AA GABRIEL – 6.2.12
Dear Ones,
It is once again my honour to work with you even closer. I have watched over you and helped many times when you have required strength and wisdom in your resolve to be the Light that you are.
You are now all called in this momentous year of 2012 to totally and fully step into your passion whilst completely and utterly aligning with the Light.
You are all on this magnificent journey during this tumultuous time. You are playing the game of “pretending to be a human” You have forgotten through the Veil of Ignorance/Amnesia that you are in fact a Divine Being. You know in your Sacred Heart, which is being re-activated and will continue to be, who you truly are. I will lead you on an activation this very evening to bring more Light therefore more Love into your Sacred Heart.
It is time on your Planet for the Love Vibration to be embraced by all her inhabitants – even those you judge as “not having a heart.” I tell you now is the time when the Heart of the Planet and the heart of all mankind are being reactivated.
For some of you have noticed in the last few months or years what you would call “heart palpitations” and you may have feared something untoward was happening. We in the Angelic Kingdom smiled as we saw the fear dissipate as these conditions (some even had heart scans or contacted their doctors) only to be told – you are completely healthy.
We stand with all humanity, all those who choose to make the necessary changes to bring back the Golden Liquid Light energy of the heart. As this Liquid Light becomes more visible to you – you will know that all of humanity has the greatest opportunity to bring the full spectrum Love and Light of the Creator back to the Planet of Free Will.
This Christed Light is now permeating the Planet and you are the ones who said: “Here I AM I WILL do this.”
We acknowledge your dedication to this purpose. We see the beautiful Light that each of you radiates from your Heart Centre. Breathe that Love, that Light out into the world for other’s to see and experience.
Dear Ones, you said: “I wish to be that Love, I wish to be that Light”
You are – job well done.
It is with great Love and Appreciation we acknowledge the Gift you are to the Planet. We also ask you to keep radiating who you are. It is a critical time now on the Planet - much is changing, moment by moment. Momentous changes are happening – you are the ones guiding those changes – you are the ones setting the pace. You are the ones who said: “I AM here, what can I do?”
You are doing the work you came to do and we stand in honour and gratitude for all you have achieved so far and Dear Ones you have only just begun.
Well done dear Angels – well done.
I AM AAGABRIEL – Call on me
Leslie-Anne Menzies
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