Monday, May 26, 2014
Monday 26th May 2014
Monday Message Archangel
Leslie-Anne Menzies
26th May, 2014
Dear Ones,
The energies are once again leaving you feeling tired and in some
instances, exhausted. Dear Ones,
please remember that you are accomplishing so much, on levels you have no
awareness of YET. Rest, take care
of your beautiful bodies, drink plenty of water, infused with your good
thoughts and healing words. Water reacts as you know to the vibration you send
forth. Everything is vibration.
You are progressing along the Evolutionary track and all is in
perfect time and order, although most wish it could be hurried along. All is in
perfect time - you are perfect just as you are. Please do not berate yourselves
for whatever you see as your “short-comings.” These so called “short-comings”
are the very things that are assisting you to make the necessary changes toward
your Evolutionary process.
Acknowledge your part in this Game of Life, know that you are loved
by all of Creation just for choosing to be here at this time to achieve all
that you are.
I have informed you on several occasions how close the Angelic Realms
are to you. We draw closer and closer with each new day. Everyday look for
signs from us, they are all around.
Watch for the Miracles that are unfolding within and around your World.
We made a promise - NO more wars. Have you noticed the situations on
Planet Earth that would have, in the past, been all that was needed by those in
power to convince you that a war would be required to help bring the situation
under control. When did war ever solve any situation or conflict in your old
3rd Dimensional world?
There is only one resolution for resolving any conflict - be it a
family disagreement or a country in turmoil. LOVE is the only remedy for all
that troubles each of you.
I remind you to look towards the animal kingdom which is leading the
way and showing humanity how it is done. The Lion and the Lamb laying together
- never seen before. You are seeing many images on your internet of animals who
are “natural enemies” befriending and loving each other unconditionally.
Take your lead from the Animal Kingdom show LOVE.
Next time there is a disagreement you are involved in - when the
anger rises in you for whatever reason - take your time to allow it to come up,
do not re-act - allow it to leave your body - do not engage a reaction - use
your breath and just allow. Now turn your attention to how you can see this
situation another way? How can I turn this anger into a loving response?
Initially you will be awkward and unsure but as with all new “habits” it takes
time to feel comfortable.
What I AM asking you to do Dear Ones is FEEL, feel the feeling of
making the change from Anger to LOVE. Practice, start with small instances in
your life - someone cuts you off when you are driving in your car - how did you
react in the old energy?
Now I would like to remind you of something I alluded to earlier in
this message - we are closer to you than you can imagine. What if that person
who cut you off was ME - Archangel Michael? How would you re-act knowing
that? Everyone is a Sacred Being,
every Being is perfectly, imperfect as you all agreed to be to play this game.
I ask you Dear Ones - next time you find yourself confronted by something that
would normally make you re-act STOP, take a deep breath and ask yourself - what
if that was Archangel Michael? How would I re-act? You are always in the
presence of Divine Beings for that is who you truly are, each and everyone of
Choose LOVE always Dear Ones, Choose and BE LOVE.
When more on your Planet make these simple changes watch how fast
all that you wish to see for yourselves and your loved ones manifest before
your very eyes. It starts with YOU.
This is why you were called forth. You said “send me” now is your
time to shine Dear Ones, to show humanity why YOU stepped forward.
You and I are ONE
Angel Therapy Practitioner

ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 8371 5511, 0408
083 185
Skype: angelstoinspire1111
Monday, May 19, 2014
19th May 2014
Monday 19th May, 2014
Archangel Michael
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
You are riding
the most incredible waves of energy like professionals now - your awareness has
increased, your persistence has increased and your knowledge is allowing you to
flow more freely and move within each wave of change. This however is not true
for all humanity. Those still unawakened are finding the going quite a struggle
. . . therefore your “Light” on the Planet is being called more readily into action.
You, who are carrying the Light, are required to stand tall and to be the
assistance you came to be at this crucial time of Transformation and at the
raising of the Consciousness of Planet Earth.
We, in the Realms
of Illuminated Light, are offering you the greatest amount of assistance ever
afforded Planet Earth. Call on us regularly to assist you, as you assist
others. It is a co-operative process and there is so much Light to share that
no one needs to be without that Love and Power that is available to all
Time to “BE” what
you came here to “BE”. No more playing small and no more hiding in the shadows.
The Light is shining in all areas now. Take up your mantel, show who you are -
the assistance we offer is palpable - just call and you will know what I speak
of is the TRUTH.
You Dear Ones
have reached a time in your Human Evolution that is to be celebrated and
admired. Nothing like that which you are experiencing has ever been played out
on Planet Earth before. You have no reference points to look back on to say
“Oh, if I just do this or act this way then all will be well.” You are the
change makers - each step you place on the Earth is upon “new ground”. You are
the Co-Creators of the New Earth . . . I have reminded you of that on many occasions.
You now see for yourselves that this is true. How do you want the Earth to “BE”
in this next evolution? And what are you envisioning for yourself, your family,
your fellow Beings?
I remind you Dear
Ones that you now have the greatest assistance from the Elemental Kingdom who
are also co-creating the New Earth. What amazing working partners are they?
Walk gently together on this New Earth, play well together and watch what
unfold in the miraculous times ahead.
Remember Dear
Ones to breath deeply into your desires and use your imaging faculty (3rd Eye)
to project out that which you wish to see manifest into your new reality. You
are starting to get a glimpse and a belief in yourselves as Creator Beings -
because you are noticing what you think and feel comes into your reality so
much faster now.
It is like the
new game in town - try it and watch the results. Start with something small you
would like to bring into your life. Focus on it, feel it, picture it, breath
into your creation and watch it manifest.
As you play with
your creating abilities you will call forth many things you desire into being.
Also use your new
found abilities to send out love and light and Angelic Assistance to your
fellow Beings, this is the greatest act of Love you can offer and the Angels
will assist you in delivering your “gift” as this is true love in action.
As I have
suggested before . . . allow room for Miracles to show up and always give
thanks and gratitude when they do.
Play well Dear
Angel Therapy Practitioner

