Dear Ones
Thank you for welcoming me here today I can feel the excitement building as we move with great purpose to the events that have been talked of for Millennia.
I AM assigned the task of supporting Mother Earth and her beings toward the many changes that have taken place and the multitude that are about to befall the Planet.
Mother Gaia as most of you are aware has suffered a trauma beyond the scale ever thought possible. She has reacted and is still reacting leading towards the most amazing transformation that those who choose to stay and play are about to witness.
Never before has such a time been experienced. This is a very new phase in your history. Much will fall and crumble but much will arise and be glorified. The Mother will return stronger and more beautiful than you dare to imagine.
My role is to assist you, her inhabitants to understand that what is about to take place is necessary and immediate.
You will not recognize yourselves or your Earth at the completion of all that is about to transpire.
Just as the magnetics of the Earth are shifting and changing so are the magnetics of each being on the Planet.
Up until recently your electro magnetic being was wired a certain way, a way in which you have been controlled and manipulated and kept in fear.
As your electro magnetic shield is being reconfigured and realigned the “old you” is leaving and a very new refined version of the Human Angel is being awakened.
Much of who you were - your fears, anger, resentments, any of your old energetics are leaving your body - do you not feel that? Old hurts, anger and memories are surfacing. We tell you now - let them surface, let them pass through the energetics of your body to be released for transformation and transmutation. Leaving room for a very new template to be brought into being.
You are now attracting miracles to you and when you are able to let go of all that you were and allow all that you are to come into being, watch your life transform.
It is indeed a pleasure to assist you all on this spiritual re-alignment as you bring not only the Earth but yourselves into balance and harmony.
The Earth and you are ONE - each needing to be in alignment and so it will be.
Many, many changes are before you and I ask that as fears arise, release them to the Light - they no longer serve you. Let them go with LOVE and be prepared to welcome the New Earth and the New You - where LOVE is the new energetic. Welcome in Peace and Unity as the new energetics of Being.
I Sandalphon am here to be of service to all humanity as we walk this new path together - call on me often.
I AM AA Sandalphon and it is my honour to share this journey.
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