Monday April 4th 2016 Archangel Michael Message Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
What glorious days are upon all who inhabit Planet Earth. You who are holding the LOVE AND THE LIGHT as your strongest intention are glorifying your Earth. You are living your contracts as you allow more and more of the rarified Conscious Light of Creation to fill your magnificent bodies and then outpour that to those sharing the Earth.
It is time to focus more of your attention and intention on the LOVE THAT YOU ARE and THE LOVE THAT YOU ENCAPSULATE to ALL who come into your energy fields. We hear many of you still asking “what is my purpose?” I tell your Dear Ones you are living and breathing your purpose each time you take an in-breath of purified LIGHT/LOVE with Intention and then exhale it out to the Planet for healing/peace/love etc.
As many of you are aware St. Germain, the Keeper of the Violet Flame has stepped forward and is working with ALL who call upon the MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE and the VIOLET FLAME of TRANSMUTATION. Ask St. Germain to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE the Violet Flame through any doubts, old habits, beliefs, any fear, anger anything that is not in alignment with your highest and best outcome whilst in human form. Call on my beloved brother who is delighted to be of assistance at this magnificent time of Resurrection on Planet Earth.
Ask St. Germain to BLAZE, BLAZE, BLAZE, Love and Light into every cell within to allow all that is not of Love/Light to be transformed allowing for your highest potential to be achieved at this time.
In your Meditation witness the Violet Flame flowing through every cell, every atom, every molecule that is YOU. See yourself ablaze with the Magnificent Violet Flame - witness the transformation taking place within and around you, knowing you can call on this assistance for any situation you wish to transmute.
As stated many times, we in the Realms of Illuminated Light are closer to you than has ever been possible and because of this we emplore you to call on us for the assistance you require on this Evolutionary journey - this journey has NEVER been experienced in the dense human body before. You are in unchartered waters and we wish you to know how much an honour it is to assist in this transformative process of bringing the energy of LOVE and Pure LIGHT back to your Planet so that ALL may once again live in Peace and Freedom upon your Earth.
You are the Masters becoming and we will all walk side by side in these coming times and we will marvel at the transformation that you undertook to achieve this mighty feat.
Look to the skies Dear Ones, we are offering our support in the formations above you. There are signs everywhere - learn to interpret their meaning - much can be achieved when you take the time to watch nature and all that is being presented to you for you to see the loving support we offer so freely.
These are times like no other and there will be a time in the not too distant future when the Celebrations will be so obvious - no one will deny what you have achieved, by just being who you came to be - the Love and the Light to guide ALL HUMANITY back to the original Divine Blueprint.
How joyous these times are Dear Ones as you the Greatest of Angels to have EVER walked the Planet unravel the mystery of who you truly are and why you chose to be here at this most auspicious of times on Planet Earth.
My Brother St, Germain and I implore you to walk side by side with us as we unravel this mystery and return it to the pristine function of Peace on Earth, love for ALL humankind and JOY AND ABUNDANCE FOR ALL.
Shine your Light higher and higher Dear Ones.
You are loved beyond measure.
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