Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday 16th December, 2012       Archangel Michael            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here you are almost at the end of a most challenging, exciting, life changing year - think back (if you can remember) to this time last year. How much has shifted, not only your life but everyone around you all over this magnificent Planet.

You are not the person you were - it is not the World as you use to know it. For many of you 2012 was the year you anticipated from the moment you inhabited the Planet.

You came to this time “knowing” what would take place and here you are. And now it begins in earnest. The changes you have dreamed of are coming into fruition. Slowly at first but we tell you Dear Ones - when you look back at the events of the next year, and the  next year and the year after that..Almost nothing will be as it was. The most exciting expansive time is before you. The reason you came to Planet Earth, the reason you said
“send me.”  I AM the ONE who will assist my fellow beings on this rapid, expansive growth of the New Planet Earth.

Still so much work to be done Dear Ones but with the energetics you all anchored into the Planet on 121212 you are all up for the task.

You are the ones who will now bring in these transitions with Ease and Grace.

The LOVE you ARE is permeating every thought, word and deed you now undertake.

Can you not “feel” how wide your heart is open? Once when events, events that are of divine nature of course, took place somewhere else in the World, although you acknowledged it and it affected you emotionally - nothing like compared to now. You feel these events as if it was your child, your friend, your loved one, as indeed each one is.

Allow yourself to feel the compassion and the love and extend it out to those who mourn and grieve (including yourselves) but please remember Dear Ones these souls have chosen this journey to awaken even the most hardened heart so that Heaven can finally rest on the Earth. These beautiful souls have completed their mission and we all rejoice at what has transpired.

So much yet has to transition but as more and more souls awaken to the Love and Light now imploding the Planet things will more more rapidly and the expansion will take place more effectively. The times you have anticipated “Peace on Earth” will happen in an excelerated manner.

Open your beautiful Hearts even wider Dear Ones. Be and show the Love You Are - extend it out to every being: those close to you and those at a distance, so that which once divided you, now unites you.

Your Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters remind you, they are part of “Your Transition Team” we are all in this together and we honour the work you do, the Love You Are and applaud you for “showing up when it was required of you.” You knew this was never going to be an easy assignment but here you are.

Honour the souls also who stood aside and allowed you to more into humanity to perform one of the greatest acts of LOVE to befall mankind.

You are indeed honoured Dear Ones, blessed and you are loved beyond measure for all you contribute to this mass transformation.

We stand beside you, holding your hands and hearts.

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday Meditation   10th December, 2012     Archangel Michael      Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are in the final preparation for the wonderful life changing times ahead.  So much has been shifted in your realities and there is still much to come. However, with all that will be revealed to you during these next cosmic moments you will be of much greater awareness and acceptance of the changes that are just before you.

Are you ready to be all you came to be? The seeds of that rememberance will be released and then those feelings you have held deep within your being will once again be ignited to flourish.

Those seed thoughts, feelings have been with you since you came into this incarnation and have laid dormant - apart from the yearnings and feelings of knowing you were here to do something so much more than what your 3rd Dimensional life was offering you.

Open your heart even wider Dear Ones as you allow the LOVE that you are to shine forth, lighting not only your own path but that of your brothers and sisters on this journey back home.

You will shine your Light so brightly it will have such a wonderous effect on all who come into your field of awareness and they will also be ignited to follow their passions.

The “Piece of the Puzzle” - your unique signature piece is about to blossom taking you on a truly inspirational journey you have been longing to take.

So many of the “gifts” you once used so freely will once again be returned to you and like small childring learning for the first time your excitement levels will be astounding.

Hold each other’s hands as the last traces of this transformation takes place. Allow each other to just “BE” who they truly are.

LOVE has always been and always will be the key to the most wonderous future you can imagine.

Embrace each other with the LOVE you are as we embrace you.

Joyous times are ahead Dear Ones and we share that love and that joy as it is finally being reflected back to us. This co-creation has always been available to each of you - and now working with the Angelics, the Masters, the Beings of Light will become an everyday event. Many of you have felt “unworthy” to work with us in the past but that unworthiness is being relinquished as you step into your true mastery just one of the many transformations to take place.

