MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 23rd Sept. 2013 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones
At last can you feel the shift in the energies since the recent equinox - are you feeling lighter, brighter more hopeful of the magnificent future that is before you? These last nine months - since the December 21/22 energies that collapsed the old 3D world - have been
a very difficult “labour” indeed. You needed that time, the extra breathing space but for many that breathing was very tight and restricted. Breathe easier now Dear Ones, breathe, let go, breathe, let go. Can you feel the difference that makes to your beautiful bodies. Let go of the resrictions, let go of the fears you have held so very preciously to you.
Much has transitioned and a part of your being knows that, but so much more has occurred that you are not fully conscious of yet. That information will now flow more freely through your conscious awareness because you are ready to receive and know what is before you.
I have said many times Magic and Miracles and what you are about to behold is just that. You are feeling the anticipation, you are feeling more of the LOVE aspect as the old fears are slowly subsiding. With each new day, in this new vibration, your fears will lessen and the LOVE THAT YOU ARE will blossom more fully.
We in the Angelic Realms have held your hands and wiped away your tears during these last days of this transition. What is before you is the fully Conscious Galactic Being you are becoming. With that comes responsibility of the choices you make in each and every moment of your day.
Being fully Conscious you will see your brother’s and sister’s for who they are - aspects of you - therefore the divisions that once seperated you will no longer be there and when you look into the eyes of another you will be looking into your own soul - how incredible that will feel and how different your relationships will be. This is what you have worked for, this is what you have known to be possible but didn’t feel you had the tools to impliment these changes before now but Dear Ones you do and you will.
Imagine your Planet when this way of relating becomes the norm - can you begin to see the implications for Peace and Harmony?
No more wars, no more fighting - Peace and Unity in all interactions - this is your dream and it is about to unfold.
As the Peace and Harmony is restored - relationships will be uplifted to their full potential. Abundance will flow in all areas of your life. You have worked diligently for this transformation Dear Ones, you are the Masters and Architects of this New Earth.
You are leading the way for the many to follow. Step forward Dear Ones for you know what is outlined you will create - you are Creator Beings and your time is NOW.
Be the Masters you came to be Beloveds.
I AM Archangel Michael
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