Hi everyone hope your 2013 is progressing in EASE AND GRACE.A reminder Meditation resumes next Monday evening 4th February at 7.00 pm.Looking forward to catching up and setting an intention for a fantastic year ahead.Can I please ask you to pass this information on to anyone you feel would benefit from becoming part of this journey.Love and Hugsxx
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
14th January, 2013
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL MONDAY 14th Jan. 2013 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones
Can you not feel the miraculous New Earth forming? Do you not feel the New Earth Vibration radiating out as you the Souls of the Earth anchor more Love and Cosmic Light into the Planet?
These are indeed miraculous times you are now living in. You are beginning to feel, sense and appreciate all that is shifting and changing and you are embracing these changes without the fear associated before the Cosmic Date of 21.12.12.
As was stated in my last message to you - many felt “nothing much happened” during the cosmic moments - however, now you are beginning to “know” in your Being much did indeed shift and it is becoming more obvious each day of this New Year.
The Angelic Kingdom, the Ascended Masters and all Beings of Light are overjoyed at what is transitioning on your Earth. The Love vibration is radiating out at an all time high and that is being reflected out into the Cosmos. We are so very pleased with what is transpiring not only on your Earth but more importantly in your Hearts.
From our vantage point we get to measure the Heart Resonance Vibration and we are extremely pleased and delighted to see this resonance rising higher and higher each new day as more and more Beings awaken.
This radiation of the Heart/Love is abounding all over your Planet and beyond. Can you not see the ramifications as this rate continues to rise.
Humanity will not be able to sustain the fear and hatred as more and more hearts awaken and what wonderful repercussions for all humanity and beyond.
Our suggestion is to add to this increased activity of Heart/Love energy is to breath into your higher heart centre (thymus gland) focusing the breath and expanding the heart. Do this when you think of the Love you are feeling for your loved ones, your animals, your Planet. See your heart growing and expanding and then send that energy to another and another until it encompasses the whole Planet. This action if done by each Being reading this message will expand not only your Love/Light quotiant but those who receive your gift and then share it with others.
This is how you will change yourself, each other and the entire Planet - One Heart At A Time!!!
Breath deeply Dear Ones and enjoy this wonderful adventure you have chosen. Play well with those your encounter. See into their Hearts, breath in the Love and watch how this Planet explodes into the Oneness you are ALL creating.
You are loved for what you are accomplishing as the family of Love/Light.
And it is so.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Heart Energy 4.1.13
Dear One
Heart Energy is the energy of the future - as you work to bring your heart energy, Higher Heart, Thymus into alignment and cease to work and think with the Rational Mind much will change in your field.
Concentrate on the Love Vibration that radiates from the Higher Heart - take note of what messages it is conveying to you. Follow your heart - ask questions of it and wait to hear the reply.
Follow the instructions and messages your Higher Heart is conveying to you. This is the New Energy - let go of your old way of "thinking with the Rational Mind." Think with the Love and Wisdom of your Higher Heart - the answers will be powerful and profound for you will be tapping into that highest part of you that knows all.
Ask the question and then listen to your Higher Heart - such wonderful advice awaits you when you live from this Dimension of the Heart.
Blessings Dear One.
Heart Energy is the energy of the future - as you work to bring your heart energy, Higher Heart, Thymus into alignment and cease to work and think with the Rational Mind much will change in your field.
Concentrate on the Love Vibration that radiates from the Higher Heart - take note of what messages it is conveying to you. Follow your heart - ask questions of it and wait to hear the reply.
Follow the instructions and messages your Higher Heart is conveying to you. This is the New Energy - let go of your old way of "thinking with the Rational Mind." Think with the Love and Wisdom of your Higher Heart - the answers will be powerful and profound for you will be tapping into that highest part of you that knows all.
Ask the question and then listen to your Higher Heart - such wonderful advice awaits you when you live from this Dimension of the Heart.
Blessings Dear One.
New Year 2013
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
It has been a while and much has transitioned for you, personally
and globally. Many will say not much transpired during the Cosmic Moment of
21/12 but we tell you much did. You will ALL notice the changes as this year
unfolds. So much changed, you changed, so many aspects that you are yet unaware
of - keep focusing on the beautiful Love Vibration that you, Wayshowers and
Truthseekers, through your combined intention, anchored into the Earth’s Grid.
So much more LOVE is permeating your earth and everyday the Love Quotient
continues to grow.
We tell you Dear Ones watch what unfolds in these next few days when
the “Power of the People” propelled by the Love of what is “right and just”
becomes the “norm”. Much change will come from your combined vibration
revurberating around the Planet.
The Love Vibration is pushing up and out all that still dwells in
the darkness and - because the majority of the Earth now radiates to the
Vibration of Love - you will be working together bringing these changes to
fruition in very amazing and magical ways.
Many of you are “sensing” the Magic of this New Year. You are
writing about it, speaking about it and, by the Law of Attraction that governs
your Planet, it MUST and therefore will manifest. Keep your thoughts on Love,
Miracles and Miraculous Manifesting for that is what this time is about.
Your combined efforts are bringing radical change to this New Earth
- the Earth you have dreamed and loved into existence. We are at your side, on
your shoulders, always cheering you on. You can do what we cannot, you have the
“human touch” to move Heaven to Earth and as we watch your manifestations take
place it is us your Guides, Angels and Ascended Mansters who are cheering the
Welcome to the New Planet Earth Dear Ones. It is your creation in
co-operation with all of Creation. Much excitement exists as we continue to
watch each new step you take.
“Magical and Miraculous” is an intention you set for this year and
we are loving watching as you unfold this new plan.
We wish to be of greater service as you now acknowledge our
existence more readily. For you see Dear Ones, as you open your hearts wider to
allow more Love to permeate your being, it allows us to be more visible to you.
We are in the Love and of the Love. And as you acknowledge that which is within
you - here we are.
You and We are ONE.
It is our absolute JOY to be co-creating in this magical New Earth -
our excitement is matched only by yours.
What else would you Love to create with us. We are ready for the
next co-operative assigment you call for. Standing together with the New
Humanity on this New Earth awaiting your call.
Blessings Dear Ones,
Blessings . . .
. . I AM
Archangel Michael - ready to serve.
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