What a magical future we will bring to the Earth as we work in unision in LOVE and LIGHT.

I AM Archangel Michael

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Meditation  December 3rd 2012       Archangel Michael    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

What a tremendous energy today brings with it. What did you notice? Can you not feel the vibration of the Planet shifting and changing on a daily basis? Intense energies are being beamed to the Earth from the Galactic Core to transform and transmute. Are you feeling it?

Many of you are noticing a heightened awareness of all that is coming into your bodies and energetic fields.

So many things are changing, people are reacting in various ways - not all positive. It is definately shaking things up. No longer can Mother Earth’s desire to be noticed be ignored. The dance of the Masculine/Feminine energies continues and the balance is still looking to find centre.

So many of you Beloved are noticing how “happy” you are at times and love the feeling even thought it may not last all day, it is certainly noticeable. Many are commenting on the co-operation that is springing up in certain parts of the world - much without any fuss what-so-ever. New ways, new solutions are fast appearing - Ease and Grace are becoming noticeable to many. A lot of the struggle is disappearing - therefore the feeling of happiness shows up in your space more often. Sometimes you have no idea why you are “just happy.”

As more and more of the 3rd Dimension  with its rigid structures collapses this feeling of Ease and Happiness shows up with the feeling of freedom.

We Angelics and the Master Realms are so close to you, working side by side as we sweep the old away and bring in these new transformative energies.

Such amazing, challenging, exciting times are ahead for all. We tell you one more time - hang on tight the ride is so much fun now. We are enjoying sharing these momentous times with you and look forward to future conversations when we will look back at this point in history and go WOW.

Enjoy Dear Ones, Enjoy.

I AM Archangel Michael

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

26th November 2012 Archangel Michael

MONDAY MEDITATION  26th November, 2012  Archangel Michael    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Your struggles are many at this moment. The intensity of the cleansing and clearing has increased. So much is shifting in your emotional/energetic fields - however, it is leaving for good NEVER to return. So it is in your best interest to just let it flow and let it go.

We in the Angelic Realms are ever so close to you now. Working with you all on this last big clean sweep. You will feel so much “lighter” as you let go. The tears, the anger, the frustration - let go. These are times unlike anything you have ever experienced and you have no guidelines of how it “should” be.

Know that we are loving and supporting you through this great transition. You the Lightworkers and Wayshowers who have taken on this task to hold an intention of Peace and Love on the Earth have been tireless in your efforts and we applaud you for not giving up in these last few weeks. Many of you are so tired, exhausted and we tell you rest, sleep when you need to. Hold strong Dear Ones all your efforts are about to come to fruition.

TRUST is the word we ask you to demonstrate for just a little longer.
TRUST that all is being taken care of for your highest good and the good of all.
TRUST that all will flow to you in perfect ways at the perfect time.
TRUST you are loved beyond your understanding for all you are doing for your own ascension, the ascension of the Earth and for all those you Love so dearly.
TRUST that you will reach a new level of understanding, comprehension and Joy on the other side of these energetics.

All is perfect at this moment - that may not be your human experience but for those of us in the other realsm we see where you are going and the view from our perspective is MAGNIFICENT.

Not long now Dear Ones and we will share that view and you too will see that all is indeed beautiful in your new place of Be-ing.

We look forward to these next few weeks and though they may appear hightened in the energetics and the clearing - what will become is beyond your understanding at this moment.

Remember the theme of today’s message TRUST and all shall be Divine.

You are indeed loved beyond measure.

I AM Archangel Michael 

Monday, November 12, 2012

121212 and 211212


Archangel Michael has requested I hold a Meditation on 12.12.12 and 21.12.12 to assist in calling forth the wonderful energies including the balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine and so much more. 21.12.12 is when the E
arth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way this will open a portal of Divine Love Energy - an exciting time to be present on the Earth. These Meditations will be held in Adelaide and all those who feel called are welcome, please contact me if you wish to attend - blessings

The image of Michael below was drawn for me by Marie Klement and extremely amazing artist and wonderful friend.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday Meditation   12th November, 2012     AAMichael          Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Can you now feel the calmness of the new Solar Light Energies that you called onto the Planet yesterday with the 11/11? You are much more centered, more aligned and yes it has been a very long time since you have felt  this calming vibration. Enjoy Dear Ones. This is what it is to live in the 5th Dimension - more and more will these enegies cover your existence. You will be so attractive to those who still reside in the 3rd Dimension - where chaos is the order of their day.

