Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                 30th September 2013      

Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Many of you are feeling these energies as expanded - some of the expansion relates to the old fears, lack, limitation all old 3rd Dimensional habits you have held. But I tell you Dear Ones so much more Light is coming onto the Planet for all the expansion to be flowing in ease, grace and abundance. So I ask you to once more “let go” of all that no longer serves you. Ask yourselves how does it feel when I hold thoughts of lack/fear/limitation? It is an old habit and habits can be changed. Time for that change is NOW. Think a new thought, create a new reality - just by changing your thoughts everything changes.

You are now creating every day - how do you want your day to be? I remind you to see the Light that you are, know that you have the ability to overcome all those old fears and beliefs and step into the very new realms that you have created through your willingness to be on Planet Earth at this magical time of change.

Change is not always easy but with all that is being made available to you from the higher realms, more Love and more Light, greater assistance is at your Command. And I remind you Dear Ones you can as Creator Beings, Command abilities to assist you at this time of rapid transformation.

What is it you Command Dear Ones? “Ask and ye shall receive” has always been a mantra and now more than ever it is your Command.

Remember who you are Dear Ones, Remember why you came at this time. Now is the time to stand tall, take your power back, allow others to do the same and as you stand together united in your belief and your Love for all humanity, watch as the changes you desire and command come forth.

The Love, Light quotient is being expanded daily - the Light that You Are shines brightly for all to see. Shine that Light so that all will join you. Then we can move forward towards all you have ever dreamed of becoming reality on Planet Earth.

Keep your Light bright Dear Ones so those still in the darkness can find their way.

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael 30th September 2013 Leslie-Anne Menzies Dear Ones, Many of you are feeling these energies as expanded - some of the expansion relates to the old fears, lack, limitation all old 3rd Dimensional habits you have held. But I tell you Dear Ones so much more Light is coming onto the Planet for all the expansion to be flowing in ease, grace and abundance. So I ask you to once more “let go” of all that no longer serves you. Ask yourselves how does it feel when I hold thoughts of lack/fear/limitation? It is an old habit and habits can be changed. Time for that change is NOW. Think a new thought, create a new reality - just by changing your thoughts everything changes. You are now creating every day - how do you want your day to be? I remind you to see the Light that you are, know that you have the ability to overcome all those old fears and beliefs and step into the very new realms that you have created through your willingness to be on Planet Earth at this magical time of change. Change is not always easy but with all that is being made available to you from the higher realms, more Love and more Light, greater assistance is at your Command. And I remind you Dear Ones you can as Creator Beings, Command abilities to assist you at this time of rapid transformation. What is it you Command Dear Ones? “Ask and ye shall receive” has always been a mantra and now more than ever it is your Command. Remember who you are Dear Ones, Remember why you came at this time. Now is the time to stand tall, take your power back, allow others to do the same and as you stand together united in your belief and your Love for all humanity, watch as the changes you desire and command come forth. The Love, Light quotient is being expanded daily - the Light that You Are shines brightly for all to see. Shine that Light so that all will join you. Then we can move forward towards all you have ever dreamed of becoming reality on Planet Earth. Keep your Light bright Dear Ones so those still in the darkness can find their way. I AM Archangel Michael

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 23rd Sept. 2013    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

At last can you feel the shift in the energies since the recent equinox - are you feeling lighter, brighter more hopeful of the magnificent future that is before you? These last nine months - since the December 21/22 energies that collapsed the old 3D world - have been 
a very difficult “labour” indeed. You needed that time, the extra breathing space but for many that breathing was very tight and restricted. Breathe easier now Dear Ones, breathe, let go, breathe, let go. Can you feel the difference that makes to your beautiful bodies. Let go of the resrictions, let go of the fears you have held so very preciously to you.

Much has transitioned and a part of your being knows that, but so much more has occurred that you are not fully conscious of yet. That information will now flow more freely through your conscious awareness because you are ready to receive and know what is before you.

I have said many times Magic and Miracles and what you are about to behold is just that. You are feeling the anticipation, you are feeling more of the LOVE aspect as the old fears are slowly subsiding. With each new day, in this new vibration, your fears will lessen and the LOVE THAT YOU ARE will blossom more fully.

We in the Angelic Realms have held your hands and wiped away your tears during these last days of this transition. What is before you is the fully Conscious Galactic Being you are becoming. With that comes responsibility of the choices you make in each and every moment of your day.