Leslie-Anne Menzies
Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
Monday, May 12, 2014
Monday 12th May, 2014
12th May, 2014
Archangel Michael
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
Are you feeling the accelerated LOVE vibration? Are you noticing
your interactions have a more harmonious tone? Mother Earth is radiating LOVE
to all her inhabitants. So much more of the Creator LOVE/LIGHT is enveloping
Planet Earth.
Your hearts are opening wider - there is greater expansion and
awareness within your soul. Dear Ones you are truly “awakening.” It is such a
delight to see this Vibration radiating out from each of your hearts.
You the Lightworker’s, Way Showers, the First Wavers are shining
forth and everyone is noticing. You are attracting “like minded Be-ings” to
your energy fields and many are basking in your “glow.” Notice how many more
souls “engage” with you and want to experience that energy. This is how it will
eventually reach out to all, one Be-ing at a time. You are feeling the benefits
of the “work” you have done in this lifetime.
For many years you have felt alone, as if you were the only one in
your family, neighborhood, office, etc holding the Light. Now you witness it
everywhere you go. You are making a difference in your world and because of
you, others are embracing the Light and making a difference with those they
interact with. This will expand exponentially until every Be-ing on the Planet,
including even the most recalcitrant soul, will surrender to the Light.
This moment is not far away Dear Ones, your work is coming to
fruition, to a time on Planet Earth when Peace and Harmony rain supreme.
You have dreamed of this time - you came to Planet Earth with this
specific vision held tight within you. You knew this is what you came to do.
You volunteered to be the ones who would see Peace on Earth. You even planned
the celebrations long ago. You invited those who, you wished to share this
vision and time with, to come play with you.
Ah, but you did forget that some chose to “stir the pot” and argue
against what was your dream. Yes, you forgot that they said: “we will test your
resolve - we will be on the opposing team - and we will make sure that what you
came to do will be accomplished.”
They also told you they would make you struggle for your dream in
order to make that dream worth fighting for - and they did their part and you
did yours and now we will all start working together.
Yes, there will still be those opposing you for sometime to come but
eventually all will come to the Light as agreed and then the Party will be in
full swing.
Your Angels, Guides, Ascended Master are lined up on your side,
cheering you on as always - they, like you, can see the end result and all in
the Higher Realms are celebrating the Victory of the Light.
This is a grand Celebration on all Dimensions and we look forward to
the day, in the not too distant future, when we stand shoulder to shoulder
telling our stories of what it was like when the Greatest of Beings finally
brought Peace to Planet Earth.
The Dream is coming true Dear Ones, you can feel it, you know it on many
levels of your Be-ing and through the Law of Cause and Affect - it shall be.
Blessings Dear Ones - enjoy this next part of your amazing journey
back to the fullness of the Light and the fully awakened consciousness that you
Angel Therapy Practitioner

ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Counsellor, Group Meditation
08 8371 5511, 0408 083 185
Monday, May 5, 2014
5th May, 2014
Dear Ones,
Are you noticing
the significant changes within you? Do you start your day expecting it to
unfold as a “normal day” only to have it reveal itself with totally unexpected,
unplanned, unorganized “events.” At the end of your day we hear you lament -
well I/we didn’t see that coming, weren’t expecting that outcome! Miracles are
Remember, Dear
Ones you are “Conscious Creators” - watch your thoughts so very carefully - out
picture, using your 3rd eye, which has been up-graded during the recent
solar/lunar events and energy shifts. Create the outcomes you wish - that is
what you are doing - you just don’t realise the Power you are yielding at this
May I suggest you
begin each day with your “Wish List” - outcomes you want to create and watch
what shows up in your lives. You are no longer at the whim of the breeze. Allow
your thoughts to manifest the miracles you wish to see in your lives, but
better still, out-picture wonderful, miraculous outcomes for family and
friends. Using your heart chakra and your 3rd eye picture the seeding of
wonderful events taking place in the lives of those you cherish and all with
whom you share this earth space. Can you see that when more people work from
the Heart and less from the head what incredible advancements will take place
on your beautiful Planet?
The Intelligence
of your Higher Heart (Thymus Gland) is only just starting to be accessed by the
masses and as this happens more and more, watch what unfolds on Planet Earth.
The Light and the
Love that you are draws into this Heart Space and fills it with all that you
need and then send the residue out to Planet Earth to enliven all of humanity.
Can you see what an effect you will have on the All that Is?
Also, call on
your I AM PRESENCE regularly which will invoke great wisdom and beauty into
your lives and the lives of all humanity. So much is being activated within you
personally and within Planet Earth. So many more “treasures” are available to
all as you walk this new path you are creating every day.
As always Dear
Ones we are honoured to share this most exciting new journey with each of you.
As we witness the Light and Love that you are becoming, the radiance that beams
from your being and touching other beings, is a joy to behold.
We are witnessing
the unfolding of an event we never quite envisaged happening - there were too
many hurdles for humanity to cross but here you are and we are cheering and
applauding you as the greatest Angels to ever walk on Planet Earth - and you
are doing it with ease and grace. You just don’t realise as yet what you are
creating. We have access to the bigger picture and we are like proud parents
welcoming you over the finish line - arms outstretched to welcome you home.
Well done Dear
Angels, well done. Abundant Blessing. Your I AM PRESENCE is in full bloom.
Enjoy the finish line and the time we shall all celebrate together.

Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book) Intuitive,
Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 832 73303, 0408 083 185
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