Have I not told you that as you ground more easily into your 5D reality, your friends, loved ones and all others who are still “choosing” and yes I do highlight “choosing” to remain in 3D will want to know what you do that is different!

As you who have chosen 5D will know, it is a much clearer, clamer space to occupy and more will join you soon.

As the energies now speed up as we approach the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12 the Solar Light,and the Lunar Eclipse energies will intensify and so many more souls will be drawn to this Light and to YOU. You will be vibrating at such a rate of Light those in 3D will want to join you. As they see your life and your Light working beautifully in Peace, Harmony, and Contentment they will want that as their own.

You need do nothing other than BE who you are. Your Light will do all that is necessary and they will then come into their own alignment in their own perfect time.

Just “BE” Dear Ones that is the road you now walk. You have worked so hard for so long to accomplish all you have. Now it is time for you to bask in this Light that you have been instrumental in bringing forth.

Those of us in the Angelic and Master Realms have been by your side constantly supporting and guiding you BUT we could NEVER do what you have done and achieved. As we have told you - you needed to be “embodied” to fulfil the mission and that is why we are like proud parents who have watched over you, picked you up when you fell and encouraged you to try again and again.

Do not dismiss our recognition of you for you truly are Great Beings of Light - now more so than ever before.

As you continue on this mission to bring more and more Solar Light, and Love Light to this planet, that part of the Father/Mother God - the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine will be in balance once again. Can you not see why we celebrate this time?

Once upon a time we agreed to all participate in this Great Cosmic Moment and here you are and here we are once again joined in unison the Unified Field of all Possibilities awaits.

What a Grand Celebration Dear Ones!

You are loved beyond measure - I AM Archangel Michael and this is my Truth

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings.

Monday Meditation   5th November 2012    AA Michael            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

You are the “Light of the World”- take this mantle and honour yourselves and the role you have chosen to play as humanity makes the greatest Shift of the Ages.

You are the ones who were called to walk out front, to lead the way. You the Lightworkers Wayshowers, Starseeds - here you are ready for the grandest challenge of your life on Earth.

You have waited and now the wait is coming to its conclusion. You see so much shifting and changing in your world, sometimes it is more than you can bear but here you are. I wish to address today a way in which you can ease your burden and that of those around you.

I remind you Dear Ones in order to carry more Light in your physical beings you need to regularly bring that Light - the Christed Light down into your physical bodies with the intention of filling first your own cup and then pouring forth the Light onto this wonderous Planet and all her inhabitants.

Call on me AAMichael to assist you in your meditations to bring forth this Light. All the Angelic Realm await your calls of assistance which we lovingly provide.

Light is needed for all to make the necessary changes. You have agreed to be that Light and anchor it for your fellow beings.

Regularly and Consciously breath in the Light of Creation. The more you practice this excercise the better you will feel. With the highest of intention then send more and more of this Cosmic Gold out to others. You will notice a dramatic change in not only yourselves but those around you.

The Light being shone on the darkness is making a huge impact on all - it is speeding up the process.

The more light you can accept and then share, the faster you will see the changes happening. Light brings “Wellness.” You are treating your trillions of cells to this “Light Bath” everytime you invoke Light into your being.

Can you see what a difference will be felt when “Wellness” becomes more available to humanity. This is but one of the numerous changes you will see in the very near future and from our perspective it will have enormous reprocussions throughout the Universe.

As you all begin to take back your individual Power - Wellness is akin to the amount of Light travelling through every cell, cleansing, clearing, rejuvinating.

When you fully grasp the power you have over your own well-being and vibrant health you will make this a “daily bath” just as you use water - so you will use the “Light.”

So many more gifts await you - be aware, be in the Light, practice this excercise daily and watch how your “Light” body responds.

