MONDAY MESSAGE Archangel Michael
24th April, 2017 Leslie-Anne Menzies
Dear Ones,
You are on the cusp of a massive evolutionary spike in Human Consciousness. You held and arranged the space for this to occur, and occur it will.
You are bringing forth wisdom and information that has been “hidden” for eons.
The time is right - the time is NOW.
You will experience some of your greatest triumphs in these next coming months. For many, this has been a long process and some have given up just before the end line was insight.
For those who have stayed the distance and continued on against all the obstacles that appeared on your pathway, YOU will reap rewards beyond your wildest imaginings.
These are the times you came for. You have prepared for such moments as these when you first set your foot on Planet Earth in this lifetime. You knew what was before you. You knew it was not to be an easy accomplishment BUT still you said “send me,” I can complete this mission against all the odds - and here YOU are.
You were NEVER alone, we walked every step of the way beside you, encouraging you when you became too weary to continue.
You have now begun to “feel” that progress has indeed been made and you are leaning into the New Earth with new awareness and insights being delivered to you daily.
Still more of the puzzle pieces are to be revealed and we remind you Dear Ones, each of you hold your own Unique Piece and each of you is required to step forth and place that piece so that ALL can be revealed.
What is your piece Dear One and are you bringing it forward?
No more time to hide or play small in the shadows. The shadows are fading into the Light that is now radiating in greater quantity each new day.
Be the Creator you came to be Dear Ones.
It is indeed your time to shine and the tools are now available for that to happen for each of you. Deep in your hearts you know these words to be true. You have been given the gift of greater confidence, you have searched your Higher Heart and you are now ready to Shine - please do so Dear Ones.
This transition you are instigating is now fully engaged and you are the Transition Team employed to bring the Light.
Dear Ones much is unfolding in your reality now and you are no longer buying into the “fearful” information being played out in an effort to control and manipulate you as in the past. Your unique Light and Soul Signature now defines YOU.
In the past we have stated NO MORE WARS on Planet Earth.
The Company of Heaven, the Galactics and the Beings of Light support the Earths return to full being-ness and will no longer allow or tolerate what you have been told by the mainstream “fear” campaigns.
You are more knowledgable now, and will no longer be seduced into “fear” thinking. You are the keepers of the New Earth, a pristine New Earth awaits you. You are creating it daily with your LIGHT AND THE LOVE that you are.
Come out fully from the shadows Dear Ones, let your Light shine to its fullest radiance and no darkness can exist in that space.
Dear Ones, we always have, and always will be your Companions on the journey. The journey has stepped up, the excitement is palpable and we stand together Heart to Heart.
Let’s step into this next evolutionary leap once again.
And so it is.
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