12th May, 2014
Archangel Michael
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
Are you feeling the accelerated LOVE vibration? Are you noticing
your interactions have a more harmonious tone? Mother Earth is radiating LOVE
to all her inhabitants. So much more of the Creator LOVE/LIGHT is enveloping
Planet Earth.
Your hearts are opening wider - there is greater expansion and
awareness within your soul. Dear Ones you are truly “awakening.” It is such a
delight to see this Vibration radiating out from each of your hearts.
You the Lightworker’s, Way Showers, the First Wavers are shining
forth and everyone is noticing. You are attracting “like minded Be-ings” to
your energy fields and many are basking in your “glow.” Notice how many more
souls “engage” with you and want to experience that energy. This is how it will
eventually reach out to all, one Be-ing at a time. You are feeling the benefits
of the “work” you have done in this lifetime.
For many years you have felt alone, as if you were the only one in
your family, neighborhood, office, etc holding the Light. Now you witness it
everywhere you go. You are making a difference in your world and because of
you, others are embracing the Light and making a difference with those they
interact with. This will expand exponentially until every Be-ing on the Planet,
including even the most recalcitrant soul, will surrender to the Light.
This moment is not far away Dear Ones, your work is coming to
fruition, to a time on Planet Earth when Peace and Harmony rain supreme.
You have dreamed of this time - you came to Planet Earth with this
specific vision held tight within you. You knew this is what you came to do.
You volunteered to be the ones who would see Peace on Earth. You even planned
the celebrations long ago. You invited those who, you wished to share this
vision and time with, to come play with you.
Ah, but you did forget that some chose to “stir the pot” and argue
against what was your dream. Yes, you forgot that they said: “we will test your
resolve - we will be on the opposing team - and we will make sure that what you
came to do will be accomplished.”
They also told you they would make you struggle for your dream in
order to make that dream worth fighting for - and they did their part and you
did yours and now we will all start working together.
Yes, there will still be those opposing you for sometime to come but
eventually all will come to the Light as agreed and then the Party will be in
full swing.
Your Angels, Guides, Ascended Master are lined up on your side,
cheering you on as always - they, like you, can see the end result and all in
the Higher Realms are celebrating the Victory of the Light.
This is a grand Celebration on all Dimensions and we look forward to
the day, in the not too distant future, when we stand shoulder to shoulder
telling our stories of what it was like when the Greatest of Beings finally
brought Peace to Planet Earth.
The Dream is coming true Dear Ones, you can feel it, you know it on many
levels of your Be-ing and through the Law of Cause and Affect - it shall be.
Blessings Dear Ones - enjoy this next part of your amazing journey
back to the fullness of the Light and the fully awakened consciousness that you
Angel Therapy Practitioner

ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Counsellor, Group Meditation
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