Monday, July 11, 2016

11th July, 2016

Monday Message                                                              11th July, 2016   
Archangel Michael                                                            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Miraculous times are upon you. Many of you are making comments to affirm this is so.
Do not look back at the chaos that is playing out in the old world - this is the last vestige of the old structure and its final decay.

All is in perfect, divine order - all is in agreement as to how the end times would be.

Instead, look to what is unfolding in the most miraculous of ways.

See the Wonder. Breathe in the Miracles.

Know that the I AM THAT I AM  that is you, is leading the way.

I AM the Animal Kingdom living in peace and harmony with my brethren, showing human- ity what is possible.

I AM  the Mineral Kingdom with my crystal structures being activated all over the beautiful Planet. The ley-lines that are now singing in harmony and synchronicity.

I AM the Plant Kingdom returning to you my wondrous bounty in the form of medicinal plant resurgence.

I AM the New Children bringing forth new technologies and solutions once only dreamed of until recently.

I AM the Star Nations who have supported you for eons and now ready and waiting for reunification once more.

I AM the Angels, Ascended Masters and Beings of Light who have walked with you every step now waiting to re-unite with you and walk these next momentous steps in unison.

I AM THAT I AM and so much more - Dear Ones embrace all these aspects of YOU - the “I AM PRESENCE” as you move into these next extraordinary energies that are now presently assisting you on a moment to moment basis.

All is in perfect preparation for your return to WHO YOU CAME TO BE.

All is unfolding in perfect alignment. You are unravelling from your cocoon you placed upon yourselves. You are ready now to unveil the NEW YOU,  Ready to open to the magnificent possibilities of ALL THAT IS.

A time like no other - only ever imagined in your dreams until this moment.

Send your thoughts into this creation - picture you, your humanity and all the Beings who have assisted you on this long arduous journey back to YOU. Living and loving in the most extraordinary of times.

Allow yourselves the ability to dream the big dreams, free of all the restrictions you once knew. Your freedom to be who you came to be, is now your reality. The last of the chaos is fading away. Believe in who you are. Believe in what you have come to BE and DO at this time.

There are no limits - ALL is possible in your New Earth - ALL is possible in your new bodies, your new awareness.

As you take each step in this new Creation, KNOW you are creating with new freedom and desires you have held in place until this perfect moment.

No more fear Dear Ones - only LOVE lives on this New Earth. As each of you step forward, regaining your power and your JOY you transform not only yourselves but you give others the momentum to step into their own Be-ingness.

We ask you to reach out your hearts and hands to assist those beside you to take that leap with you. You are leading the way in glorious harmony, allowing others to make the changes necessary to speed up their own evolution.

What glorious times await Dear Ones, hold the vision of all that you desire for your moment to moment unravelling of your New Earth.

Out picture through your 3rd eye ALL that you wish to see and experience in these magical times.

Allow the dreams to become reality because of the Creators that you are.

All is moving forward rapidly now. LOVE is surrounding each of you - you are the LOVE you came to be. LOVE now envelopes your Planet, covering the last of the darkness.

BE THAT LOVE          BE THAT LIGHT        Just BE Dear Ones

As always we walk each step you take, we are assisting you in every moment, loving you always.

And so it is.



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