These are exciting times you are experiencing and we stand with you offering assistance always.

Call on me often.

I AM AA Michael

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday Meditation 29th October, 2012        AAMichael            Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

You are riding the waves of change more magnificently that you give yourselves cedit for. If you could only see it from our vantage point you would all be celebrating and rejoicing in your many accomplishments.

You have changed so many of the timelines and instigated changes not even we were aware could happen and here you are - surprising those who believe in you completely.

There is a crest in the waves approaching, one you have been preparing for, for eons and you are about to take a huge leap forward in your consciousness - the reason you are here is to raise the consciousness/vibration of Planet Earth.

It is so close, what you are feeling is the “build up” the preparation it takes for you as a collective to be at the right time and place and joined in your human evolution groups ready and willing to ride the “big-one.”

You are ALL facilitating the changes and you are ALL responsible for what you bring forward into this new awareness YOU are creating.

We love and assist you at all times. Remember Dear Ones - you are the Creators, you are the Ones making the changes with your collective thoughts and dreams for the World you wish to inhabit in these times of Evolutionary Magic. We remind you again, keep your thoughts, clean, clear and focused on what it is you wish to vision for this New Earth.

What a time it is you have agreed to be here to meet these challenges - you were excited and elated when you first dreamed this dream and we ask you to remember what part you chose to play.

Take time and ask in your dreams, your daydreams, meditations to pose just that question.
Remind me of my role? Glimpses of it will form and you will have ahah moments allowing you to move forward in complete knowing of what you wish to accomplish.

TRUST your guidance and intuition, it is leading you to a place of magic and wonderment.

All is as it is meant to be, remind yourself of that TRUTH the next time something happens and you revert to your old fears and doubts. Remember who you are - you are the greatest of Beings who agreed to bring this plan to fruition.

Look in the mirror Dear Ones, see through the illusion, see through the Dimensions to your God Core and then you will see what we see - Magnificent Beings creating a Miraculous New Earth.

When you truly know YOU, how this Earth will thrive just as you planned.

Join hands and hearts Dear Ones, the time for you to KNOW yourselves in your true Divinity is upon you.

Accept this TRUTH, move forward on your journey with your bellow beings and see what wonderment lies before you.

As always we walk each step with you and you are so loved.

I AM Archangel Michael 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday 22nd October, 2012

Monday Meditation 22nd October, 2012         AA Michael          Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

You are noticing how important it is to take extra care of your physical bodies during the changes that are taking place. All of your bodies, emotional, physical, spiritual and etheric are assimilating.

You do well to rest more whenever you feel the need. Grounding is so very important, as the Mother shifts and changes, so do you. Ground often and you will feel the benefits.

Many of you are feeling particularly unstable in so many areas of your life and I remind you Dear Ones this is how it will be for sometime yet. So much is changing. The Angelic Realms are working with you and through the Company of Heaven much dispensation is coming into your awareness. Many Angelics, including the Angels of Transformation are working in your energy fields/auras to help you assimilate what is taking place.

Call on these beings when you feel overwhelmed, which so many of you are experiencing at these times of massive movement forward.

So much is leaving you and your bodies but so much more is being given to you. You are beginning to RE-MEMBER the great beings you came to be.

When others present “their stuff” (arguments, disagreements, anger, hurts etc) . . . please just bless them and let them go. It is not yours to own - allow it to pass over you and do not grab a hold of it hence adding it to your field.

We ask you to show great compassion during these most challenging times. Stand tall in who you are and do not allow anything but wonderful thoughts to penetrate your field. With practice you will begin to acknowledge it is not about you and let the reactions of others  pass you by. The feelings of greater alignment of your energy will re-stablize much faster. These new skills will become so very important to you and as you become masterful teach others.

Become the Observer next time you experience another persons anger surface - stand in your field do not “go to theirs” and see what a difference it makes to you. Turn the other cheek will become a wonderful lesson in these coming days. Not only will you feel better in yourself but you will become an example to others  of how to play this new game of non-reaction.

We watch in great awe as you finalise this “old game” and how excited you are becoming about the new energies that are now sweeping your Planet.

