Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday Message Archangel Michael
15th May, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

The Miraculous energies of May continue for you. The Celebrations have begun. You are Creator Beings - through your thoughts you Create.

May is the Month of the Mother and the energies of the Mother flow to each and every  Child of the Universe. Breathe into and accept the LOVE of the Mother, feel the warmth of her embrace showering and surrounding you in LOVE. Take the LOVE of the Divine Mother, the Eternal Mother, Mother Earth and breathe that into your Be-ing. This LOVE is palpable and encompasses all life on your beautiful Planet.

May is also the month of Miracles, and once again we ask you to use your creative faculties to bring forth that which you desire. Place your Intention on that which you wish to create for you, and ALL humanity. Allow your Attention to flow out into the world of form to bring whatever you desire into manifestation. Manifestation awaits your command!

Divine Peace and Divine Abundance is created through your thoughts and attention upon it. Feel into the possibility of these “gifts” being the only way Humanity will live from this day forward. Hold that image throughout your day.

Your wish is our command.

We, in the higher realms of Illuminated TRUTH align with you and your wishes. Allow your visions of this “higher realm,” higher reality of PEACE, LOVE AND ABUNDANCE to be all you focus your attention upon. 

Your thoughts and your actions will bring these miracles of Peace on Earth and Abundance to all Be-ings.

You ARE that powerful Dear Ones.

Time to Re-member WHO YOU ARE.

Great changes continue to unravel each new day and as always it is YOU Dear Creator Beings, aligning with these changes that is making a difference.

These are the days you stepped forward for - have you noticed the synchronicities exploding all over the Planet and particularly in your own awareness. Signs from above as requested. You are now Re-membering Home.

All that is unfolding will change your history forever.

As more TRUTHS unfold, as they will rapidly now - hold the hands of those just awakening for they will need your strength and resilience as they begin to understand ALL that they have ever been told is a lie.

For those of you who awakened long ago, you have had time to process information which has allowed you to integrate such over time. You are therefore requested to walk gently with those who are waking, with a jolt, from a very, very, deep slumber.

Hold their hands, wipe their tears, share the knowledge you have gained, but most of all tell them of the magical times that await them, these are the times you chose to experience.

Their initial anger and rage will dissipate more easily than yours because they have you to seek answers from and they will also FEEL what you say is TRUE. The ability to FEEL has increased the energy governing the chakras, and so much has cleared which will allow the TRUTH to resinate in the body more easily. Your ability to just KNOW AND FEEL will increase as the veil lifts for you all.

So much has changed and will change for each and every being on the Planet. The evidence of this NEW EARTH can no longer be denied.

Magical times ahead for ALL HUMANITY. Divine Peace, Prosperity, Equality all that you have asked for, prayed for is now unravelling before each of you.

The Celebrations have begun Dear Ones, as you watch all unfold before you in ways you could have only once dreamed.

As always we stand beside you in Celebration.

Magic and Miracles the new order of each new day.

And so it is.


Skype   angelstoinspire1111

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