Monday Message 28th September 2015 Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
A most auspicious Day. You are basking in the beautiful, soulful energies of the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse.
Much is transitioning for you and your Planet. So many extraordinary changes you are bringing forth. For those of you reading and sharing these words, you are the First-Wavers, the ones who chose to step forward at this momentous time.
For you, much has already transitioned in your lives. Many of you have experienced great loss. Loss of dearly loved family members, partners and loved ones. For others it has been the loss of jobs/careers which brought with it the loss of financial stability. Many have lost homes and familiar locations. There has been loss of “material” possessions and so forth. This has challenged your belief of “who you were” in relationship to all mentioned. So much that defined YOU as YOU has slipped away and with it came great grief and despair. YOU have come to find you are NOT any of those things and even in the letting go and the loss you have come to know more of who you truly ARE.
Dear Ones, we want you to know those losses will be replaced by magnificent gains - not recognized in your old world but the New World you are creating will be bountiful indeed. Can you now see that the many changes you made and the many challenges you faced have made you the new Being that now occupies this new world. You have become so much more and because of all this growth and awareness you are ready to step forward as the Ground Crew for the New Earth.
Take the hands and hold the hearts of those following in your footsteps. Your time of Service to Humanity is upon you and you now have the wisdom and understanding to assist those taking the path you trod earlier.
You will be the support team for those now walking a few paces behind you. They will know you faced your challenges and adversities with Grace and they will recognise that if you have done that so will they.
All is in perfect order and timing and so much will unfold rapidly before you all now. You now know beyond any doubt that you are ready for this next phase of your embodiment on this new earth.
The excitement builds each day. It is palpable. You know you are the ONES who agreed to this momentous Ascension of Planet Earth and all HU-manity. You are remembering so much of what you have chosen to do.
All those who share the Light with you stand in gratitude and awe as what was professed to unfold is coming into being.
So much still to do Dear Ones, but you are the Way Showers and all Hu-manithy is looking to you for guidance and how you lead the way blind folded but still managed to find your way.
All in the Realms of Illuminated Truth send their Love and Admiration for a job well done. You are ALL loved beyond measure.
We your support team hold your hearts and hands in ours always.
Thank you for becoming the Light and the Love that you chose Dear Ones.
In gratitude and love.
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