It is becoming more frequent you get to see glimpses of the Perfection you will be living in these very near times.

We have always been by your side and you are feeling our connection more readily now. The solitude many of you have experience during this lifetime is leaving - you are changing from the inside out - so much of your past is leaving your field - so many outmoded ways of living, being and doing - you are on the new road and the view ahead is magnificent.

We enjoy walking this road together with you. These days are just a taste of what is before you and we will continue to walk together on this New Earth.

Blessings Dear Ones, Blessings,

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday 15th Oct. 2012 AA Michael

MONDAY MEDITATION      15th Oct 2012     AA Michael             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here I AM once more reminding you of the amazing beings that you are. Your progression through this year of great change and challenge has happened at the speed of knots.

You are remembering to breath and claim your Mastery more often, but not always. You will begin to claim more of the new you as you progress through these next exhilarating few weeks. When you look back on this past year, can you see the many changes you have made? More importantly can you “feel” the changes? Much has been occuring in your Emotional/Mental bodies and we have made reference to this on previous occasions. You are beginning to now have a different association with emotion. Many of you are experiencing the taking on of more responsibility, especially for how you feel or react to what is happening in the noisy, confusion of the 3rd Dimenion. 

Can you now sense when you look at what is happening “out there” that you now make a choice as to whether you wish to “play” in the noise or not. For many of you the choise is “NO.” You are still very much a part of this world but can remain detached from the turmoil that so many are still focusing on.

You are activiting more discernment and observation. You are now chosing how you wish to play the game. Because you are so much more conscious, you make more informed choices and choose outcomes that are more pleasant for your emotional well-being. For many of you the heart/chakra - higher heart is opening more and more with the Love that is being radiated from Creation.This is very exciting for those of us who are overseeing the ending of the old ways.

We say;  “Well Done Dear Ones.”

There are multiple choices you can make and as you learn what feels good or better for your energy, more will be making the choice to leave behind the noise and confusion of the 3rd Dimensional world and step more consciously into the 5th Dimension.

Many souls still playing the “old game” are watching you - they see your life proressing in a positive manner, albeit not necessarily perfect but much calmer, quieter and more peaceful. They sense the calmness in your voice, how you move through your day and it is becoming very attractive.

By placing your attention on the 5th Dimension and using the high Vibrational Words that appear in your vocabulary more is finding its way into your space.

You the Lightworker’s and Wayshower’s are being asked again to take another leap forward. You are needed so much during these closing days of 2012. Much is still shifting and changing in these next few weeks and you have been aligning your energy to lift the vibration of the Planet.

This is the time you have waited for and yes there have been many delays this year, however the time has come to move yourself forward as this spectacular year of 2012 nears completion.

So much has been achieved, so much more will happen in these next few weeks.  2012 has been a major transition year and as we move into 2013 and onwards much more transition will occur.

Your Light is needed more than ever - do you have the staminar and committment to take this transition to it’s grandest heights?

I have said many times you will look back over these times and see the momentous steps that have been taken and you will know you were there when the call went out and you answered.

Here I AM you said.

It is with great love and appreciation I walk beside you at this time.

I AM Archangel Michael 

MONDAY MEDITATION      15th Oct 2012     AA Michael             Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Here I AM once more reminding you of the amazing beings that you are. Your progression through this year of great change and challenge has happened at the speed of knots.

You are remembering to breath and claim your Mastery more often, but not always. You will begin to claim more of the new you as you progress through these next exhilarating few weeks. When you look back on this past year, can you see the many changes you have made? More importantly can you “feel” the changes? Much has been occuring in your Emotional/Mental bodies and we have made reference to this on previous occasions. You are beginning to now have a different association with emotion. Many of you are experiencing the taking on of more responsibility, especially for how you feel or react to what is happening in the noisy, confusion of the 3rd Dimenion. 

Can you now sense when you look at what is happening “out there” that you now make a choice as to whether you wish to “play” in the noise or not. For many of you the choise is “NO.” You are still very much a part of this world but can remain detached from the turmoil that so many are still focusing on.

