MONDAY 28th April, 2014 Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
Welcome to this very new space “created” to support you all on the next leg of your journey into full Consciousness.
You sit on the eve of the Solar Eclipse that will bring grand expansion and new awareness to those of you ready to take the next step into your evolution upon Planet Earth.
Much will transpire as the Sun eclipses and releases much old information and ways of being on Planet Earth. Many old “TRUTHS” will be exposed and so much New Light and awareness will be made available. Very significant is this Eclipse as the passage from the old darkness into the very new Light becomes more than just a metaphor.
Stand prepared for what will be revealed to humanity at this grand time of change upon your Planet. Be ready to shine your Light as many will stumble from the darkness in loss and confusion of their old way of life which no longer holds any stability. Confusion and fear will rise for those whose consciousness has not been awakened. This is where you need to stand tall as the Light Bearers and Way Showers that you chose to be at this time.
These are the “signs” prophesied for millennia and you are the ones who chose to stand shoulder to shoulder to welcome the Light back to its fully Glory on Gaia.
Much has been released from you both internally and externally and here you are ready for the New to fully expand on your beautiful Earth.
These times have been waited for, prayed for, begged for and now it begins in its full Glory.
Are you ready Dear Ones for the next generation of the New Earth to bring forth the Light and the Love of Creation which you have carried in your DNA to be released at this time of full Consciousness?
Here you are and here we are, Co-Creating the most magnificent New Earth - beyond your wildest dreams and into the true abundance that you are.
Welcome Home Dear Ones, these are extraordinary times we are Creating as a Collective.
Blessed be Divine Bringers of the Light and Love of Creation.
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