Monday, April 18, 2016

18th April, 2016

Monday 18th April, 2016       Archangel Michael         Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You have just moved through very intense energies - lots of shaking and shifting reflected not only in your own precious bodies but also felt very intensely through the whole of Mother Earth. Many loving souls leaving the Planet through this gateway. All is, as it is. Honour those who have chosen to leave at this Cosmic moment for they assist YOU and All Humanity in this massive reformation of the New Earth.

The Photonic Light which is pulsing through your bodies is upgrading, re-aligning and bringing you into perfect balance with all that is required for this next part of the transition.

Time to honour your role in all that is transpiring. Time to take personal responsibility for that which is playing out in your energetic field. You were the Ones who put your hands up for this unfolding transition . Time to REMEMBER Dear Ones, and OWN your part in all that is playing out in your awareness.

Many are now holding so much more “light” in your physical bodies and we remind you to run what is required through your physical vehicles and then Consciously send the excess out to the rest of humanity/Planet Earth. You may wish to focus on a particular person, place, or situation then consciously share your Love/Light with the Intention of it being for the highest good of all concerned.

Picture yourself and the “other” bathed in this Radiant Light - watch as the transformation takes place. If you will consciously do this a few times a day, you will in fact, be assisting the process of Ascension for ALL.

Many are feeling tired and weary, as this is a very exhausting time but by using this tool of “sharing” the Light/Love that you have received, and then sending that out to the Planet this will give you a sense of the Service to Humanity you have chosen  at this time.

Breathe deeply Dear Ones, hand on heart and allow the Love/Light that YOU are to extend out. See the Light coming in through your Crown Chakra, which is open like petals of a flower, directing the Light into your heart centre - fill every cell, every atom of your Being and then with the excess Love/Light flow it into your Earth Star Chakra just beneath your feet, with the full intention of it being received by those who require it at this moment. It maybe just one person, a group, a country or the entire Planet you wish to make the beneficiary of this life giving essence.

Take in 3 deep breaths, allow what will be to be and honour yourself for what you are contributing to the New Earth.

Dear Ones, there is so much more you can offer yourself and the Planet by just being the LOVE THAT YOU ARE .

Approach all others with an open heart, flowing this photonic energy at every opportunity and watch how you personally change and those in your field will change just by osmosis.

You are the Light in your world Dear Ones, shine brightly for all to see.

And so it is.


Monday, April 11, 2016

11th April 2016

Monday 11th April 2016      Archangel Michael Message     Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Currently you are sitting in the energies of Push and Pull, at least that is how it feels to many of you. So much needs to be “fast tracked” for you to move into the next phase of your expansion.

What is coming up for you to notice and resolve will allow for much progression.

So much is “in your face” at this time, calling you to “face-up” and acknowledge what is no longer working for you. What condition are you in? How is your health, wealth, relationships? All these “triggers” that keep you from advancing on your path.

How do you handle what is showing up for you? When triggered do you resort to your old ways of handling things like stress and pressure (old 3rd dimensional ways) or can you now move to your new time lines of 5th dimensional ways and choose a different outcome.? Notice yourself - how are you reACTing? Old or new energy?

As you are moving more rapidly on the 5D timelines you will notice how your emotions/feelings are much easier to handle than the old re-ACT-ionery ways of anger, frustration, judgement, shame etc etc. You are learning new ways to approach what is appearing in your space. You have tools now. You have the ability to STOP, take a breath, choose how you re-ACT in that micro moment of the in-between breathe you can choose a different outcome.

In that still moment you have CHOICE - this is the new way of Be-ing, and you, the Creators that you are, come up with new realities just by making a CHOICE.

Thinking with your HEARTS instead of your heads - a truly new way of relating.

The heart, higher heart, thymus gland is the greatest way forward when dealing with what is placed before you for transmutation.

In time you will become so adept using the heart solution then the love that you are 
will flow into every action automatically.

This is true evolution Dear Ones. When you are completely heart-opened and heart focused, Beings of Love you will be living the life you chose for this lifetime.

For many you know this TRUTH and are working diligently to make it your first point of reference when confronted by a situation that triggers an old emotional response. Like new lessons this is a new way of Be-ing and it takes time for these changes to be structured in a way that soon it will be an automatic response straight from your heart space and then you will KNOW you have made a massive transformation in your Human expression.

Dear Ones, do not be so hard on yourselves when you have a set back - anything new takes time and effort to perfect. This is what you are achieving, working with your emotional responses in a completely new paradigm. You were never taught this in your school systems - for many this is such new information.

