Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                 30th September 2013      

Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Many of you are feeling these energies as expanded - some of the expansion relates to the old fears, lack, limitation all old 3rd Dimensional habits you have held. But I tell you Dear Ones so much more Light is coming onto the Planet for all the expansion to be flowing in ease, grace and abundance. So I ask you to once more “let go” of all that no longer serves you. Ask yourselves how does it feel when I hold thoughts of lack/fear/limitation? It is an old habit and habits can be changed. Time for that change is NOW. Think a new thought, create a new reality - just by changing your thoughts everything changes.

You are now creating every day - how do you want your day to be? I remind you to see the Light that you are, know that you have the ability to overcome all those old fears and beliefs and step into the very new realms that you have created through your willingness to be on Planet Earth at this magical time of change.

Change is not always easy but with all that is being made available to you from the higher realms, more Love and more Light, greater assistance is at your Command. And I remind you Dear Ones you can as Creator Beings, Command abilities to assist you at this time of rapid transformation.

What is it you Command Dear Ones? “Ask and ye shall receive” has always been a mantra and now more than ever it is your Command.

Remember who you are Dear Ones, Remember why you came at this time. Now is the time to stand tall, take your power back, allow others to do the same and as you stand together united in your belief and your Love for all humanity, watch as the changes you desire and command come forth.

The Love, Light quotient is being expanded daily - the Light that You Are shines brightly for all to see. Shine that Light so that all will join you. Then we can move forward towards all you have ever dreamed of becoming reality on Planet Earth.

Keep your Light bright Dear Ones so those still in the darkness can find their way.

I AM Archangel Michael

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