine Decree. How you process these storms determines your next step. Everyone and Everything is being “charged” by these magnetics - allowing for you to release lifetimes of stored anger, resentments, denial, broken-ness, all those “stuffed” down emotions you denied or thought you had dealt with - coming up for transmutation and transformation. August energies will bring great CHANGE.

Let Go Dear Ones and Let God.

Everyone, whether they acknowledge it or not, is feeling the Earth shift beneath their feet and the internal changes within their Divine Bodies. Denial is no longer an option. As always you have a choice as to how you work with what is coming up for you. If you can but realise it is coming up to LEAVE forever - allow it to move through you, out of you and then let it GO. Remembering Dear Ones you are becoming LIGHT-BODIED meaning you no longer require these dense energies that have guided you for lifetimes. As the denseness leaves, allow it to go - release it with Love, for the lessons it has given you. 

Dear Ones you have toiled for eons to reach this milestone - many were not sure it could be achieved. They underestimated the Greatest of Beings to ever walk the Planet.

Everything you have ever petitioned, prayed, begged for is now unfolding in unprecedented ways and it is all because of YOU.

The darkness that has controlled your hearts and minds forever is leaving, faster than you can even imagine. As this darkness leaves, the VOID will be replaced by THE LIGHT AND THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE.  Your freedoms will be returned in desirous ways.

To once again walk this rejuvenated New Planet Earth in PEACE, HARMONY AND PROSPERITY - THIS IS WHAT YOU CAME FOR!

When you stepped into this lifetime you had a mandate - to return the New Earth to the pristine Planet she once was and to return humanity to true Beings of Light.

You could never have imagined what an undertaking that would be and you never envisioned how deep seated the darkness was - YOU came in Faith, YOU came inTRUST and YOU came as the LOVE YOU ARE.

These three Divine Elements are what has allowed you to continue to move forward each day in ever so slow increments. And YES you also took many backward steps along the way, but that was what allowed you to re-group, prepare your inner strength for once again moving forward.

Your Souls were always of the highest order and you KNEW what was required even though you walked blind folded into many a battle - you KNEW deep in your Hearts what you came to do.

And here you are!

Victory to the Light has always been your motto and continues to be so.

The once unawakened Humanity is now waking up to what you have been professing this lifetime. YOU have always been “different” - not fitted into main stream, and outsider - ridiculed and condemned many times for being such.

However, Dear Ones you “miss-fits” are to be celebrated for holding the Light High, never completely succumbing to the ridicules, KNOWING you had a job to do. Having FAITH someday you would be understood and accepted. Regardless you would never have it any other way - this was your MISSION and you KNEW in your hearts, you would achieve what you set out to accomplish.

Dear Ones, we celebrate you the “miss-fits” the pioneers of transition Earth. As with Pioneers throughout history, if not YOU then WHO?

Through all of this YOU have NEVER walked alone - we your CHEER SQUAD have wiped every tear, held every hand, opened every heart a little wider to allow the progress required.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure and honoured for the continual purpose of your Plan - walking head on into the darkness - facing your greatest fears and now walking triumphantly forward on this New Earth each of you are Co-Creating.

So Loved Dear Ones, YOU held the Light when you could have easily turned the other way. YOU knew, and YOU remembered and that is why now we can all celebrate.


And so it is.


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