Keep up the great work Dear Ones and may I remind you that we walk with you. 

Living and loving on Planet Earth is all about RELATIONSHIPS and when issues arise, call on us. Ask for the highest outcome for any situation and we your Guardians and the Guardians of the “other” will assist on all levels of understanding to bring the highest outcome possible.

Glory is your Birthright Dear Ones, and you are understanding this more each day as you begin to acknowledge the love that you are radiating out from your Heart to those with whom you share this time and space.

A reminder Dear Ones, those who you believe cause you the greatest consternation are also your greatest teachers - the triggers they invoke in you were set in timelines to be ignited at the appropriate time for your further growth and development along your pathway.

Always give thanks, send love and remember to FORGIVE yourself firstly for your part in this fanciful PLAY and then forgive those who ignite the triggers that allow you to have maximum growth and understanding.

Nothing is as it appears Dear Ones, so many TRUTHS hidden awaiting you to focus your LOVE AND YOUR HEART in igniting that TRUTH for all mankind.

You are here at this time by CHOICE Dear Ones, and what a splendid time you chose to finally learn the lessons, bring closure and then open completely to the New Earth you are creating, having made great choices with a clear perspective for ALL humanity to live in Peace and Abundance, fully in your Sovereignty, surrounded by the many Beings chosen to assist you at this time.

What a glorious celebration of LIFE AND LOVE on your bountiful, abundant New Earth.

Welcome HOME Dear Ones, it is a joy to share this experience with such magnificent Souls.

Let the Celebrations ring out.


Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4th 2016

Monday April 4th 2016   Archangel Michael Message         Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

What glorious days are upon all who inhabit Planet Earth. You who are holding the LOVE AND THE LIGHT as your strongest intention are glorifying your Earth. You are living your contracts as you allow more and more of the rarified Conscious Light of Creation to fill your magnificent bodies and then outpour that to those sharing the Earth.

It is time to focus more of your attention and intention on the LOVE THAT YOU ARE and THE LOVE THAT YOU ENCAPSULATE to ALL who come into your energy fields. We hear many of you still asking “what is my purpose?” I tell your Dear Ones you are living and breathing your purpose each time you take an in-breath of purified LIGHT/LOVE with Intention and then exhale it out to the Planet for healing/peace/love etc.

As many of you are aware St. Germain, the Keeper of the Violet Flame has stepped forward and is working with ALL who call upon the MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and the VIOLET FLAME of TRANSMUTATION. Ask St. Germain to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the Violet Flame through any doubts, old habits, beliefs, any fear, anger anything that is not in alignment with your highest and best outcome whilst in human form. Call on my beloved brother who is delighted to be of assistance at this magnificent time of Resurrection on Planet Earth.

Ask St. Germain to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE, Love and Light into every cell within to allow all that is not of Love/Light to be transformed allowing for your highest potential to be achieved at this time.

In your Meditation witness the Violet Flame flowing through every cell, every atom, every molecule that is YOU. See yourself ablaze with the Magnificent Violet Flame - witness the transformation taking place within and around you, knowing you can call on this assistance for any situation you wish to transmute.

As stated many times, we in the Realms of Illuminated Light are closer to you than has ever been possible and because of this we emplore you to call on us for the assistance you require on this Evolutionary journey - this journey has NEVER been experienced in the dense human body before. You are in unchartered waters and we wish you to know how much an honour it is to assist in this transformative process of bringing the energy of LOVE and Pure LIGHT back to your Planet so that ALL may once again live in Peace and Freedom upon your Earth.

You are the Masters becoming and we will all walk side by side in these coming times and we will marvel at the transformation that you undertook to achieve this mighty feat.

Look to the skies Dear Ones, we are offering our support in the formations above you. There are signs everywhere - learn to interpret their meaning - much can be achieved when you take the time to watch nature and all that is being presented to you for you to see the loving support we offer so freely.

These are times like no other and there will be a time in the not too distant future when the Celebrations will be so obvious - no one will deny what you have achieved, by just being who you came to be - the Love and the Light to guide ALL HUMANITY back to the original Divine Blueprint.

How joyous these times are Dear Ones as you the Greatest of Angels to have EVER walked the Planet unravel the mystery of who you truly are and why you chose to be here at this most auspicious of times on Planet Earth.

My Brother St, Germain and I implore you to walk side by side with us as we unravel this mystery and return it to the pristine function of Peace on Earth, love for ALL humankind and JOY AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.

Shine your Light higher and higher Dear Ones.

You are loved beyond measure.