Being fully Conscious you will see your brother’s and sister’s for who they are - aspects of you - therefore the divisions that once seperated you will no longer be there and when you look into the eyes of another you will be looking into your own soul - how incredible that will feel and how different your relationships will be. This is what you have worked for, this is what you have known to be possible but didn’t feel you had the tools to impliment these changes before now but Dear Ones you do and you will.

Imagine your Planet when this way of relating becomes the norm - can you begin to see the implications for Peace and Harmony?

No more wars, no more fighting - Peace and Unity in all interactions - this is your dream and it is about to unfold.

As the Peace and Harmony is restored - relationships will be uplifted to their full potential. Abundance will flow in all areas of your life. You have worked diligently for this transformation Dear Ones, you are the Masters and Architects of this New Earth.

You are leading the way for the many to follow. Step forward Dear Ones for you know what is outlined you will create - you are Creator Beings and your time is NOW.

Be the Masters you came to be Beloveds.

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, September 16, 2013

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 16th Sept. 2013 Leslie-Anne Menzies

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 16th Sept. 2013       Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Changes, Changes everywhere - this is the time of changes manifesting instantly. Do you feel like your heads are spinning? They are, and in more ways than one. The Spin of your Earth, your body - all connected - is picking up and you feel like you are in a “Spin Cycle” which is a wonderful way to acknowledge what is happening. Time is moving faster and faster - days are rolling into each other - weeks are disappearing as if they were days.

For some of you, you feel dazed, confused, rung out - all part of the game that is ending. Dear Ones, you have played it so well. So many of you have chosed just to ride each wave as it comes, without too much invested in the future waves. One day, one moment at a time is the only way to ride these waves of energy Dear Ones. Do not think or worry about tomorrow, next week, next month just focus on “Be-ing the best you can BE this day.” In this day all is well for you, allow what needs to flow through you flow and then allow it to move out of your body without the need to judge or discern what just happened.

Dear Ones, you have a choice in every moment, every decisions, every wave of energy that comes through you and I remind you “let it go.” If you make a conscious choice to allow it to just flow through you, observe that it is leaving and then let it go without the old re-action life will flow so much easier for you. I guarantee as you make this choice to “let-go” if I was to ask you tomorrow or next week what was that “major drama” you will not even be able to recall it - that says it all Dear Ones.

Many of you are learning these tools through your many experiences and you are allowing more Ease and Flow into your lives as more take hold of the tools, life will evolve much smoother than previously.

Do not beat yourselves up as you transition through these changes for some of you have spent 40, 50, 60+ years living this way and dealing with situations in the old way of relating. You are now clearly seeing the way you once related and handled conflict no longer works for you, or society. Changes are everywhere!

We in the Angelic Kingdom are astonished at the changes you as a collective bring forth. The major conflict that erupted recently on your Earth would in the old paradigm ended in  disaster and loss of life. You as a Collective Consciousness now only see and reflect Peace on Earth and Prosperity for all. That is reflected back to us in so many of your actions and we are proud to support the efforts of humanity as we all work towards bringing Heaven to Earth.

Changes, Changes, Changes so many more to come. Such a magnificent time to be on Planet Earth and you were the ones who said “Send Me, I can do this” I can create a Planet where all live in Peace, Love and Unity.

So much is just before you Dear Ones and you are the ones who are bringing it ALL into manifestation - Amazing Creators you are indeed.

Blessings Dear Ones as we walk each day in LOVE AND LIGHT together as equals on Planet Earth.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 ********Please feel free to share this information - much is about to happen - (in a great way!!!)

WORKSHOP - ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST. Sunday  27TH OCT 2013 10.00am to 5.00pm

Investment $88.00   (shared lunch)

A message from Archangel Michael

The purpose of this workshop is to awaken the Hearts and Minds of those who are stepping up to the realisation that this is no longer the Planet they once inhabited.

So many changes have already taken place BUT so many more are just about to “explode” into the awareness and reality of all of Earth’s Citizens.

Areas I wish to cover are:

Mother Earth (Gaia) - all the physical changes taking place and their impact          on humanity

Love & Light             - How to maximise the amount of Love/Light quotient
        for all beings - so much more Light now available

Physical changes     - Including DNA, Brain rewiring etc.
to Humanity

Archangel &
Ascended Masters   - What they are contributing at this point in time
                                - The Rays of Light now available

Information will be up-to-the-moment as from this day 11/9/13 so much will have changed.

