4th July, 2016
Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
What a magical
day we in-joyed yesterday. It was a Joy to share the day and to witness Souls
standing up and opening up to more of who they have come to be - well done,
Dear Ones.
Such acceptance
and agreement between souls will flow out to the Collective and this of course
is desirous.
So many more
Beautiful Be-ings are now stepping up, accepting personal responsibility for
their growth, awareness and ascension. With that responsibility comes the
desire to then impart that knowledge to those who follow in their footsteps.
Dear Ones, you
will be noticed by the vibration you are now emitting and many will now be
drawn to you. So much is about to change for all Be-ings on your Planet. It is
wonderful that there are now so many leading the way ready to be the support
team for those following closely behind.
So much more
Light has recently entered your Planet. This Light allows many more to awaken
from their deep, deep slumber and be ready to follow the Light they see
radiating just in front of them.
Take all of this
new information and integrate it and then share it. So necessary at this
The changes that
are right before you demand a stepping up of information and knowledge. If you
are unsure of something you have seen, been told, read - place your hand on
your heart - feel the resonance - is it true for you? Let this be your guide in
all things in the vastly unfolding world you now live.
As you
experienced we are so close to you now. All the Be-ings of Light, the Angels,
Masters, Star Brother’s and Sisters wish for you to acknowledge and share your
experiences more fully.
Reach out Dear
Ones, call on us we are so willing to assist. Enormous shifts are rapidly
occurring within each of you, along with the massive Earth changes in your
Walk through the
seams with ease and grace Dear Ones. Do not get caught in the chaos or
uncertainty. You have been given so many tools that allow for you to make other
Stand tall, be
the loving guides you are to be at this time - you are so needed as each Soul
traverses their own space.
Dear Ones, it is
time for you to be of service to your fellow Be-ings.
Be who you came
to be Dear Ones, that shining Light for all to see through their own darkness.
And so it is.
Angel Therapy Practitioner

Leslie-Anne Menzies
Author ABC of Angels (Children’s Book)
Angel Intuitive, Reiki, Theata Healing,
Spiritual Counsellor, Group Meditation
Ph 08 8327 3303, 0408 083 185
Skype: angelstoinspire1111
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