Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday 17th March 2014

Monday Meditation 17th  March 2014         AAMICHAEL         Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Are you enjoying the energies? Does it feel fast and furious in your world, or are you
re-membering to slow down and breathe? I is so important Dear Souls that you acknowledge your breath and take each moment in its awareness. So much is happening within you and around you.

Take the time to acknowledge your part on this Journey.

Make time each day to slow it all down - take in the deep in-breaths and just allow yourselves to “BE”. You will feel the difference immediately and the world will not stop just because you do. In fact, the world will improve because of your actions.

Be an example to others in your field and see this radiate out and effect those in your vicinity.

Know that peace on Earth is guaranteed. No more wars on Planet Earth, this is the prayer we hear daily from humanity. Remember Dear Ones - Peace starts with you. Be “at peace” in your life and see that reflection in your immediate circle and then watch as the ripples ride out to effect all who come into your field. Peace is upon you because of the work you as a Collective are calling forth. Each of you reading these words is making a difference on Planet Earth. Allow your energy to shine the Light for all others to follow. Many are looking for that Light, and as you shine brightly it has the ripple effect and eventually the Collective will join as ONE.

I have shared with you many times what an amazing job you are undertaking during this time of massive transformation and I reiterate our love and support to each and every Soul on this remarkable journey.

Every day you see more truths revealled, more changes taking place, and every day you are becoming more confident to stand tall in your Light and shine like the Beacons that you are.

Many are watching, not only from this Planet but other Planets are watching just how this game on Planet Earth is unfolding. They watch with great delight as they see the promises made for this great Evolution are played out into each new day.

The countless Love and support from the many Beings of Light and your Star Brothers and Sisters radiate out for you to breathe into your fields and restore your energetic bodies.

Much is transitioning, much is unfolding. Do you get excited as each new day begins as you wonder what will unfold this day?

So much is coming your way Dear Hearts, so much Love, so much awareness, so much support and friendship. Endless days of Peace, Joy and Harmony.

Is this not why you came Dear Hearts.    And so it is.           I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                   

                                                                                                            Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                                                                                                  Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                                                                                                  Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                                                                                                  Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185

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