Monday, October 26, 2015

26th October, Archangel Michael

Monday Message                                                                                 26th October, 2015 Archangel Michael                                                                    Leslie-Anne Menzies                                 

Dear Ones,

The door to your Soul is flying open. Much is being returned to you that you have kept locked away for eons. You are noticing in your awakened times (in those early hours, the time in the past when you would have been fully asleep) that those hours in your awareness are spent, In-Spirit (inspiration). It is truly a time to wake up. Sleep for you has changed.

 Wake-up listen to the nudging of Spirit - so much is being gifted into your awareness during these still moments when you are least hindered by the noise and confusion of your daily life.

This quiet time of “awakened inspiration” is when we commune with you. This is the time you are able to allow the awareness to flow back into your Be-ing. So many of you are feeling this, getting up in the middle of your night writing (like this**** woken up at 4.00 am)

Dear Ones, the excitement is building on your Planet, you are feeling it - talking about it - and as the Creators that you are - Creating it.

This time is so precious, so enlivening and as we watch each of you awaken more fully each day, we share your Joy and Enthusiasm for what is to come.

Your gifts are being “unwrapped.” They have been “stored” so neatly for so long some are still a little apprehensive when confronted by the possibility you may hold something truly precious. You are not sure this is “your gift.” It looks TOO GOOD to be yours. Time to acknowledge the Light of WHO YOU ARE.

Dear Ones, it is time to wake-up, just like on Christmas Day or your Birthday knowing what is in “those parcels” truly has your name inscribed upon it.

Unwrap them with the same excitement, joy and anticipation of the greatest gift you can ever imaging receiving - for it is truly for YOU.

This is the time you came to the Planet to witness and create - this is your agreement, your Piece of the Puzzle - no one else holds this - ONLY YOU. Answers to the questions that have been sought for eons are coming into individual awareness and as you progress through these monumental times each of you will bring forth the necessary answers.

It is a co-creative process, a magnificent plan you “organized” long before you incarnated into this lifetime.
It was YOU WHO SAID : 

 “I WILL DO THIS, I WILL BE THE ONE WHO BRINGS ...................................... TO THE PLANET.

Allow me to bring this gift.

And it was agreed that would be your “PIECE” to share and in doing so, make the ‘WHOLE’ complete.

Dear Ones, you are asked now to step forward, lay down your ‘PIECE” in perfect alignment so the next person can lay theirs and so on and so forth until in the very near times the puzzle pieces will ALL be in perfect alignment.

The immense Joy you will bring to your fellow Beings will be echoed through the Universe and beyond.

You are ALL ONE, duality is no longer an option. Lay down your weapons of defense and allow you Higher Heart to rule your every action and intention and watch how the New Heaven on Earth unravels before you eyes.

And all you did was open a GIFT - the GIFT all humanity has been waiting on - YOU - You being the highest expression of all that you are, the LOVE that you are.

Shine your magnificent Light on Planet Earth Dear Ones and as each of you shine more brightly, with each new day the Earth will dazzle.

What a sight that will be Dear Ones and we will bask in the Glory with each of you.

Shine brightly, chose this day to be all you came to be - no more hiding your gifts - open them to the World - we await you Dear Ones.




Monday, October 19, 2015

19th October, 2015

Monday Message                                                          19th October, 2015
Archangel Michael                                                         Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Truly amazing times upon all humanity. For many the energies feel as though you are diving and weaving . . . but with each influx brings new awareness.

For each of you, letting go of that which no longer serves you is paramount. For in the letting go, you make space for the new. Life as you once knew it is gone - you are creating the new each day.  When this understanding enters your awareness you will move forward with more ease and grace, no longer striving to hold onto that which has already moved out of your field. Are you noticing this Dear Ones?

You can feel that the old energies are struggling to maintain stability - they are on shifting sands and the sand is about to be washed away completely.

