Monday, May 29, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
29th May, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Once again you gather to assist with the Healing of Planet Earth and of course yourselves. So much is being accomplished all over the Planet as you join with so many like minded souls, congregating in many corners of the Globe.

The ripples of LOVE AND LIGHT reverberate all over the Cosmos as you recognise the Divinity within each other and self.

Truly magical to witness Dear Ones. As you are aware, we are your Loving Support Team always ready to embrace your ideals and your willingness to “Step Up” and take back your Power, once so freely given over to others.

Dear Ones, the changes you are collectively initiating on the Planet flow out and each act of kindness is returned 1,000 fold. Each heart that opens to the Oneness of ALL THAT IS becomes an open channel for ALL to radiate to.

Dear Ones, you witness so many “dark” situations occurring but we tell you there is so much more LIGHT and goodness on the Planet. Focus on that, and watch how it is returned 1,000 fold also.

Start where you are - focus forgiveness on ALL you believe to be at “fault” - be it family, friends, partners, children etc. Whom ever you “judge” to be the reason for your unhappiness, wrong doing, etc.

Extend the hand of forgiveness. You do not even need to do this face to face. Your Thoughts flow with Intention.

Focus on a person or situation in your life that is causing you angst at this moment. Send that person LOVE/LIGHT with the Highest Intention and believing in the outcome.

Every time you “think” of this person/situation CHOOSE to send LOVE/LIGHT. This may take a few times to make the “shift” in your thinking and belief - it is truly worth the effort, if not for the person/situation , if only for you, who desire PEACE in your life. 

Dear Ones, we remind you - YOU ARE ALL ONE - what affects one affects all!!!

Choose your thoughts and you change your situation. Imagine this person/situation and offer the compassion you would a small child who is in incredible pain - for that is what is crying out on your Planet Dear Ones. Pain is speaking very loudly and WILL BE HEARD and acknowledged UNTIL is is resolved - thats where FORGIVENESS is the remedy Dear Hearts.

Forgive others as you wished to be forgiven. Love others as you wish to be loved.

Dear Ones, the changing times are challenging for ALL - you can make a difference and it depends on your “thoughts” and your “actions.” Change your thought regarding a person/situation and ALL will change.


You can take this Quantum leap Dear Hearts, in fact you will see amazing benefits for all human kind when you do - and isn’t that after-all, what you are asking for?.


And it starts with YOU.

What can YOU do today to change the WORLD?  Change how you view it, through forgiveness and watch how easily Peace returns to your beautiful Globe.

And so it is.


Monday, May 22, 2017


Brave Souls,

As you walk blindfolded on the trapeze wire of life, you are navigating fields of possibilities for eons unavailable to you. 

The smorgasbord is now OPEN and the availability of choice, un-limited.

Because of all the recent energy shifts, you have changed gears and are now moving in a completely new direction, without a G.P.S.

These times are exhilarating Dear Ones. Having never been experienced before. Therefore as the Architects of this New Earth, YOU are creating each new step as you place your foot upon the Earth. It is IMPERATIVE and for your Highest Good to keep ALL THOUGHTS POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING. I reiterate:  THOUGHTS truly become your reality.

Endless possibilities and opportunities await you Dear Hearts. Allow your imagination to flow forth. For many lifetimes you were suppressed from using your “imaging faculty” and now it has been cleared, it is once again available for Creating the Life you have always dreamed.

Recently, I suggested you focus your Intention through the 3rd Eye - the imaging centre - project out into form, that which you wish to ‘SEE’ in your awareness, and bring this into your being-ness.

Dear Ones, allow the Creators that you are, to have fun, play and ignite the passions you have held so tightly within your bodies, not ever allowing yourself the belief that you could actually manifest your dreams.

And here you are - beginning to live larger than you could have ever “imagined.”

You have all the tools at your disposal to allow yourself to step out of who you always have been, into your dream imaging.

What a time to be on Planet Earth Dear Ones as you witness the ABUNDANCE of all possibilities finally unleashed and returned to the rightful recipients......YOU. You are Sovereign Beings Dear Beings of Light.

As you witness the Peace return to your Planet, as set by your intentions in the field of possibilities it has been met by the energies of Allowing and now is coming into form on your Planet.

YOU Dear Ones are the Miracle Workers of your time on this New Earth Plane.

So many miracles will flow freely on your New Earth - watch, observe and give thanks and grace for all that is unfolding within and around you.

Miracle Healing Abilities are being returned to you also. Ask and it is Given, ALL your Divine Birthright Dear Hearts. 

So many wonderful possibilities for ALL HUMANITY to receive and celebrate.

All Humanity desires to live a life of complete well-being, optimum health and vitality. Abundance in all areas of your being-ness and PEACE abiding on ALL of Planet Earth.

All because YOU, CHOSE to step forward at this time in the Greatest Evolution of Planet Earth and all who chose to abide on her. You walked this path, shining your Light for all to see, even when you stumbled in the darkness and were unsure yourselves. You truly are the greatest Angels to abide on Planet Earth. You have called forth so much Divine Light from Creation to once again enliven and enlighten this Planet.


