Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday Message 1st May, 2017
Archangel Michael Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Blessed Be.

Nurture yourselves and each other as you transition through these energetic changes. Your beautiful bodies, your physical vehicles are acclimatising to the new energies. This is exhausting you mentally and physically, for so much is changing and you have no reference points for all that is unfolding.

TRUST, Dear Ones, you are guided always and monitored for all that you are transmuting. You and your Cosmic family are co-creating all that is transforming before you.

This time on Planet Earth has NEVER been experienced before and you are the trend-setters for all that is unfolding. We in the Higher Realms of Illumination are in AWE of what is evolving.

Each of you as Sovereign Beings, is stepping up and claiming your Mastery in greater increments each day.

Your hearts (higher heart) are opening wider, therefore allowing more LOVE/LIGHT particles to enter your Planet on a daily basis.

It is a Joy to behold and witness the Light Quotient raise everyday. Allow your heart energy to flow forth and incorporate ALL who come into your sphere of influence. Just a smile, a hug, a loving touch or an encouraging word makes a difference in the lives of those around you and this energy then flows out exponentially bringing the LOVE/LIGHT of Peace to your fellowman and your beloved Earth closer to fruition.

If YOU could see the difference YOU make when you offer such a small gesture of kindness to another. It is amplified 10 fold by the vibration going out and touching all within the field. Such a simple thing to do Dear Ones and YOU are creating all that is taking place, allowing for the greatest unfoldment to continue to play out on your Planet.

YOU are co-creating ALL that you see on your Planet. As YOU raise your vibration and then offer that as a feeling, an intention, the magnification is incredible.

Dear Ones, continue to hold each others hands, support each other through this transition. YOU are the most magnificent Souls to EVER step foot on Planet Earth. You chose this time. YOU chose this experience. We see some wince when you hear these words BUT YES Dear Ones you chose it ALL.  For those who feel as if life has knocked them down over and over, can you look back at who you were before such experiences? How much have you grown as a Soul? How much have you learned about yourself and others through your experiences? You are not the same person you where - your Soul has grown, your heart is larger, your capacity for understanding, reaching out with compassion is greater than it ever was.

This is ASCENSION Dear Ones. You did not step into this lifetime for the “easy ride.” All that you have gone through has allowed you to step into your Mastery and the Soul Growth is enormous. Exactly what you agreed to in this time/space.

Soon you will RE-MEMBER all you agreed to and you will rejoice in how far you have evolved and you will realise all those “villains” in your life space all played their roles perfectly to allow you to complete your assignments.

The agreements between Souls is just one part of your RE-MEMBERING. Where you can see the LOVE/LIGHT in the “other” you will recognise it as your reflection. There will come a time when you each greet the “other” with the knowledge and recognition of who they are, why they came into your life and the part they played in allowing you to complete your Soul Journey in this lifetime.

No more Karma Dear Ones, it is being completed now within the Dream Space. Are you not seeing and recognising Souls you have had no contact with for years suddenly appearing in your dreams as you complete the last pieces of your contracts?

Dear Ones, so much is transpiring within and around you. Be gentle on yourselves and each other.

LAUGH often at yourselves - it allows a great energetic shift and your body will thank you as the cells ignite with the laughter.

As always Dear Ones, please remember our Contract with you. We have walked every step with you, held you in the darkness and despair, holding the Light high for you to recognise the way HOME - the way back to WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

Beings of Divine Light and Love.

We celebrate you Dear Hearts.

And so it is.


REMINDER - Archangel Michael Day, (Fundamental tools) MASTERING EARTH AND PERSONAL CHANGES 28th May 10.30am to 4.30 pm Port Noarlunga
$90 plus shared lunch

Bookings -  or   0408 083 185

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