Your new stability is forming, you are grounding this new energy daily. However, some days feel like you are still walking through quick sand.

Dear Ones, remember grounding is incredibly desirable with these massive changes because the Earth beneath your feet is also shifting with you. We remind you the Earth and You are ONE therefore the experience is being replicated within each of you.

Now is the time to work with your heart energies, calling to mind your true mission on Earth. Remembering your connection to the Earth’s heart beat and noticing how you beat in synchronicity. Take time in your day to stand on the earth bare foot, take a deep Earth breath, connect with the Mother and breathe the rhythm of her heart into your own. Take the time to feel this connection and then all your earthly troubles will just melt into oblivion. Breathe deeply like this whenever the stresses or burdens become too much. All is leaving your body and the more you take time for this simple BUT profound exercise, change will rapidly come into your awareness.

Dear Ones, these new frequencies of energy are clearing out ALL that is no longer required by you. What is leaving is not only from this lifetime but from previous incarnations. That is why we say to you “LET IT GO” send it off with love and give thanks for the lessons and the blessings that have brought you to this new day and time.

You are on the threshold of so many miraculous experiences. You have chosen to walk this New Earth, with this new awareness and we now call for you to Stand Tall and BE who you came to BE. It is time Dear Ones for you to know the mighty Beings that you are. Look past the old facades you created to see into your TRUE/SOUL/SELF - the reality of who you ARE.  When you do, you will stand proudly acknowledging the LOVE/LIGHT that you brought from Home to this Earth to shine and share with your sisters/brothers.

No more hiding, no more playing small, no more pretending to be anything other than what you came to be - Magnificent Beings of Light, here at this time to bring the most momentous of changes to your beautiful Planet.

As you acknowledge this Beingness within yourself reach out to each other and acknowledge what you witness in the Other You - your sisters and brothers. As you do this each of you will grow in awareness and stature - you are each reflecting the Light, Soul to Soul. When you have this recognition of divinity within each of you, change will be rapid. You will no longer play the old games, of the old earth. Honour the Divine within each Be-ing with non judgement, allow your Heart to lead the way in each encounter with another.

Through this you allow the Light/Love to grow on your Planet and then watch how it spreads exponentially.

We stand with you as always, once again united in the LOVE that we are and always have been.

It is an honour to watch you and your Planet bring the New Earth into Be-ing, just as we imagined.

Such JOY, such delight as all the dreams we shared are now coming into Be-ing. We always knew we would stand beside you no matter what and here we are at this most auspicious of times. Excitement is not a large enough word for what is unfolding Dear Ones.

Love and Gratitude for all you are and all you bring.

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings.



                                                                                    Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                    Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                    Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                    Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                    Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
                                                                                     Skype: angelstoinspire1111

Monday, October 12, 2015

12th October, 2015

MONDAY MESSAGE                                                                           12th October 2015        
Archangel Michael                                                                          Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Are you noticing the energies of this NOW moment? Are you feeling the well-being, the relief, the acceptance? Can you feel that all is moving in perfect alignment and even though you may not yet see how it is all unfolding, youTRUST that all is, as it needs be.

You have entered a time in your Evolution where your feelings are leading and guiding you to better outcomes than your past endeavours. And even though the outer world looks as though not much has changed, we assure you so much has.

Try not to focus on what is being projected to you via the old world, for it is collapsing faster than is being portrayed. Those still dealing in fear and mayhem want you to believe, all is, as it always has been. But deep in your hearts you know, this is not so. The hearts of humanity are awakening each day and each new day your ranks swell with those who have begun to awaken to this New Earth that you have been quietly creating behind the scenes.

Now the tide is rising and there is no holding it, or you, back. You now all speak your TRUTH with conviction and with nothing to hide. You cannot stop the flow, it is edging you forward every day and as you move forward more and more are joining you until this ground swell must be heard. Look at the numbers that now gather in areas of injustice all over your Planet. Never before has this happened and it will continue to grow as the changes continue to gather momentum.