What a magnificent New Earth you have toiled to bring to fruition. Some never thought they would see such great changes even though they were foretold in their lifetime - it is now unfolding before your eyes.

And here we stand with you, shoulder to shoulder expressing the JOY, witnessing the profound experience Humanity is undertaking whilst still in Human Form.

That too is changing. Rapidly. Every cell within your Being is upgrading, rejuvenating. The regeneration of YOU is well advanced, hence all those “strange symptoms” each of you have experienced.

Hold hands lovingly Dear Ones. Assist each other in all aspects of this dance. Your Star Sisters and Brothers are in awe of what is unfolding. They dance with you. We ALL dance with you.


REMINDER - This Sunday 28th May, 2017 - we will be sharing a day together. A wonderful experience awaits - 10.30am to 4.30pm $90 plus a shared lunch. Lets play.

Leslie-Anne 0408 083 185        Skype angelstoinspire1111

Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
15th May, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

The Miraculous energies of May continue for you. The Celebrations have begun. You are Creator Beings - through your thoughts you Create.

May is the Month of the Mother and the energies of the Mother flow to each and every  Child of the Universe. Breathe into and accept the LOVE of the Mother, feel the warmth of her embrace showering and surrounding you in LOVE. Take the LOVE of the Divine Mother, the Eternal Mother, Mother Earth and breathe that into your Be-ing. This LOVE is palpable and encompasses all life on your beautiful Planet.

May is also the month of Miracles, and once again we ask you to use your creative faculties to bring forth that which you desire. Place your Intention on that which you wish to create for you, and ALL humanity. Allow your Attention to flow out into the world of form to bring whatever you desire into manifestation. Manifestation awaits your command!

Divine Peace and Divine Abundance is created through your thoughts and attention upon it. Feel into the possibility of these “gifts” being the only way Humanity will live from this day forward. Hold that image throughout your day.

Your wish is our command.

We, in the higher realms of Illuminated TRUTH align with you and your wishes. Allow your visions of this “higher realm,” higher reality of PEACE, LOVE AND ABUNDANCE to be all you focus your attention upon. 

Your thoughts and your actions will bring these miracles of Peace on Earth and Abundance to all Be-ings.

You ARE that powerful Dear Ones.

Time to Re-member WHO YOU ARE.

Great changes continue to unravel each new day and as always it is YOU Dear Creator Beings, aligning with these changes that is making a difference.

These are the days you stepped forward for - have you noticed the synchronicities exploding all over the Planet and particularly in your own awareness. Signs from above as requested. You are now Re-membering Home.

All that is unfolding will change your history forever.

As more TRUTHS unfold, as they will rapidly now - hold the hands of those just awakening for they will need your strength and resilience as they begin to understand ALL that they have ever been told is a lie.

For those of you who awakened long ago, you have had time to process information which has allowed you to integrate such over time. You are therefore requested to walk gently with those who are waking, with a jolt, from a very, very, deep slumber.

Hold their hands, wipe their tears, share the knowledge you have gained, but most of all tell them of the magical times that await them, these are the times you chose to experience.

Their initial anger and rage will dissipate more easily than yours because they have you to seek answers from and they will also FEEL what you say is TRUE. The ability to FEEL has increased the energy governing the chakras, and so much has cleared which will allow the TRUTH to resinate in the body more easily. Your ability to just KNOW AND FEEL will increase as the veil lifts for you all.

So much has changed and will change for each and every being on the Planet. The evidence of this NEW EARTH can no longer be denied.

Magical times ahead for ALL HUMANITY. Divine Peace, Prosperity, Equality all that you have asked for, prayed for is now unravelling before each of you.

The Celebrations have begun Dear Ones, as you watch all unfold before you in ways you could have only once dreamed.

As always we stand beside you in Celebration.

Magic and Miracles the new order of each new day.

And so it is.


Skype   angelstoinspire1111

Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
8th May, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Hearts,

You are the brave souls moving through, what for so many, feels like “quick-sand.” These evolutionary times you find challenging at best, and for many the feeling of being totally  overwhelmed, engulfs you more times that you wish to acknowledge.

And still you move forward.

Dear Ones, we wish to surround you with our LOVE and hold you, as you move through these challenges. If you could but see all that we see is radiating before you. Keep the faith Dear Ones, ALL is in its perfection. This maybe not be how you believe it to be, but we ask you to keep taking each new breath and each new step and before long this will be forgotten. For when you see what is before you and understand how all was divinely planned and conceived, you too will rejoice as we do.

Time like no other we reiterate. How could you possibly know or understand what you chose to FORGET. As the awakening continues and the amnesia subsides, you will finally REMEMBER and that remembering can be triggered by a feeling long hidden in the depth of your heart. As your hearts continue to open and expand, more remembering will occur.

TRUST your Sacred Hearts Dear Ones, for they beat with the Information of the Ages and the LOVE THAT YOU ARE . You are eternal and the remembering will bring you back to the TRUTH allowing you to remember YOUR UNIQUE WISDOM, your piece of the puzzle, and finally releasing THE LOVE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN.

