Dear Ones,
So many upgrades
to your human biology during these energetic changes. We ask only one thing of
you during all this transformation - remain “heart-open.” Be the Love-that-you-are
so as to assist not only yourselves but your fellow beings on this journey.
So much is
transitioning within and around you, much confusion upon the Earth Plane.
Energies are rampant with this alignment and that alignment and your bodies are
adjusting to it all and yet there are two things that will assist all that is
happening - breathe and open your hearts.
All is in perfect
order - so relax - breathe - you are perfectly aligned with All That Is - fear
is leaving your bodies and your Earth - NEVER to return again. Are you feeling
more settled after every “outburst?” We tell you when you have an outburst of
energy, it is released, some of what you are releasing as been within your
fields for not only this lifetime but for many lifetimes, do you not wonder
sometime where the anger, rage, tears, frustration comes from? Sometimes it
appears there is no reason for what is happening it just happens, there is a
release and then you move on almost as if “nothing happened” and afterwards you
can hardly remember what it was all about. Sound familiar?
Remember Dear
Ones when we spoke of these days, eons ago the excitement it generated within
you? Remember us telling you there would be much fear and angst from your
limited perspective as you would go through these changes. It did not dissuade
you from stepping forth and wanting to get to the front of the line. Remember
those feelings Dear Ones, for they shall flood into your awareness in the next
few days, weeks, months.
Remember the JOY
you felt towards what you wanted to accomplish during this lifetime on Planet
Earth. Those memories and feelings will become apart of your awareness again.
You are beginning to get glimpses “bleed” into your awareness each time we
speak of this. It will happen more frequently.
So to reiterate -
the breath is the most important tool you have - use it more consciously -
practise - breathing and allowing.
Secondly, finding
your JOY, your passion, your alignment with these new energies for it is at
this time, the time agreed upon, that you would fulfill your agreement.
Above all allow
those beautiful hearts of yours to expand to the level that you allow your
true-being to be revealed.
Do you feel the
fluttering and the expansion within your higher hearts, the Thymus - can you
feel the pressure build? You KNOW you are experiencing physical changes within
your hearts so know that by breathing into these changes and picturing your
hearts opening and flowing with the LOVE/LIGHT of Creation your JOY and passion
will be revealed to you.
Now Dear Ones are
those memories flooding back, are you beginning to have a glimpse of your
original commitment to be of service to yourselves firstly and then to be of
service to all humanity?
times Dear Ones, all is about to expand before your very eyes. Breathe, be in
JOY, Be of service.
And it is.
I AM Archangel
Angel Therapy Practitioner

Leslie-Anne Menzies
Author ABC of Angels
(Children’s Book)
Angel Intuitive, Reiki,
Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group
Ph 08 8371 5511, 0407 715 177
Skype: angelstoinspire1111
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