You are now all beginning to feel and understand this is what you have chosen to be here for. You can no longer remain small and unheard. You are raising your voices as ONE.  This is what you all agreed to before incarnating. You are beginning to feel the ONENESS each day and you are looking into the eyes and hearts of each other knowing you can no longer condone what happens to your sisters and brothers. You know that feeling of what happens to them, happens to you. And you will no longer stand by and allow the injustices, that you once closed your eyes to, to continue.

Your sense of pride and heart opening joy comes when you witness people standing up for what no longer will be accepted or tolerated on your Planet. This is a joy for us to behold.

As these new energies enliven your Planet on a daily basis and more Light and Love permeates your hearts and minds,TRUST that you are moving towards the most incredible time that you can ever imagine on your Planet. REMEMBER that this is a time you asked to experience and many stood aside so you could be the ONES to bring this plan to fruition, and here you are.

You are the ONES creating this NEW EARTH and you are doing it with your hearts open wide. Look to the skies, watch the clouds, the Sun and all Creation are co-operating to bring this Earth into this magnificent new alignment with the ALL THAT IS.

You are the greatest Creators to ever walk this Earth.

We are delighted to share this experience and watch as you put your Creative hats on and bring about this Evolution of Humanity in the grandest of styles.

As always we are with you every new step you take and it is desirous that you call upon us.

Well done Dear ONES,



                                                                                    Angel Therapy Practitioner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Leslie-Anne Menzies
                                                                                    Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
                                                                                    Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
                                                                                    Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
                                                                                    Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
                                                                                    Skype: angelstoinspire1111

28th September, 2015

Monday Message 28th September 2015      Archangel Michael          Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

A most auspicious Day. You are basking in the beautiful, soulful energies of the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse.

Much is transitioning for you and your Planet. So many extraordinary changes you are bringing forth. For those of you reading and sharing these words, you are the First-Wavers, the ones who chose to step forward at this momentous time.

For you, much has already transitioned in your lives. Many of you have experienced great loss. Loss of dearly loved family members, partners and loved ones. For others it has been the loss of jobs/careers which brought with it the loss of financial stability. Many have lost homes and familiar locations. There has been loss of “material” possessions and so forth. This has challenged your belief of “who you were” in relationship to all mentioned. So much that defined YOU as YOU has slipped away and with it came great grief and despair. YOU have come to find you are NOT any of those things and even in the letting go and the loss you have come to know more of who you truly ARE.

Dear Ones, we want you to know those losses will be replaced by magnificent gains - not recognized in your old world but the New World you are creating will be bountiful indeed. Can you now see that the many changes you made and the many challenges you faced have made you the new Being that now occupies this new world. You have become so much more and because of all this growth and awareness you are ready to step forward as the Ground Crew for the New Earth.

Take the hands and hold the hearts of those following in your footsteps. Your time of Service to Humanity is upon you and you now have the wisdom and understanding to assist those taking the path you trod earlier.

You will be the support team for those now walking a few paces behind you. They will know you faced your challenges and adversities with Grace and they will recognise that if you have done that so will they.

All is in perfect order and timing and so much will unfold rapidly before you all now. You now know beyond any doubt that you are ready for this next phase of your embodiment on this new earth.

The excitement builds each day. It is palpable. You know you are the ONES who agreed to this momentous Ascension of Planet Earth and all HU-manity. You are remembering so much of what you have chosen to do.

All those who share the Light with you stand in gratitude and awe as what was professed to unfold is coming into being.

So much still to do Dear Ones, but you are the Way Showers and all Hu-manithy is looking to you for guidance and how you lead the way blind folded but still managed to find your way.

All in the Realms of Illuminated Truth send their Love and Admiration for a job well done. You are ALL loved beyond measure.

We your support team hold your hearts and hands in ours always.

Thank you for becoming the Light and the Love that you chose Dear Ones.

In gratitude and love.