Dear Ones, Relax, Breathe, Allow - ALL is unfolding perfectly. Allow the LOVE to engulf you and all you come into union with. You are feeling this Re-Union occur in many areas of your life - with family, friends and even “strangers” with whom you feel a familiar “knowing.”

No strangers Dear Ones, these are Souls you have shared many journeys with and you are all coming back to wholeness as you walk through each new day. 

Dear Ones we have spoken many times of the bodily transformation taking place during this time and we remind you once again to Relax and Allow all that is unfolding regarding your health and vitality. Allow yourselves to create all that is in your field into the perfection you wish to experience.

EVERYTHING is being RE-NEW-ED - Relax, Allow, Breathe

YOU chose these times, YOU chose these experiences, YOU even chose the Players in your Life Play.

Dear Ones, EVERYTHING is moving faster and faster in your reality. Hold on for the ride of your lifetime. No “Theme Park” can EVER compare to what you are experiencing and more importantly what is to come.

Seat-belts fastened Dear Ones, the Ride is about to accelerate and exhilarate.

Relax, Allow, Breathe and IN JOY.

We always hold you with the greatest LOVE.

And so it is.

Skype -  angelstoinspire1111

Fundamental Tools for Ascension   10.30 - 4.30 pm PORT NOARLUNGA 

SOUTH AUSTRALIA    -$90 plus Shared Lunch  Bookings   0408 083 185

Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday Message 1st May, 2017
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Blessed Be.

Nurture yourselves and each other as you transition through these energetic changes. Your beautiful bodies, your physical vehicles are acclimatising to the new energies. This is exhausting you mentally and physically, for so much is changing and you have no reference points for all that is unfolding.

TRUST, Dear Ones, you are guided always and monitored for all that you are transmuting. You and your Cosmic family are co-creating all that is transforming before you.

This time on Planet Earth has NEVER been experienced before and you are the trend-setters for all that is unfolding. We in the Higher Realms of Illumination are in AWE of what is evolving.

Each of you as Sovereign Beings, is stepping up and claiming your Mastery in greater increments each day.

Your hearts (higher heart) are opening wider, therefore allowing more LOVE/LIGHT particles to enter your Planet on a daily basis.

It is a Joy to behold and witness the Light Quotient raise everyday. Allow your heart energy to flow forth and incorporate ALL who come into your sphere of influence. Just a smile, a hug, a loving touch or an encouraging word makes a difference in the lives of those around you and this energy then flows out exponentially bringing the LOVE/LIGHT of Peace to your fellowman and your beloved Earth closer to fruition.

If YOU could see the difference YOU make when you offer such a small gesture of kindness to another. It is amplified 10 fold by the vibration going out and touching all within the field. Such a simple thing to do Dear Ones and YOU are creating all that is taking place, allowing for the greatest unfoldment to continue to play out on your Planet.

YOU are co-creating ALL that you see on your Planet. As YOU raise your vibration and then offer that as a feeling, an intention, the magnification is incredible.

Dear Ones, continue to hold each others hands, support each other through this transition. YOU are the most magnificent Souls to EVER step foot on Planet Earth. You chose this time. YOU chose this experience. We see some wince when you hear these words BUT YES Dear Ones you chose it ALL.  For those who feel as if life has knocked them down over and over, can you look back at who you were before such experiences? How much have you grown as a Soul? How much have you learned about yourself and others through your experiences? You are not the same person you where - your Soul has grown, your heart is larger, your capacity for understanding, reaching out with compassion is greater than it ever was.

This is ASCENSION Dear Ones. You did not step into this lifetime for the “easy ride.” All that you have gone through has allowed you to step into your Mastery and the Soul Growth is enormous. Exactly what you agreed to in this time/space.

Soon you will RE-MEMBER all you agreed to and you will rejoice in how far you have evolved and you will realise all those “villains” in your life space all played their roles perfectly to allow you to complete your assignments.

The agreements between Souls is just one part of your RE-MEMBERING. Where you can see the LOVE/LIGHT in the “other” you will recognise it as your reflection. There will come a time when you each greet the “other” with the knowledge and recognition of who they are, why they came into your life and the part they played in allowing you to complete your Soul Journey in this lifetime.

No more Karma Dear Ones, it is being completed now within the Dream Space. Are you not seeing and recognising Souls you have had no contact with for years suddenly appearing in your dreams as you complete the last pieces of your contracts?

Dear Ones, so much is transpiring within and around you. Be gentle on yourselves and each other.

LAUGH often at yourselves - it allows a great energetic shift and your body will thank you as the cells ignite with the laughter.

As always Dear Ones, please remember our Contract with you. We have walked every step with you, held you in the darkness and despair, holding the Light high for you to recognise the way HOME - the way back to WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

Beings of Divine Light and Love.

We celebrate you Dear Hearts.

And so it is.


REMINDER - Archangel Michael Day, (Fundamental tools) MASTERING EARTH AND PERSONAL CHANGES 28th May 10.30am to 4.30 pm Port Noarlunga
$90 plus shared lunch

Bookings -  or   0408 083 185