These are indeed exciting times Dear Ones

.Leslie-Anne Menzies

 ********Please feel free to share this information - much is about to happen - (in a great way!!!)

WORKSHOP - ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUST. Sunday  27TH OCT 2013 10.00am to 5.00pm

Investment $88.00   (shared lunch)

A message from Archangel Michael

The purpose of this workshop is to awaken the Hearts and Minds of those who are stepping up to the realisation that this is no longer the Planet they once inhabited.

So many changes have already taken place BUT so many more are just about to “explode” into the awareness and reality of all of Earth’s Citizens.

Areas I wish to cover are:

Mother Earth (Gaia) - all the physical changes taking place and their impact          on humanity

Love & Light             - How to maximise the amount of Love/Light quotient
        for all beings - so much more Light now available

Physical changes     - Including DNA, Brain rewiring etc.
to Humanity

Archangel &
Ascended Masters   - What they are contributing at this point in time
                                - The Rays of Light now available

Information will be up-to-the-moment as from this day 11/9/13 so much will have changed.

These are indeed exciting times Dear Ones

.Leslie-Anne Menzies


Dear Ones,

Lift your Hearts, lift your Spirit you have lived in the darkness long enough, time now to live in the joy of your expansion into the higher realms.

You no longer need to toil and strain to “survive,” you are survival - you are freedom - you are no longer enslaved, although for many of you you still feel the shackles. Remove those shackles Dear Ones for they are just a belief system that no longer serves you.

Open your Sacred Hearts, get out of the mental quagmire that is your mind. Have I not told you many times past, that the answer to all of your questions lays within your beautiful Sacred Hearts. Your Heart has a wisdom and consciousness far exceeding that of your mind. You have relied on your mind for the answers, turned over your power to it, and only listened to what it was telling you. Whilst the mind has served you well, it is limited, and has kept you stuck in the old ways of processing information. Now with your Sacred Heart opening up and taking you on this next part of the journey you will find answers and solutions that your mind has no access to. Trust your beautiful Sacred Hearts and the Consciousness that it holds to lead you on a new path of Creation with answers unimaginable in the old paradigm.

These new, exciting times you are experiencing offer new ways of receiving guidance which will take time for you to trust and follow. However, as you gain confidence and the delight in being shown beauty and wisdom where once all you could see was fear and apprehension you will soar as the Beings you are. Even hearing these words offers you a peace that was once unattainable.

Dear Ones we wish for you to truly acknowledge the wisdom of your own Spirit and the beauty that lies within you. On many occasions I have asked you to go within for your answers and for many of you it is not until you are “up against the wall” that you take note of my words.

These are times like no other and yet for many you still operate from your old outmoded ways of dealing with situations in your life. I suggest that these situations will keep appearing until you fully grasp what is being offered here. I ask you to experience these new ways of being - just allow for a moment, breathe into the situation that appears as “troublesome” to you and remember it is only a perception. There are new ways of looking at situations - the old duality has ceased and where in the past the answer was “this or that” and now in triality there is also “what about the other” - it frees up all situations, it expands the opportunities, it allows for freedom and growth in perception.

You are amazing “Creator Beings” and so many more opportunities for expansion are being opened up for you to explore.

Many times I have suggested taking off the blindfolds and I tell you again, use your more expanded consciousness, use your imagination to become “Creative with solutions” and you will discover ideas that once you would not have entertained now being freely available as you, open yourself up to the flow of all that is.

These are magical times and I again remind you - Magic and Miracles are being created every moment - look around - share the stories of all your experiences there is not a “moment in time” when Miracles are not created on this exquisite Planet, experience all that is offered to every Soul residing upon.

We your Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, Beings of LIght wish to remind you of the Love and Support you are each receiving and we applaud how creative and conscious you are all becoming.

We see the day in the not too distant future when so called “problems” disappear from your experience and when your Conscious Creative abilities flow from you Divine Heart Space effortlessly.

Oh Dear Ones, if you could only see yourselves as we see you, truly Divine Beings of Light who still haven’t fully awakened to the game you have been playing and we tell you the game is up. Old rules no longer apply. Live everyday as a Master, live everyday from your Sacred Divine Heart, the part that knows the TRUTH of who you really are and when you live more consciously and more fully from this space your Light will shine forth and no one, including you yourself will be in doubt of the amazing Spiritual Being YOU ARE.

We know that BEING, it is time for you to know yourself wholly.

The world awaits your true Divinity - Shine On Dear Ones, Shine On.


                                                                                                Angel Therapy Practitioner 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                                Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                                                                                Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                                                                Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                                                                Ph 08 8371 5511, 0407 715 177