You are activiting more discernment and observation. You are now chosing how you wish to play the game. Because you are so much more conscious, you make more informed choices and choose outcomes that are more pleasant for your emotional well-being. For many of you the heart/chakra - higher heart is opening more and more with the Love that is being radiated from Creation.This is very exciting for those of us who are overseeing the ending of the old ways.

We say;  “Well Done Dear Ones.”

There are multiple choices you can make and as you learn what feels good or better for your energy, more will be making the choice to leave behind the noise and confusion of the 3rd Dimensional world and step more consciously into the 5th Dimension.

Many souls still playing the “old game” are watching you - they see your life proressing in a positive manner, albeit not necessarily perfect but much calmer, quieter and more peaceful. They sense the calmness in your voice, how you move through your day and it is becoming very attractive.

By placing your attention on the 5th Dimension and using the high Vibrational Words that appear in your vocabulary more is finding its way into your space.

You the Lightworker’s and Wayshower’s are being asked again to take another leap forward. You are needed so much during these closing days of 2012. Much is still shifting and changing in these next few weeks and you have been aligning your energy to lift the vibration of the Planet.

This is the time you have waited for and yes there have been many delays this year, however the time has come to move yourself forward as this spectacular year of 2012 nears completion.

So much has been achieved, so much more will happen in these next few weeks.  2012 has been a major transition year and as we move into 2013 and onwards much more transition will occur.

Your Light is needed more than ever - do you have the staminar and committment to take this transition to it’s grandest heights?

I have said many times you will look back over these times and see the momentous steps that have been taken and you will know you were there when the call went out and you answered.

Here I AM you said.

It is with great love and appreciation I walk beside you at this time.

I AM Archangel Michael 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Archangel Michael 8th October 2012

Monday Meditation 8th October 2012              AA Michael - Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

These times are increasing in activity and bringing you all to a new awareness. For many the stress on your human bodies is intolerable. I tell you Dear Ones, relax, breath into the changes. Do not be so hard on yourselves. This process can be so much easier for you all if you will stay in Present Time and just Allow.

So many of you are living in the future or the past - both places do not exist. I have shared with you many times the NOW is all you have. When you finally embrace this concept you will find your daily routine so much easier to live through.

The Breath is so important, you will become much more in tune with nature and yourselves when you completely understand this simple principle. Just breath - even saying it to yourself reduces your bodies reaction to outside stimuli. “Just Breath” do you not feel the difference - all comes into a clearer NOW focus and all is well in your body and your world. If you remember to say this to yourself and others during times of struggle what an enormous difference you will feel - it will become for you a mantra in these excellerated times.

Relax, Breath, Love, Enjoy this is what is required at this time for your planetary evolution. So much in your reality is shifting and changing. You are unsure of your future - you have no idea what is to happen with your finances, your careers, your way of be-ing so I remind you once again Dear Ones, just Breath knowing all will be well.

You are living in a time when you will breath into your reality that which you choose. That is how important the breath is to you. This is how amazing you are as co-creators with Creation.

What you can hold in your mind as a concept - how you want to manifest into your reality becomes available through creation and through the breath. Hold the vision in your minds eye/pineal gland and then breath that image into the picturing of the perfection of your breath.

You are the most amazing creative beings who have ever walked this Planet and it is NOW you are beginning to see proof of the Power of your Creation.

Start small, ask to experience the incredible gifts you have, picture it, then outpicture it into your reality and you will become witness to what shows up in your life.

TRUST yourselves to be the Creators you are. Have fun with your creations, watch as you change your life on a daily basis. You have in the past relied on, prayed to the Creator of all that is - believing you were seperate - now understand you are ONE WITH Creation and watch as you bring into your reality your hearts desires.

You have Free Will with Creation to manifest all you desire - the tools of creation are available to you to be used for the Highest Good of ALL. 

Play with these tools in INTEGRITY and TRUTH and witness your creations taking shape.

So many more tools are becoming available to you - the Heaven you have prayed for will and is manifesting fully on your Earth and as each of you take greater responsibility for the role you asked to play more will become available to you.

You told the Creator “I AM here, I have come to be all that I can be.” The Creator wishes for you to be the most magnificent expression of your I AM PRESENCE and then reflect that out for all to see.

