Dear Ones,
Look around, can you see all the changes that are taking place
because of each of YOU.
You have called this into being - it is through your thoughts, your
actions, your deeds. We in the Realms of Illuminated Light are delighted with
what we are witnessing. We have assured you many times that we are assisting
you, BUT we wish to remind you - you are the Creator Beings, you are embodied,
you are the Creation that is taking place on your Planet. How wonderful is
So much more Light is being streamed onto the Planet for you to use
in your incredible bodies. As you take in more Light, using the many tools we
have provided, you will notice the changes happening more rapidly. For
Ascension is about Light . . . and you are the Light of Creation, something
many of you “get” now and are using this Light more efficiently, more
consciously, and so much for often.
In a recent communication I mentioned the Light that you now use is
so much more intensified and refined so when you send Light or the Love
vibration it is also much more rarified and you are giving the receiver such a
wonderful, de-light-full gift. The next time you offer a fellow being “Light
and Love” know it is coming from such a magical place of healing and beauty and
will be received into their awareness in such a completely different way than
in past times.
Therefore, I suggest you offer each other this Gift on a more
regular basis to assist even further the Ascension Process.
We watch in delight as we see your Sacred Hearts expanding with this
Love/Light energy and because of this, you are seeing situations unfolding on
your Planet, that were once common place, now no longer being tolerated and
many beings are standing up for the rights of those who have been downtrodden
by society. Sometimes those now standing up were once the aggressors - change
Dear Ones - it is beautiful to witness.
Oh how joyous it is for us to see what is unfolding on your Planet.
We are delighted to witness the amount of Light that is pouring from your Heart
Chakras out to your fellow beings. You are beginning to feel the Unity
Consciousness and it is truly wonderful to observe.
Separation is a thing of the past - shine your Light brighter for
those who have not yet seen it. It is because of YOU they will be drawn into
the illumination, and when they do, there hearts will open also and their Light
will increase and ONENESS will return to all.
You are doing a magnificent job of shining your Light, and your Love
and bringing all into the Illumination of Unity.
We are delighted with all that you do and remind you so much is
before you. You are Creators of Heaven on Earth - the Light will once again
triumph. Keep shining, Keep loving.
Love and Light Dear Ones,
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