Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday 4th November 2013

Monday Message Archangel Michael                                         Leslie-Anne Menzies   4th November, 2013                                              

Dear Ones,


That is what you are calling forth into your new reality. As the old world subsides and you rise up into your new vibration the Love That You Are shines forth and anchors these new vibrations into your New Earth.

So many of you are weary, but not beaten and you get up each new day ready to face what is before you and we honour you for the brave soldiers you are. All over your World brave souls are standing up and no longer allowing what WAS to continue.  Evolution is taking place all over your Planet - it is time to come together as ONE - loving and supporting Peaceful Change wherever it is occurring. This year 2013 has been tumultuous for many and yes there are still Earth changes and adjustments before you. However, you are resilient beings who even though you can’t yet see the whole picture just KNOW in your heart of hearts that what you are working towards and accomplishing each day is worth the struggle. Oh, but Dear Ones it doesn’t have to be such a struggle. We remind you often to call on us to lighten the load. We are closer than we have ever been and the assistance we offer is unconditional. Reach out to us, call on us and we will be your answered prayer.

As we enter these last weeks of this year 2013 there is still much to be finalised and yet as we have mentioned all that you wish for yourselves and your loved ones is right before you.

What dreams do you hold? What reality do you wish to create? You are Creator Beings and so many more tools are becoming available which will assist you in the construction of your New World and your new life. Look to and assist the young ones who are bringing forth such incredible new technologies. They are shining their Light so brightly and need your assistance - show them Love and offer them your support.

Exciting times right out in front of you Dear Ones. By using your intentions and the Love That You Are you have the ability to call forth NOW that which you wish to create.

It is our greatest pleasure to co-create this New Earth with the Greatest of Beings that have ever inhabited the Planet.

We acknowledge you and you will soon see yourselves as we see you. Your Light shines bright for us and soon that Light will be obvious to all.

Great times indeed Dear Ones,                                           Angel Therapy Practitioner
Blessings - I AM Archangel Michael                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Leslie-Anne Menzies 
                                                                                                                                           Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing
                                                                                                                                           Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation,           
                                                                                                                                           AuthorABC of Angels (Childrens’ Book)
                                                                                                                                           Ph 08 8371 5511, 0407715177


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