Monday, July 20, 2015

20th July, 2015

MONDAY MEDITATION                                                           20th July, 2015
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL                                                 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are becoming excellent “surfers.” You ride the waves of energy on your Planet like true professionals now. You have gained much experience and it shows. You have become most proficient at “going with the flow” - tides in and tides out.

It is becoming easier for you to navigate these energies through the experiences each of you are having. You are also noticing how much more you can assimilate and that makes the flowing more effortless.

These energies are responsible for the “heart - opening” which is now occurring all over your Planet. You now feel the connection more readily to “ALL THAT IS.” You notice that when one is hurting, many feel the pain and reach out like no other time before on your Planet. And I tell you it is a JOY for us to watch and celebrate.

These are the times of change you were promised and you Dear Ones are that CHANGE. It is about you personally becoming the change within and then reflecting that out to your fellow beings. We are watching this, it is like watching an Orchestra - at first the notes can be out of tune and then with practice, co-operation and cohesion it all comes together beautifully, all playing the same cord. This is what you are doing Dear Ones, you are finding what brings you together rather than what is discordant with you.

So much is unravelling within your Beings and within your world but being the magnificent Beings that you are you are finding the harmony and then flowing with that. You have had much practice to bring you to this point in your Evolution and the excitement level on your Planet is rising each and everyday. You are feeling that your work is paying off and you can now see the “Light at the end of that very dark Tunnel you have traversed” and the view is Glorious.

Keep practising Dear Ones, there is still much to accomplish for you all to bring this to a magnificent crescendo but as always we are with your directing the notes you ask us to play.

It is a grand production Dear Ones and you are incredible musicians and magicians as you blend your energies together in harmony and the magic you each bring to this process.

It is always our JOY to assist each and everyone of you as you walk out of the dark fully into the Light. You are being who you came to Be. You are seeing yourselves for the very first time for the true Light that you are and it is truly magnificent.

It is truly a magical time to be on Planet Earth when all you have ever asked for, prayed for is being delivered to your door. The reward for your part in this amazing orchestration of Heaven on Earth.

Keep playing together as ONE, Dear Ones.


                                                                                              Angel Therapy Practitioner
                                                                                    Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                    Author ABC of Angels (Children’s             Book)
                                                                                    Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                    Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                    Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
                                                                                    Skype: angelstoinspire1111

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