You are doing this - all in Creation are pleased.

And so it is.

I AM Archangel Michael

Monday, August 27, 2012

Archangel Michael 27th August 2012


                       Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

Be gentle with yourselves and each other - so much of your old way of being is falling away in your reality. Do not try to hold on so tight to what was. What was, no longer serves you. Many of you are reminising over old jobs, old relationships, old places of residence and wishing you could return to them - even knowing that they were not the answer when you were fully engaged there. We have spoken of the void - which is where you are residing at this moment but all is about to change. Feel the power as you take in a long, deep breath - feel the connection to All That Is. Your new way of being rests here in the NOW moments - breathe deeply Dear Ones all is well.

We reaffirm for you that your time of struggle is over - you are in the last days of your old world but you keep trying to clutch on to the shore which is fast eroding through your fingertips.

Let go, let go, there is a new shore line on the horizon and when you can truly release your last grab for the old, just float awhile in the calm, clear waters, you will see in the distance that it is only an arms length to the new shore - this is the place you have dreamed of inhabiting for eons.

The new shore is why you incarnated in this lifetime. You were the brave souls who wished to be the leaders of this New Earth. You are almost at the dock - keep breathing kowing that the shore is ready to greet you and welcome you into your new way of being.

It is within reach - breathe easy.

You are the ones ready to inhabit this New Earth. You will be the ones writing the new Rule Book.

This is such an amazing opportunity to create your New World in such a way that all will live in Peace, Harmony and Abundance. This is what you are creating with each new soul arriving at the shore.

Many of you went ahead to prepare the way for your brothers and sisters and you are feeling fatigued from the long journey. You are now ready to rest on the shore as the others prepare to join you.

You shall celebrate the times ahead with great Joy and above all LOVE will be the new vibration that supports the New Earth.

You have arrived Dear Ones, well done. Open your arms wide and welcome your brothers and sisters to cross the waters and join in the celebrations.

LOVE has once again triumphed on your Earth.

I AM Archangel Michael - blessings Dear Ones, Blessings and Welcome Home

Monday, August 13, 2012

Archangel Michael August 13th 2012

Monday Meditation      13th August, 2012    Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones

It is time for you to connect most fully to your I AM Presence. All that you have come to do in this lifetime is now being stepped up.

There is no more time to linger in the “what if’s.” Everything is changing so rapidly that on all levels of consciousness you know the time is NOW.

We have told you many times that you are co-creating this reality you are about to step into.  You have been waiting for us to tell you “how it’s going to be” but we remind you - this is your creation, your new way of being with each thought you have. We therefore remind you to keep your thoughts of the highest content. As you out picture using your inner vision and inner wisdom do so with the highest of intention for all beings.

Dear Ones, breath new life into your being, your New Earth, as you create for yourselves the perfect vision of your new lives. You are amazing Creators who have been given a blank canvas in which to release and create your magic. What are you waiting for?

As always we watch in awe as the Greatest of Beings who have ever walked the Planet are now realising who they are and what they have come to do.

The Angelic Realm work with you constantly whispering gentle in your ears on those days when you forget who you truly are.

In the very near future we will no longer have to be your “unseen” guides as you will walk along side us in unision of the vision we all hold for the New Earth.

We remind you also, what you are doing, what you are creating has NEVER been done before. Do you feel that excitement?

You are the Architects and Engineers of this New Earth - do you fully understand the implications of what is before you?

The Angelic Realm can hardly contain the excitement we feel as we see you like small children anticipating an event that is so exciting, so grand and we look forward to that day soon when we once again experience you opening your “GIFTS” that truly reveal the essence of each one of you.

Your potentiality is beyond your current comprehension although you are starting to get a feeling in your dreams and meditations of how it will be. Even though many of you still believe it to be beyond your wildest dreams, that is how it shall be.

Your wildest dreams are about to come to fruition, you are powerful beyond imagination you are co-creators working in co-operation with Creation.

How can you not be amazed by all that is to befall you Dear Ones?

We are your loving and faithful Companions of Light, Overlighted by Archangel Michael