Monday, November 25, 2013

MONDAY MESSAGE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                           Leslie-Anne Menzies  25th  November 2013                                                           

Dear Ones,

The struggle you feel at this time is the last of your old 3D world of which you are holding on oh so tight. You are trying to make 3D fit into 5D and we tell you now - it can’t happen, it won’t happen and you wouldn’t want it to happen.

It is imperative you surrender all your old ways, they no longer serve you. Please let go, release all the old. Begin to imagine the new - how do you want your new life to look? There is nothing you can take with you from the old paradigm. As soon as you completely surrender you new world will start its evolution. As a humanity you have no structures yet to fully represent the new, and it is as if you are on a life boat throwing a lifeline out hoping it will connect and bring to you all you desire. Your lifelines are not connecting with anything solid for there is nothing to hang on to. It is time to construct your new world as you cut the last of the ropes holding you back. Freedom will be yours. You will soon feel the New Earth beneath your feet and you will gradually build your new structures. You can’t yet see the safe haven on the horizon for the seas are still choppy and the winds of change are blowing a gale.

Allow more time for integration, allow for the winds to cease, the waters to clam and picture the most amazing landscape in your sights. It is not until you finally let the old go. I suggest a “ceremony” of letting go of all the old ways, old habits, old beliefs etc this we shall do during our meditation this evening.

We are in the choppy seas, the strong winds and we are also in the calm waters and the new horizon - we are with you always.

We have told you many times this journey was not for the faint hearted - only the strong were called forth and here you stand.

That new horizon is just a few steps away and we excitedly await to greet you on the shore, just as we are in the wind in your back guiding you HOME.

Welcome Home Dear Ones, the arduous journey of your soul is about to make a massive leap - the Consciousness that you are is awaiting full enlightenment and you will be delighted that you held tight to your dreams and completed this journey, even though not knowing what truly will await you.

Brave travellers you are and now you continue your journey on safe soil - all you have dreamed of is before you.

What an adventure you are completing but what a miraculous one now lays ahead for
you all.

Welcome to safe shores, we stand in the Love and Light and each Being is connected forever - what beautiful Light we will shine on this New Earth.                    

Together as One, once more.                                                  Angel Therapy Practitioner
Blessings Dear Ones,I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL             Leslie-Anne Menzies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Archangel Michael November 18th 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                         18th November 2013

Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

The excitement that is building is reverberating around the Planet. You have waited lifetime after lifetime for what is about to occur.

The Beings of Light in all Realms share your excitement for it allows us the opportunity to finally meet you as the Being of Light you are. You will at last take off the “masks” you have so gallantly worn for eons and reveal your true-self. How excited does that make you feel?

So many changes are just before you, and all humanity that we ask those who read these messages to be prepared as the Wayshower’s you are. For those still to awaken it will be sudden and you will be needed to gently guide those who call on you. And call on you they will! This is the role you have chosen. That is why this path has been long and arduous but it was the training ground for what is before you. You have prepared a path for those now awakening and yet they will not have to go through many of the trials you did. However, the rewards you receive for being the ones who lead the way are enormous. You get to hold the hands of the many beings who are wiping the sleep from their eyes and recovering from the denseness that has been endured by all humanity for eons.

There is much to be washed away, cleansed and healed. The Truth of who you are - so much is to be revealed to all humanity. You will be the shining Light those awakening will be drawn to.

The children will also step forward on this path for they have come to the Planet with no baggage just Pure Love and they will share that Love for all to see.They have so much wisdom and knowledge to impart you will be astounded at what they reveal.

You and the children have a tremendous job ahead of you and remember Dear Ones you chosen this path for when you would become “the Ones you have been waiting for - and here You Are!”

The Stage is set - the next part of your incredible journey is right before you.

Shine on Dear Ones it is your Time to Shine - And so it is.

I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                        Angel Therapy Practitioner
                                                                                                                                                     Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                      Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                                            Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                            Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                            Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday 4th November 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                         Leslie-Anne Menzies   4th November, 2013                                              

Dear Ones,


That is what you are calling forth into your new reality. As the old world subsides and you rise up into your new vibration the Love That You Are shines forth and anchors these new vibrations into your New Earth.

So many of you are weary, but not beaten and you get up each new day ready to face what is before you and we honour you for the brave soldiers you are. All over your World brave souls are standing up and no longer allowing what WAS to continue.  Evolution is taking place all over your Planet - it is time to come together as ONE - loving and supporting Peaceful Change wherever it is occurring. This year 2013 has been tumultuous for many and yes there are still Earth changes and adjustments before you. However, you are resilient beings who even though you can’t yet see the whole picture just KNOW in your heart of hearts that what you are working towards and accomplishing each day is worth the struggle. Oh, but Dear Ones it doesn’t have to be such a struggle. We remind you often to call on us to lighten the load. We are closer than we have ever been and the assistance we offer is unconditional. Reach out to us, call on us and we will be your answered prayer.

As we enter these last weeks of this year 2013 there is still much to be finalised and yet as we have mentioned all that you wish for yourselves and your loved ones is right before you.

What dreams do you hold? What reality do you wish to create? You are Creator Beings and so many more tools are becoming available which will assist you in the construction of your New World and your new life. Look to and assist the young ones who are bringing forth such incredible new technologies. They are shining their Light so brightly and need your assistance - show them Love and offer them your support.

Exciting times right out in front of you Dear Ones. By using your intentions and the Love That You Are you have the ability to call forth NOW that which you wish to create.

It is our greatest pleasure to co-create this New Earth with the Greatest of Beings that have ever inhabited the Planet.

We acknowledge you and you will soon see yourselves as we see you. Your Light shines bright for us and soon that Light will be obvious to all.

Great times indeed Dear Ones,                                           Angel Therapy Practitioner
Blessings - I AM Archangel Michael                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Leslie-Anne Menzies 
                                                                                                                                           Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing
                                                                                                                                           Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation,           
                                                                                                                                           AuthorABC of Angels (Childrens’ Book)
                                                                                                                                           Ph 08 8371 5511, 0407715177